
Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification

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Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification
Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification

Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification

According to the unified deployment of the district committee, from December 4 to December 20, 2023, the first inspection team of the district committee inspected our unit. On March 15, 2024, the inspection opinions were fed. In accordance with the principle of openness of Party affairs and the relevant requirements of inspection work, the progress of inspection and rectification is hereby announced.

1. The implementation of the rectification organized by the Party branch and the main person in charge of the No. 1 Middle School in Huzhong District

After receiving the feedback, a team meeting was held immediately to make comprehensive arrangements for the rectification work. In view of the first inspection team of the district committee, 10 specific and key issues were put forward from four aspects. The Party Branch of the No. 1 Middle School of Huzhong District attaches great importance to the inspection and rectification work, actively fulfills the main responsibility of inspection and rectification, effectively strengthens the organization and leadership, gives full play to the role of overall coordination, and carries out the rectification work in a comprehensive, in-depth and orderly manner.

2. Rectification matters that have been completed during the centralized rectification period

In response to the problems that need to be rectified pointed out by the feedback from the inspection, the real changes have been made, and up to now, a total of 10 problems have been rectified.

(1) Focus on the implementation of the Party's theoretical line, principles, policies, and major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, as well as the requirements of provincial, prefectural, and district committees

1. The study and implementation of the party's innovation theory is not solid. First, the study of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is not solid The learning experience written by individual party members and teachers did not combine the job responsibilities and actual work for in-depth thinking, and the content was not specific. Second, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on building a strong country in education was not included in the learning content of party members and teachers in their units during the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in May 2023. the third is that all teachers were not organized to study the spirit of the report of the 13th Party Congress of Heilongjiang Province; did not learn to convey the spirit of the two sessions of the local government committee in 2023 and study and deploy specific implementation opinions. Fourth, the theoretical study lacks depth, and the members of the branch team are not organized to discuss the learning content of the first topic in accordance with the requirements of the theme education. For example, in May 2023, the branch committee's study of "General Secretary Xi Jinping's Speech at the Education Work Conference on the Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" was limited to theoretical learning, and did not combine theoretical learning to carry out in-depth discussions on the application of this profession in this field.

Rectification: First, all party members were organized to re-study the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and party members wrote specific and in-depth learning experiences in combination with their job responsibilities and actual work. The second is to immediately incorporate the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee into the study plan, and organize a special study meeting, all party members and teachers deeply understand the spirit of the speech, and transform it into a powerful driving force to promote the work. The third is to organize all teachers to study the spirit of the report of the 13th Party Congress of Heilongjiang Province in a timely manner, learn and convey the spirit of the two sessions of the prefectural committee in 2023, study and deploy specific implementation opinions, and ensure that all work is consistent with the spirit of the superiors. Fourth, in 2024, the team members will be able to conduct in-depth discussions on the learning content of the first topic in combination with the work in this field.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

2. There is a gap in the performance of duties and missions. First, there is a lack of understanding of the fundamental task of implementing morality and cultivating people. The transformation from "examination-oriented education" to quality education is not complete, and the concept of all-round development of quality education is not in place. For example, there is still a bad tendency of school leadership groups and teachers to "only score and go on to higher education", and some teachers believe that quality education is to relax management, lower standards, sacrifice study time, etc., and still regard test scores as the only criterion for measuring the quality of school education, and have not fundamentally reversed the unscientific orientation of educational evaluation. Second, the construction and development of the teacher team is insufficient. There are 26 teachers over the age of 50, accounting for 47% of the total number of teachers, and only 1 young teacher under the age of 35. The structure of the discipline is unreasonable, according to the standard of teacher-student ratio, the number of teachers is surplus, and if the curriculum is full according to the needs of the discipline, there will be a structural shortage. It is estimated that 15 teachers will retire in the next three years, and if new teachers are not replenished in time, the teaching of some courses will be restricted. Third, the quality of teaching and scientific research is not high. There is no high-level special research to plan education, teaching and research, and scientific research, and no special meetings are held at the beginning of the year and the beginning of the semester to study and deploy educational and scientific research work; The quality of collective teaching and research is not high, and some disciplines such as geography and chemistry have only one teacher, and they cannot communicate with the same discipline, so the teachers' collective lesson preparation is summarized into "art and sports group" and "comprehensive group", etc., and the "mix-and-match" type of lesson preparation is implemented, resulting in collective lesson preparation becoming "only learning but not research", and losing the meaning of collective lesson preparation; In terms of teaching and research methods, since the after-school extended service, collective teaching and research has been changed to online publishing of learning content, and teachers take notes by themselves, so that the learning of business theory is superficial. Fourth, there are shortcomings in the all-round development of quality education. For example, there are no standard teaching materials for labor classes, there are not many outdoor labor sites, students have fewer opportunities for practice, and the teaching effect is not good; The characteristics of running schools are not obvious, and the school-based curriculum does not reflect the characteristics of the region and the characteristics of the school, and the current school-based curriculum is mental health education, relying on teachers from other places to teach. Fifth, the implementation of the "double reduction" work is not in place. Through conversations, it was learned that in order to improve the grades of the graduating students, the third junior high school class ended half a semester early and entered the preparation for the exam. After on-the-spot inspection of the curriculum and classroom teaching, there are lectures and group tutoring in after-school services. Sixth, the daily supervision and management of teachers' ethics and style of teaching are not in place. The assessment plan for teacher ethics and teaching style has not been formulated, and some teachers have professional burnout, are timid in student management work, and have the idea of "not seeking merit, but seeking no fault".

Rectification: First, the education and training of the school leadership team and teachers have been strengthened, and teachers have deeply understood and agreed with the core concept of quality education. Through the holding of special lectures and other forms, teachers' understanding of quality education has been improved, and the concept of "only scores, only advancement" has been successfully changed. Teachers actively innovate teaching methods and means, and pay attention to cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. The second is to strengthen the training of "all-subject" teachers, and carry out interdisciplinary teaching in practical courses such as comprehensive practice and labor, which solves the problem of structural shortage of teachers. Third, education and scientific research work meetings have been held on a regular basis to clarify the research direction and goals. The quality of collective lesson preparation has been significantly improved, and interdisciplinary exchanges are actively encouraged to ensure the effectiveness of collective lesson preparation. At the same time, it strengthened the study of business theories, and adopted a combination of online and offline methods to deepen the learning and discussion of teachers. Fourth, the teaching materials of labor courses have been improved, and the teaching content has been systematic and standardized. At the same time, the development of outdoor labor sites has increased, providing students with more practical opportunities. Fifth, the "double reduction" policy is strictly implemented, and the course is carried out in accordance with the teaching progress, and there is no early end of the course to prepare for the exam, which ensures that students fully learn and digest knowledge. Sixth, the assessment plan for teachers' ethics and teaching style was formulated and implemented, and the teachers' professional ethics and education and teaching attitudes were comprehensively evaluated. The daily supervision and management of teachers has been strengthened, and teachers have been guided to establish a correct outlook on education and students, and teachers' sense of responsibility and mission has been enhanced.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

3. There are hidden dangers in school safety management. First, there is a mix of people and vehicles at the entrance of the campus during the students' school hours, and the order is chaotic, and there is a lack of dredging and guiding personnel. Second, the logistical support force is relatively weak. There is a serious shortage of staff attrition, except for 4 changers, there is only 1 handyman, and there is a lack of full-time security personnel, resulting in weak campus security capabilities.

Rectification: First, the management of the campus gate during the school hours has been strengthened, and the dredge and guidance personnel have been increased, so as to realize the separation of people and vehicles when students are out of school, maintain good order, and ensure the safety of teachers and students. Second, the logistics support force has been strengthened, and full-time security personnel have been dispatched, the campus security capacity has been improved, and the campus security and stability have been ensured.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

4. The responsibility system for the implementation of confidentiality work is not in place. No organizational structure for confidentiality work has been established. Failure to carry out publicity and education on confidentiality work in the field of education, and failure to make arrangements for confidential matters of student work and confidential matters of teaching work.

Rectification: The organization of confidentiality work has been quickly established, the publicity and education of confidentiality work have been strengthened, and the awareness of confidentiality among teachers and students in the school has been significantly improved.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

5. The rectification effect of the feedback on the patrol is not good. In July 2021, the inspection feedback on the problem of "the branch's research and guidance on the work of the Communist Youth League is not in place", although measures have been formulated to rectify it, but it has not been adhered to for a long time. For example, in this inspection, it was found that the guidance and supervision of the party building of the branch with the league building were still not in place, the league building work meeting was not held regularly as required, and the special study and seminar was not organized in combination with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest speech on youth and the work of the Communist Youth League.

Rectification: The secretary of the school branch has been established as the primary person responsible for the team building work, aiming to ensure the continuous deepening of the team building activities. To this end, the league building affairs have been included in the core agenda of the party branch, and it is ensured that it is regularly studied and guided. At the same time, in response to the latest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of young people and the Communist Youth League, a series of learning and seminar activities were organized to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the importance of the work of the Communist Youth League, so as to promote the comprehensive development and innovation of the work of the Communist Youth League.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

(2) Focus on the overall and strict governance of the Party's main responsibility

6. The implementation of entity responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is not in place. First, the warning education work conference was not held. Since 2023, the Party branch has only held meetings in May and July respectively to study and recommend personnel to participate in the warning education, as well as to prepare for the convening of the Anti-Corruption Warning Symposium. Second, the team members are not in place to fulfill the "one post and two responsibilities". The leaders in charge of the department do not have frequent conversations with the staff in charge of the field of integrity, and do not conduct integrity reminder conversations at important time nodes.

Rectification: First, it has regularly organized and convened relevant meetings such as anti-corruption warning symposiums, and the contents of the meetings have been recorded in detail, providing a reliable basis for follow-up work, and the warning education work has been normalized and institutionalized. The second is to improve and improve the system of clean government talks, and the leaders in charge have regularly carried out clean government talks with the staff in the field in charge as required, and carried out clean government reminder talks at important time nodes, so as to achieve full coverage of clean government education.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

7. There are deficiencies in the management of financial revenue and expenditure and internal control system. First, the equipment procurement project procedures are not rigorous and the contract is not standardized. Second, the procedures for disbursing student financial aid funds are not rigorous. Third, there are loopholes in the management of fixed assets. There is no fixed asset management ledger and no fixed asset card has been established; Failure to follow the provisions of the fixed assets management measures, regular or irregular inventory of fixed assets, no inventory records.

Rectification: First, the management of procurement procedures has been strengthened, and each step is strictly implemented in accordance with the prescribed process. The content of the contract has been strictly reviewed, standardized, and both parties have signed and sealed, and the loopholes in the contract have been avoided. Second, the procedures for the disbursement of student financial aid funds have been improved, and the measures for identifying students with financial difficulties have been quickly formulated, and there are rules to follow in the financial aid work. The files of the subsidized students have been established, the relevant recognition application forms and commitment letters have been filled in as required, and the subsidy funds have been disbursed accurately. Third, the fixed asset management ledger and card have been established, and each fixed asset has a clear and unambiguous record. The regular inventory of fixed assets was carried out in an orderly manner, and the inventory records were retained to ensure that the accounts were in line with the facts. Newly acquired fixed assets can be recorded in the accounts in a timely manner, and the discrepancies between the accounts and the facts will no longer occur.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

(3) Focus on the construction of the party's organizational line in the new era

8. There are weak links in the construction of the leadership group. The first is that the heart-to-heart conversation before the organizational life meeting failed to face the problem directly. Most of them focus on strengthening the sense of service, strengthening theoretical learning and other suggestive content, and the criticism and self-criticism are not profound; Individual party members inspect and analyze materials to find problems that are not deep or detailed, and are mostly summarized in "one sentence", without specific examples, and do not achieve the purpose of seeing people, things, and ideas, and criticizing each other with a spicy taste. The second is to replace the branch committee with other meetings. According to the rules of procedure of the school party branch meeting, important matters related to the reform, development and stability of the school, as well as education, teaching and administrative management, should be discussed and decided by the branch committee. However, individual topics have not been discussed and decided by the branch committee, and are recorded separately in the "three major and one major" meeting or recorded in the minutes of the executive meeting.

Rectification: First, the quality of organizational life will be significantly improved, the pertinence of the heart-to-heart conversation before the meeting will be enhanced, and the problems can be faced and analyzed in depth, and there will no longer be empty suggestions. Criticism and self-criticism have been deepened, and party members can give specific examples, so that they can see people, things, and ideas, and criticize each other with a spicy taste, and have achieved practical results. Second, the meeting procedures are standardized, the rules of procedure of the school party branch meeting are strictly followed, and important matters are discussed and decided by the branch committee, which eliminates the situation of replacing the branch committee with other meetings.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

9. The implementation of the responsibility system for party building work and the work of grassroots party building are not solid. First, the form of party class education is single. Party class education lacks novelty in the form of content, is not very attractive, most of the teaching content is based on the textbook, and the actual integration with the educational work of the unit is not close, the educational effect is not obvious, and there is no discussion, writing experience and other links. Second, the internal filing of party building is not standardized. For example, the internal materials of the first three party classes in 2023 have not been archived according to the "one lesson and one file". Third, the efforts to train activists to join the party are not strong. Since 2022, no activists have been trained or absorbed into the party.

Rectification: First, in close combination with the actual education work of the unit, the teaching content close to the needs of party members has been designed, and the pertinence and effectiveness of education have been significantly enhanced, which has effectively promoted the in-depth understanding and absorption of party members in the content of the party class. Second, the archiving requirements of "one lesson and one file" have been strictly implemented, and the internal materials of the party class are complete and standardized. The existing internal data of the party class has been sorted out and archived in accordance with the specifications to ensure the integrity and traceability of the historical data. Third, we should pay attention to achieving results in the work of recruiting party members among young people. Actively talk with them, care about their work and life, and mobilize them to join the party from the ideological level.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time.

(4) The Party organization secretary's performance of the responsibilities of the first responsible person

10. Falsehood regarding the performance of the responsibility of being the "first responsible person" for comprehensively and strictly administering the Party. First, the implementation of the spirit of the superior documents and work requirements is not solid. For example, in November 2023, the District Education Bureau required all schools to open indoor cultural venues to the public, but due to insufficient implementation and supervision, indoor cultural venues are still not open to the public. Second, the role of "first responsible person" has not been played enough. The main person in charge of the demonstration and driving effect is not strong, and the conduction pressure is not in place. From 2022 to 2023, there will be only 7 conversations with team members and teachers, including 2 team members; The team members did not conduct a clean government reminder conversation with the staff in the field in charge. Third, there is a lack of work coordination ability. In November 2023, Heilongjiang Provincial Teacher Development College issued the "Notice on Holding the Second Training of the Provincial High School Entrance Examination Proposition Special" to require 2 teachers to participate in the training, but in the face of the shortage of teachers and heavy teaching tasks, no overall arrangements were made for relevant teachers to participate in the training, resulting in the loss of the opportunity to obtain the information of the provincial English and ideological and political courses in the high school entrance examination.

Rectification: First, quickly organize personnel to complete the rectification of indoor cultural venues, and have realized opening and management in accordance with the requirements of superiors. Supervision has been strengthened, regular follow-up work has progressed smoothly, and the spirit and work requirements of superiors have been fully implemented. Second, the role of the "first responsible person" has been fully exerted, and the clean government talks have been carried out on a regular basis, and the clean government education for team members and teachers has been strengthened, so as to realize honest education. The members of the team have conducted a clean government reminder talk to the staff in the field in charge as required, forming a good situation of full coverage of clean government education. Third, for important training activities, teacher resources and work needs have been considered as a whole, and personnel in key positions can participate. The information sharing mechanism has been established, and communication and cooperation with provincial educational institutions have been strengthened, so that key educational information can be obtained in a timely manner.

Rectification and improvement: Completed and adhered to for a long time

3. Rectification matters that have been basically completed during the centralized rectification period

There are no issues that are being rectified

4. Rectification matters that have not been completed during the centralized rectification period

There are no outstanding rectification matters

5. Important measures taken for long-term rectification tasks and phased results achieved

Through the inspection and rectification work, the concept of responsibility of the party branch of the school is further strengthened to ensure that the work of the school can be carried out efficiently and orderly. First of all, improve the management level and optimize the management structure of the school, so as to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the school. Create a clean and honest educational atmosphere, and promote the formation of a positive, harmonious and harmonious situation for teachers and students in the school. All teachers and students of the school deeply understand the importance and urgency of the inspection and rectification work, and implement it as a major political task to ensure that the rectification work is effective. According to the problems fed back from the inspection, a detailed list of rectification tasks should be formulated, and the responsible subjects and rectification deadlines should be clarified to ensure that each problem can be solved in a timely and effective manner. Establish a sound supervision and inspection system, conduct regular reviews and irregular random inspections of rectification work, and ensure that the rectification work is carried out in a solid manner. During the rectification period, pay attention to summarizing lessons and lessons, improve relevant systems and regulations, and build a long-term working mechanism to prevent the recurrence of similar problems. Secondly, a special leading group for inspection and rectification work was set up to be responsible for the overall coordination of the school's rectification work and ensure the smooth implementation of the rectification work. Strengthen the publicity and guidance of teachers and students, and improve their knowledge and understanding of the inspection and rectification work. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the inspection team of the district party committee, the district education bureau and other relevant departments, report the progress of the rectification work and the existing problems in a timely manner, and strive for more support and help.

Sixth, the next step of rectification work arrangement

The Party Branch of the First Middle School of Huzhong District will continue to follow the work requirements put forward by the First Patrol Group of the District Committee, continuously enhance the political awareness and sense of responsibility, further strengthen the determination and courage of rectification, strengthen the implementation of the system by taking practical and effective measures, always adhere to the problem orientation, increase the intensity of supervision and implementation and build a long-term mechanism, effectively stabilize the rectification results of the inspection feedback problems, improve and improve the working mechanism, enhance the effectiveness of implementation, consolidate the rectification effect of the inspection feedback problems, and promote the integration of party building work and business work. Contribute more to the high-quality development of education in the district.

Welcome the cadres and the masses to supervise the implementation of the inspection and rectification of the Party branch of the No. 1 Middle School in Huzhong District. If you have any comments and suggestions, please reflect them to us in time. Contact: Tel: 0457-3438069; Email [email protected].

The No. 1 Middle School Branch Committee of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China

June 14, 2024

Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification

Producer: Sun Jianbo Review: Li Zhenkai Editor: Bai Yu Editor: Leng Xiumei Contribution: Huzhong District No. 1 Middle School

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Report of the Branch Committee of the First Middle School of Huzhong District of the Communist Party of China on the progress of inspection and rectification