
Pay a ransom of 3 million and still be torn up? Two executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines in a "serial scheme".

author:Sohu News

[Source: Southern Metropolis Daily, Red Star News, China Business Network, Chinese Embassy in the Philippines]

Pay a ransom of 3 million and still be torn up? Two executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines in a "serial scheme".

Recently, two Chinese company staff members were kidnapped and torn up their tickets when they went to the Philippines to work, causing concern.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, on July 1, friends and former colleagues of the victims confirmed the above news, saying that the two belonged to different companies and were kidnapped and killed after going to the Philippines together. Someone revealed, "After the family paid, the ticket was torn up." ”

In early June, there was a kidnapping and extortion case against Chinese citizens in Manila, Philippines, and the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines urged the Philippine side to thoroughly investigate the case and reminded Chinese citizens in the Philippines to raise their awareness of security precautions.

Abducted and killed in the Philippines

According to Red Star News, on July 1, the reporter learned from people familiar with the matter that the two killed belonged to two different medical device companies, both of which were middle and senior management personnel of the company, and the two arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect the business, hoping to further expand overseas markets, but unfortunately suffered a kidnapping and were killed on June 24.

One of the victims, Xia Moumou, served as the international marketing director of a domestic medical device listed company, graduated from Hunan City College, and was also rated as an outstanding graduate of the School of Materials and Chemical Engineering of the school in the past 15 years.

According to people familiar with the matter, the other victim, Sun, also had elderly parents in his family, and his parents only knew that their son had been kidnapped in the Philippines, but did not know that their son had been killed. The insider said that at present, the police have intervened in the investigation, and the police have not disclosed the progress of the case for the time being.

According to a report by Southern Metropolis Daily, a former colleague of the victim Sun told reporters that the two victims belonged to different companies and were kidnapped after going to the Philippines together. She told reporters, "After the family paid, the ticket was torn up." She also said, "Sun is very good and very good, so I was shocked when I learned the news, and the memorial services for the two victims were held one after another."

According to the Beijing News, the reporter learned from the victim's family on July 1 that a memorial service had been held in Beijing on the morning of the 1st, and the ashes were currently being brought back to their hometown for burial.

Medical device executives encountered a "chain plan",

went to the Philippines to open up the market, but was kidnapped and torn up the ticket

According to online news, two executives of a Chinese medical device company went to the Philippines to negotiate business from an "encounter" at an industry conference in Europe. At that time, the two met an agent who claimed to be well versed in Philippine business at an industry conference in Europe, and made an appointment to go to the Philippines to expand their business together.

Soon after flying to the Philippines, the two lost contact with each other, and their families received threatening phone calls one after another. From the encounter at the industry conference to the kidnapping carried out after landing in the Philippines, the two seem to have fallen into a predetermined "serial trap".

According to media reports, the family of one of the parties has paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the kidnappers, but the kidnappers still tear up the ticket, and the local police have intervened in the investigation and have not disclosed the progress of the case.

According to the content of the online transmission, at present, both of them died in the Philippines on June 24, 2024 due to the unfortunate kidnapping and ticket tearing case, of which Xia Moumou was only 39 years old.

According to Nandu's previous report, the staff of Xia Moumou's former company, a medical equipment Co., Ltd. in Beijing, confirmed the news that Xia Moumou had been kidnapped and died in the Philippines. In addition, another former colleague of the victim, Sun, also told reporters from Nandu that the two victims belonged to different companies and were kidnapped after going to the Philippines together, and their families paid the money, but they were still torn up.

In response to this rumor, the reporter of Nandu Bay Finance Society tried to contact the international marketing department of Runmed, but the phone was never connected. After that, the reporter contacted the front desk of Runmed, and the other party said that the specific situation was not familiar, and it was impossible to determine whether Xia Moumou worked in the company.

According to the Beijing News, on July 1, the reporter learned from the family of the victim that the two were kidnapped while they were on a business trip to the Philippines. The family of the victim said that a memorial service had been held in Beijing on the morning of the 1st, and they are now returning to their hometown with ashes for burial. The family of the victim said that the company has given corresponding help to the family, and the relevant aftermath work is ongoing.

The two are senior practitioners of medical devices

According to Yicai, the two people killed in the Philippines were both veterans of medical device companies. One is the international marketing director of Runmed, a Hong Kong-listed company, and the other is a distributor of cardiovascular medical devices. As of press time, Runmed has not responded publicly.

Insiders of relevant medical device companies told the first financial reporter that the company has held an internal meeting to announce the situation, and did not provide more details for the protection of the victim's privacy, but the official obituary has been issued, and the chairman personally went to the airport to greet the ashes of the victims, and all employees mourned in silence at the meeting.

Look for new growth points in the market

Domestic medical devices "volume" to Southeast Asia

Domestic competition has intensified, and finding new market growth points has become an important issue for the current medical device industry to reshape the growth curve, and going overseas has become the current choice of most medical device companies.

According to the official website and annual report of Runmed, Runmed Medical Group is committed to the research and development of vascular interventional surgical robots. Its core products are caFFR system and caIMR system, which are used to evaluate the severity of myocardial ischemia caused by coronary artery stenosis and microvascular dysfunction, and greatly reduce surgical technical errors and operation time.

However, in terms of Runmed's financial situation, the annual report of Hong Kong stocks shows that Runmed's revenue in 2023 will be 73 million yuan, a decrease of 12.4% from 2022; The loss attributable to shareholders of the Company (non-HKFS) was $108 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 7.3%. At the same time, Runmed's gross profit decreased from 69 million yuan in 2022 to 49 million yuan in 2023, and the gross profit margin also decreased from 83.5% in 2022 to 66.3% in 2023.

In this regard, Runmed mentioned in the annual report that the compliance of medical devices is becoming stricter, the market is full of variables, and the company has made more arduous efforts than before. In the face of the severe industry situation, the company will actively deploy overseas markets and strengthen domestic market penetration in 2024.

Some people in the medical device industry have also confirmed that at present, the competition of domestic medical devices is intensifying, and "involution" has become an industry status quo, and many companies have begun to seek the development of overseas markets to further increase their performance.

It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned person said that the current medical level in Southeast Asia still has a large space for development, and there is a situation of free medical treatment, and some countries often appear in the procurement bidding of tens of millions of US dollars, which has a strong attraction to domestic related enterprises.

Eight months ago, six people were kidnapped in the Philippines and four were killed

On October 30 last year, a case of armed kidnapping occurred in an upscale villa community in the southern part of Metro Manila, Philippines. Six Chinese and three Filipinos were abducted by six armed men. Three Filipinos were released and called the police, and so far, the police have confirmed that four Chinese were killed and the other two are still missing.

In a statement released on February 29 this year, the Philippine Department of Justice announced that it would indict three suspects on charges of kidnapping, serious illegal detention, homicide and car theft. According to a report on December 29 last year, two of the suspects identified as businessmen and security guards.

According to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, on July 1, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian met with Philippine Civil Affairs Commissioner and Chairman of the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Committee Bei Saming. The two sides reviewed the recent progress made by the law enforcement agencies of the two countries in jointly cracking down on vicious crimes such as kidnapping and homicide, telecommunications fraud, and human trafficking, especially those related to the offshore gaming industry in the Philippines, exchanged views on key recent cases, and agreed to strengthen law enforcement cooperation between China and the Philippines to jointly combat transnational crimes and better protect the lives and property of the people of the two countries.

Pay a ransom of 3 million and still be torn up? Two executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines in a "serial scheme".

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