
Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

author:1039 Investigation Mission

Yesterday (July 1), on the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, the revolutionary historical musical "Awakening Age" was sung again at the Beijing Century Theater, and the performance will last until July 7, leading the audience to look back on the eventful years in the red July and inherit the ideals of youth. In the second half of this year, "The Awakening Age" will also tour Qingdao and other places to meet more audiences.

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

Musical "Awakening Age" / Beijing Radio and Television Station

At half past seven in the evening, the musical "Awakening Age" kicked off. On the stage, from the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement to the establishment of the Communist Party of China, this magnificent historical picture was displayed, and the audience applauded or shed tears following the exciting moments.

On the special day of July 1st, many young students walked into the theater. Sun Fengyi, a graduate of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, is an active member of the party and is about to go to Baise in Guangxi to teach, and this drama also gives him invisible power. "What impressed me the most was Chen Duxiu's role, he gave up his small family for everyone. For me, in the coming year and even longer, I will live up to my original intention, keep my mission in mind, and make selfless dedication. ”

"Artistically speaking, the music of this play is very good, and in terms of theme, many of the movements in the play take place on campus, which makes me feel that as a student, I should take on more social responsibilities in many cases, apply what we have learned to social practice, and transport it to the construction of the motherland." Chen Youran is a 2020 undergraduate student at Tsinghua University, and she still feels unsatisfied after the performance.

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

Musical "Awakening Age" / Beijing Radio and Television Station

Since the premiere of the musical "Awakening Age" on April 28, 2023, it has continued to cause a boom in performances. Actor Hou Jingjian played Mao Zedong in the play, and also played the role of Mao Zedong in the TV series "Awakening Age".

"It is of great significance for actors to be able to be on stage again to shape the era of awakening a hundred years ago. In addition to expressing our emotions and expressing our creations on the stage, more of our inner feelings are to report to our ancestors a hundred years ago, and today's prosperous world is as you wish. Hou Jingjian said.

Actor Lu Runtong is one of the actors of Gao Junman, and this time she sat in the audience as an audience member and a party member to watch the performance. "Maybe it's because of this special day, I can feel the great strength, passion and conviction of every actor on stage, and I am attracted to them all the time. As a party member, it is an honor to be able to appear in this drama, and at the same time, I feel that I have a greater sense of mission and responsibility. Lu Runtong said.

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

Hou Jingjian plays Mao Zedong (first from right) / Beijing Radio and Television

In this Red July, the musical "Awakening Age" pays tribute to Beijing's revolutionary history with a stage, making the theater experience a bridge between history and reality. The crew also carried out special invitation activities to let more people enter the theater.

Liu Yan, co-president of Happy Twist and chief producer of the musical "Awakening Age", said that he would invite some enterprises and institutions, youth groups and art groups of universities to watch this drama, and share some thoughts and ideas about watching this drama with more people.

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

Taken by spectators/reporters who came to watch the show

This round of performances lasted from June 29 to July 7 for 7 consecutive performances, and will tour Qingdao and other places in the second half of this year. Liu Yan introduced that this year he hopes to perform 4~5 rounds in Beijing, and now it is in the second round, hoping to promote this drama around the August 1st Army Day. In the second half of the year, he will go to Qingdao for a tour, Qingdao is the birthplace of the May Fourth Movement, and the actors of the whole play are very much looking forward to it.

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

The audience held the party flag to commemorate the occasion/photographed by reporters

Reporter Su Wan Editor Wang Chenchen Chief Editor Cheng Yan

Sing Red July! The musical "Awakening Age" opens a new round of performances

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