
How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?

author:Leadership Literature
How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?
How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?

Communicating with subordinates is nothing more than these aspects.

First, criticism is also a kind of communication, a kind of communication in a special sense. But criticizing subordinates must be artistic, and they must be able to criticize. As for the method of criticism, I will also expand on it here.

How can we make normal and benign criticism?

First, criticism often refers to some kind of mistake or mistake at work, rather than to moral problems, so this kind of criticism should be carried out separately in private as much as possible. Don't go public, don't advertise the incompetence of your subordinates. If you say that this subordinate can't do it, and that subordinate can't do it, if I were your leader, I'm going to say that you can't do it. Because you don't have good soldiers, try to criticize in private, and don't report the mistakes of your subordinates to your superiors, as they will not defend your subordinates.

The second is that when a person is criticized, his first reaction is to defend himself. This is also human nature, because of the fear that their own interests will be lost, and because they do one thing wrong, everything else will be done in vain. There is such a concern, so he must resist or refute the explanation.

So how do you rule out this mentality? A good way to do this is to use kind words or praise as a precursor, and then criticize them. I call this the art of bowling, and people who can be leaders treat their subordinates like this:

For example, if a team member throws a bowling ball out and knocks down 7 bottles, and the person who can't be a leader criticizes the team member, saying that I gave you the task to knock down 10 bottles, what about those 3? Why are you so stupid? Then this person will definitely resist or explain, he will definitely not be convinced, he will think, why didn't you see the 7 bottles I knocked down, and you saw the remaining 3.

But the person who can be a leader will not say that, he will first praise you for knocking down 7 bottles, proving that you are capable and doing quite well, but if you adjust a certain position, use the power and speed of this ball, and use good skills, I believe you can knock down the remaining 3 bottles. In this way, use criticism, first praise him, affirm the original results, then point out some mistakes, and then guide you to help you, this team member will be easy to accept, and immediately accept it with joy and sincerity.

The third is for particularly sensitive people, some people are particularly introverted and sensitive, for such people, you can let him correct some mistakes and mistakes by himself by hinting, and the point is up. Of course, for the insensitive, this approach may not be successful.

Fourth, criticism should be right about things and not about people, in fact, things are done by people, but you have to only talk about things and not people, so that he will have an inner experience when he accepts it.

Fifth, one mistake, one criticism, one problem at a time. When criticizing, don't stew a spoonful of rotten millet with sesame seeds. Don't say how you have always been, how you are, and how you have been, and you have not been able to do well. This is particularly hurtful, this criticism will talk about this matter, this matter will be blamed if this matter is not done, and let him pass the past.

Sixth, while criticizing mistakes, we should also provide solutions. You can't just accuse him of this wrong or bad, because he won't make mistakes, you just blame him or not, and you still won't do well next time. So criticism is not the goal, the most important thing is to guide, tell him what is right, you just say that it is not right, that is not enough. Therefore, while criticizing mistakes, it is also necessary to provide solutions. These are a few issues that should be paid attention to when communicating with subordinates in a special way of criticism.

How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?

Second, communication with subordinates can also be done in the form of evaluation, through different evaluations and comparisons. Let the subordinates experience it for themselves. For example, when I evaluate a subordinate's work well, there are 5 aspects of ABCDE; But when evaluating another subordinate, it is said that he has done a good job in 3 aspects of ACE. I didn't mention those two, I deliberately omitted them, which means that you didn't do a good job, and evaluate him by missing items and missing items, and as soon as I compared, I communicated my intentions.

Third, good deeds must be done well, and if you don't praise or help others, it's hard to accept. Here I will tell you an American story, from the first book of "Chicken Soup for the Soul", the story is told in the first person.

Once, when I was queuing up to buy a circus ticket, I was standing in front of a family with my husband in line and his wife and three small children waiting next to him, happily expecting to buy a ticket. finally waited for him to buy the ticket, and suddenly found that the gentleman didn't buy it, and turned around to leave.

I looked at the 3 expectant children, looked around and patted the gentleman on the shoulder and asked him if he had dropped $20 on the ground, he looked at the money on the ground and said yes, then picked it up and bought 5 circus tickets, and then I also bought the tickets and went back to my car. As soon as I started the car, I saw this gentleman running from afar, shouting for me to wait, and he ran to me, held my hand tightly, and said thank you several times.

After the story is told, everyone can understand, I want to help someone, he didn't bring enough money, I gave him some help, but I didn't publicize it, I used a way to make it easy for the other party to accept it, that is, God knows that you know, I know that others don't know, so the other party is easy to accept. When we praise or help someone, we must also learn this art of praise and help, which is called doing good deeds.

How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?

Fourth, the use of informal communication and online platforms creates more opportunities, channels and places for your subordinates to express their opinions and suggestions, so that they can communicate their opinions through different channels. Sometimes some people are not very good at face-to-face communication, or are timid or unwilling, you can use multiple channels.

Fifth, let subordinates participate in the formulation of some plans and decisions, participate in some important meetings and management work, which is also a kind of communication platform.

Sixth, don't worry about delegating that you, as a leader, only control the really important aspects, and don't take care of everything. For some work of subordinates, you can deliberately exempt from inspection, don't check everything, and don't check some things he has done well, don't check again, don't listen to reports. Also, be careful not to listen to slander.

How to communicate with subordinates in a good way?

In the organizational system of the bureaucratic system, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is a very important relationship, and if this relationship is not handled well, it is difficult to handle other relationships well. If this relationship is handled well, other relationships will be easily solved, so here we focus on communicating with superiors and subordinates.

Manuscript source丨 "Uncle Secret" WeChat public account

WeChat Editor丨10


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