
After Huang Yongsheng was imprisoned, he sighed that if he had listened to Nie Shuai's words, there would not have been such an ending

author:History of Logical Literature

The Buddha said: The world is impermanent.

In the world, he may be in a yellow robe this morning, and he may be imprisoned tomorrow.

In this issue, the characters I want to talk about used to be in a high position and dominated, but in his later years, he was in prison and ended up regrettably.

After being imprisoned, he once sighed: "If I had listened to Nie Rongzhen's words at first, I would not have fallen to this point." ”

Full of endless regret and deep thinking, there is no regret medicine in the world, a wrong choice may bring earth-shaking changes, this is Huang Yongsheng's life.

After Huang Yongsheng was imprisoned, he sighed that if he had listened to Nie Shuai's words, there would not have been such an ending

Huang Yongsheng, a native of Xianning, Hubei, was born in 1910. From a poor family, he had to drop out of school after only two years of private school, but the hardships of life did not wear down his fighting spirit.

In the wave of the Southern Hunan, Huang Yongsheng resolutely joined the revolution and followed Luo Ronghuan to participate in the Autumn Harvest Uprising.

With his extraordinary courage and bravery, Huang Yongsheng repeatedly made meritorious achievements on the battlefield, rose rapidly, and served as the commander of the 31st Red Division at the age of 22, becoming a dazzling new star in the Red Army.

In his long revolutionary career, Huang Yongsheng and Nie Rongzhen formed an indissoluble bond.

From 1932 to 1947, for 15 years, Huang Yongsheng served as Nie Rongzhen's subordinate for a long time.

Nie Rongzhen, a battle-hardened revolutionary veteran, won the admiration of Huang Yongsheng for his profound political literacy and outstanding military talent.

But Huang Yongsheng not only admires, but also has his own cleverness and pride.

In the early days of the reorganization of the Red Army into the Eighth Route Army, Huang Yongsheng served as the commander of the 685th Regiment of the 343rd Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

Huang Yongsheng is a domineering person who often disrespects political cadres, and this quarrel with Deng Hua has exposed his character.

When Nie Rongzhen learned of this, he transferred Huang Yongsheng back to the division headquarters and reprimanded him severely, and asked him to go to the independent regiment to serve as Yang Chengwu's deputy.

After Huang Yongsheng was imprisoned, he sighed that if he had listened to Nie Shuai's words, there would not have been such an ending

Huang Yongsheng did not really learn his lesson, and soon, without asking for instructions, he took two companies to act on his own.

Although the operation was successful, Huang Yongsheng's unorganized and undisciplined behavior once again aroused Nie Rongzhen's strong dissatisfaction.

Nie Rongzhen severely criticized Huang Yongsheng and warned him earnestly: "You have too much desire for power, if you don't change this, you will suffer a big loss in the future!" ”

But Huang Yongsheng did not take Nie Rongzhen's words to heart, and during the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, he successively made mistakes in his personal style, which seriously damaged his personal image and greatly reduced his prestige in the army.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Yongsheng was deeply mired in the quagmire of power and could not extricate himself, which also made Lin Biao target him.

The "913" incident broke out, the Lin Biao group collapsed, and Huang Yongsheng could not escape justice, and was isolated for examination and sentenced to 18 years in prison.

After entering Qincheng Prison, Huang Yongsheng began to have a lot of time to reflect on his past, recalling Nie Rongzhen's advice and criticism of himself back then, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of remorse in his heart.

Huang Yongsheng realized that if he had been able to listen to Nie Rongzhen's words and restrain his desire for power and proud and complacent character, he might not have fallen to the point where he is today.

In his later years, Huang Yongsheng was given the opportunity to be released on medical parole, but his life did not become easy and happy, often recalling the bits and pieces of the past, his heart was full of endless remorse and emotion, and he used his own example to warn future generations not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

After Huang Yongsheng was imprisoned, he sighed that if he had listened to Nie Shuai's words, there would not have been such an ending

Lust is a double-edged sword that can bring you both glory and destruction.

Being at the center of desire, one should keep a clear mind and a peaceful mind, and don't lose oneself because of a moment of glory. Otherwise, not only will you end up with nothing, but you will also fall into an even greater disaster.