
He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Central Committee, was suspended from his post in 1978 for investigation, and later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer

author:History of Logical Literature

Why did Wang Guofan, an important figure who had served as a member of the Central Committee for three consecutive terms, fall into the whirlpool of suspension investigation in 1978? He later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer, what was the end?

Wang Guofan, born in 1919 in Zunhua, Hebei Province, was a farmer who worked the land of his hometown in his early years, and experienced first-hand the heavy oppression and endless injustice brought to the peasants by the old society.

He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Central Committee, was suspended from his post in 1978 for investigation, and later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer

In 1941, Wang joined the Communist Party of China and worked at the grassroots level.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the nationwide land reform was successfully concluded one after another, and the vast number of poor peasants finally had their own land, and the CPC Central Committee confidently foresaw a new era of common prosperity for the whole people.

Only a year later, the phenomenon of land buying and selling was revived in many villages, and many peasants once again fell into the situation of hired farmers and tenant farmers. This phenomenon has made the central leadership deeply aware that differences in the productivity of peasants can lead to new exploitation and inequality.

In order to solve this problem, the Party Central Committee drew on the successful experience of the Soviet Union and introduced people's cooperatives, an innovative form of economic organization. This reform brought about a change in the life of the kingdom.

In 1952, Wang Guofan actively responded to the call and gathered 23 peasant households to form a small cooperative called the "Poor Stick Society".

In the early days of the cooperative, it faced the dilemma of lack of funds, and even a donkey was purchased by several farmers as a joint venture.

He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Central Committee, was suspended from his post in 1978 for investigation, and later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer

In the face of challenges, Wang Guofan showed a firm spirit of hard work, leading the members of the cooperative to go up the mountain to chop firewood, and exchanged their hard work for more than 500 yuan in funds for the purchase of mules, cattle, two-wheeled carts and other production tools.

The introduction of these production tools has greatly improved production efficiency, and the cooperative's grain production has increased substantially.

After the autumn harvest, each member of the family received nearly 1,500 catties of grain and more than 200 yuan in cash, and the cooperative also had a balance of more than 2,300 yuan, realizing the initial success of the cooperative.

The success of the "Poor Stick" society attracted the attention of the locals, and many farmers joined in success, and as the scale of the cooperative expanded, Wang Guofan established small workshops such as vermicelli and iron smelting to provide more sources of income for its members.

In 1953, the "Poor Sticks" cooperative had helped all members get rid of poverty and become rich, and after handing over a large amount of harvest to the state, each household could also receive 2,100 catties of grain and more than 240 yuan.

Wang Guofan's achievements attracted the attention of the whole country, and he became a model for the peasants to become rich, and delegations from all over the country came to study him, and he was also invited to Beijing to meet with the central leaders.

He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Central Committee, was suspended from his post in 1978 for investigation, and later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer

In 1959, Wang Guofan was honored to climb the Tiananmen Tower at the National Day ceremony, and in the years that followed, he made remarkable achievements in the field of agriculture, was elected to the Central Committee three times, and served in the National People's Congress.

In 1968, Wang Guofan visited many countries with his delegation, winning international fame for New China. In 1971, Wang Guofan was elected deputy director of the Tangshan Revolutionary Committee, becoming an outstanding representative of rural reform and development in New China.

During the special historical period of the Cultural Revolution, social contradictions intensified significantly, and the mood and concepts of the masses were strongly impacted, and a trend of extremism appeared.

In this complex political environment, Wang Wang was inadvertently instigated and induced by some people with bad intentions to take a number of actions that deviated from the principles and positions he had always adhered to, and these actions had a negative chain reaction and negative impact on the society at that time.

In 1976, with the end of the Cultural Revolution and the gradual restoration of normal political order in the country, Wang was temporarily suspended and subjected to an in-depth investigation by the party organization.

After a rigorous examination and evaluation, the Party organization believed that Wang Guofan had committed "leftist" mistakes to a certain extent, and in view of the good attitude of remorse, these mistakes were not motivated by subjective malice, and the Party organization decided not to hold him accountable and dismissed him from office.

After experiencing political turmoil, Wang Guofan chose to return to the countryside, pick up a hoe again, and become an ordinary villager, living a dull and quiet farming life.

Far away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the past, Wang Guofan threw his body and mind into the embrace of land and nature, and found the true meaning and tranquility of life.

He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Central Committee, was suspended from his post in 1978 for investigation, and later returned to the countryside to work as a farmer

In his later years, the kingdom was recognized and cared for by the organization. He was assigned to serve as a consultant to the Zunhua County Water Conservancy Bureau, although his position was not high, but it also reflected the organization's respect and care for him.

In 2005, Wang Guofan died of illness at the age of 86.