
Qiandao Lake launched the "Love Freezer" and "Chun Guangcai" social welfare volunteer service team to send coolness

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Hangzhou Daily]

The rainy season has not yet passed, but the temperature has been rising. Today, Chun'an's "Chunguangcai" social welfare volunteer service team set up the first "love freezer" at No. 2 Qingchun Road, Qiandao Lake Town, to provide free ice water for outdoor workers in need and send a summer cool.

Qiandao Lake launched the "Love Freezer" and "Chun Guangcai" social welfare volunteer service team to send coolness

The "Love Freezer" is printed around the "Love Freezer for free", "You have worked hard" and "Leave love to those in need" and other eye-catching signs. This "love freezer" is donated by more than 40 caring enterprises in Chun'an, and also has 9,100 bottles of water, which is expected to provide outdoor workers with free ice water for two months.

"I told my colleagues the good news that there is a supply of free ice water here, and if you are thirsty, you can come here to get it." Uncle Wang, a sanitation worker, said with a smile while drinking ice water.

Qiandao Lake launched the "Love Freezer" and "Chun Guangcai" social welfare volunteer service team to send coolness

It is understood that under the leadership of Wang Shuguang, executive director of the Provincial Association of Individual Workers and executive chairman of the Municipal Association, the "Chunguang" social welfare volunteer service team has grown more and more, and has now grown to more than 80 enterprises, and regularly participates in various public welfare activities.

Qiandao Lake launched the "Love Freezer" and "Chun Guangcai" social welfare volunteer service team to send coolness

"The 'Love Freezer' is the beginning of a series of activities for the volunteer service team to show their love, and we hope that more and more people and entrepreneurs will participate in the love activities." The relevant person in charge of the "Chun Guangcai" social welfare volunteer service team said.

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