
Seeing the rainbow through thick and thin -- a sketch of the flood preparation and flood fighting work in Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: New Hunan Client]

Seeing the rainbow through thick and thin -- a sketch of the flood preparation and flood fighting work in Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County

Hunan Daily New Hunan Client Correspondent Qiu Deshuai

At the end of June, torrential rains swept and mountain floods flooded, and the roads, bridges, houses, and fertile fields in Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County were submerged in a vast ocean, the masses were hindered from traveling, the agricultural disaster was serious, and production and life encountered difficulties.

During this period, CCTV reporters and national defense experts went to the front line of the villages, together with the county, township and village work forces, to report on the disaster on the spot, guide disaster relief and disaster relief, and dispatch post-disaster reconstruction, racing against time to minimize the loss of disaster during the flood season.

In the wind and rain, the great love of the world is revealed; In the open air, Fang shows the feelings of public servants; In the same boat through thick and thin, Fang shows the true colors of the people.

Seeing the rainbow through thick and thin -- a sketch of the flood preparation and flood fighting work in Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County

The wind and rain are coming

"The flood situation is an order, and the warning is a charge"

The mountain rain is coming, and the warning is coming first.

In Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County, flood control reminder notices, text messages, WeChat and "village sound" broadcasts, as well as emergency propaganda vehicles shuttled on the roads of the village groups to transmit the early warning information of the impending round of heavy rain to thousands of households.

Therefore, the party committee and the government joined hands with rural party members and cadres to make orderly deployment, strong scheduling, and effective promotion, and investigate hidden dangers, eliminate dangers, and transfer the masses in geological disaster hidden danger points, key households for slope cutting and defense, and low-lying disaster areas.

"The flood situation is an order, and the early warning is a charge." Zeng Guang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zoumaping Bai Township, said forcefully, "The party members and cadres of the township work together and unite as one, race against time and fatigue, and predict the hidden danger areas in an all-round way before the rainstorm is coming, and conduct a carpet investigation, so as to win the opportunity for the masses to avoid danger and transfer safely." ”

Seeing the rainbow through thick and thin -- a sketch of the flood preparation and flood fighting work in Zoumaping Bai Township, Sangzhi County

Come rain come shine

"Take the mass line as the starting point and always put the masses in mind"

The rainstorm is relentless, rain or shine.

In the stormy day and night, the rural party members and cadres of Zoumaping Bai Township responded to the call of the township party committee and the government, rushed to the front line, stayed on the front line, and fought on the front line, cleaning up and blocking ditches, checking the rising tide of floods, and guiding the masses to avoid danger. Especially in the low-lying village of Mihu, floodwaters poured onto roads, farmland, and residential buildings, and village party members and cadres urgently dispatched boats to transport the people to safe areas for proper resettlement, and arranged food, drinking water and accommodation for the masses, so that the masses could "rest assured, feel at ease, and warm their hearts." ”

"Take the mass line as the starting point and always keep the masses in mind." Liu Fengyuan, deputy secretary of the party committee and head of Zoumaping Bai Township, said in a firm tone, "Where there is danger and need, our rural party members and cadres will appear there, even if they do not sleep, we must ensure that the masses are safe and have no worries about food and housing." ”

Wind and rain rainbow

Exchange the hardship index of party members and cadres for the safety index of the masses

As the torrential rain stopped and the flood waters receded, the roads, bridges, houses, and fertile fields that had been soaked for several days in Zoumaping Bai Township were exposed, and the post-disaster reconstruction was also in full swing.

Sangzhi County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Zoumaping Bai Township and the relevant leaders of the "two committees" of the villages under its jurisdiction, agricultural technology experts, party members and pioneers, and rural cadres have sunk down to supervise and guide the investigation of the nuclear disaster, production self-rescue, and coordinate the promotion of agricultural insurance damage assessment, disaster crop seedling replanting, disinfection and sterilization in front of and after the court, as well as disaster damaged farmland protection, landslide areas and other project fund declaration work. After the wind and rain, there is a rainbow, and the wind and rain are in the same boat.

Under the test of the great flood disaster, the party committee and government of Zoumaping Bai Township have practiced the service orientation of the mass line, come from the masses and go to the masses, with the masses in their hearts, thinking of the masses in their hearts, and thinking of the masses in their hearts.

Author: Qiu Deshuai

Editor-in-charge: Shangguan Wisdom

First Instance: Shangguan Wisdom

Second trial: Tian Yucai

Third trial: Ning Kui

Source: Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client

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