
Gaoqing is the highest in the city! Tianzhen, Huagou, Changjia, Luhu ......

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Gaoqing Financial Media]

As of 7 o'clock today

The day that passed

Among the 188 rainfall gauge stations in Zibo City

More than 70% of stations receive moderate or heavy rain

The average precipitation in Gaoqing is the highest in the city

26.4 mm

Gaoqing is the highest in the city! Tianzhen, Huagou, Changjia, Luhu ......

According to the data provided by the Zibo Hydrological Center, from 7 o'clock on July 1 to 7 o'clock on the 2nd, the average rainfall in the city was 16.4 mm, and the average of all districts and counties was: 9.6 mm in Zhangdian District, 13 mm in Zhoucun District, 7.6 mm in Linzi District, 11.4 mm in Zichuan District, 14.7 mm in Boshan District, 10.9 mm in Huantai County, 26.4 mm in Gaoqing County, and 22.3 mm in Yiyuan County.

The top three rainfall stations were: Xujiazhuang in Yiyuan County (49.1 mm), Gaoqing County Meteorological Bureau (39.9 mm), and Daluhu (38.5 mm). So far, the city's cumulative precipitation this year is 133 mm, 34% less than the same period of the previous year, and 26% less than the same period last year. Since the beginning of the flood season, the city's cumulative precipitation has been 48 mm, 47% less than the same period of the previous year, and 30% less than the same period last year.


According to the latest release from the Gaoqing County Meteorological Bureau

The latest data as of 11 o'clock today

From 7 a.m. on the 1st to 11 a.m. on the 2nd, a wide range of precipitation occurred in our county (Fig. 1), with an average precipitation of 33.6 mm, the maximum precipitation of 46.0 mm in Luhu Street (national station), and the maximum hourly precipitation of 21.5 mm in Luhu Street (national station), and the precipitation of each station (Table 1).

At present, the precipitation echo in our county is relatively scattered (Figure 2), and it is expected that the precipitation will continue during the day today.

Gaoqing is the highest in the city! Tianzhen, Huagou, Changjia, Luhu ......

Figure Precipitation distribution map of the whole county from 7 o'clock on the 11th to 11 o'clock on the 2nd (mm)

Gaoqing is the highest in the city! Tianzhen, Huagou, Changjia, Luhu ......

Affected by the cold vortex, from the evening of June 30, there was strong convective weather in Shandong, and significant rainfall occurred in most areas, and the province will enter a rainy period in the future.

The continuous rainy weather has finally arrived

The weather conditions in Gaoqing in the next few days are as follows

Gaoqing is the highest in the city! Tianzhen, Huagou, Changjia, Luhu ......

I would like to remind you

Pay attention to forecast and early warning information in a timely manner

The road surface is slippery in rainy weather

Stay safe when traveling

Source: Luzhong Morning News, Gaoqing County Meteorological Bureau

Editor: Wu Dandan

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Yue

Final review: Fu Mengmeng

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