
Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Shunyi Edition

Recently, Longwan Tun Town has fully launched the cadastral survey of homesteads and collective construction land integrating real estate and land.

Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land
Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land

In order to do a good job in this work, Longwan Tunzhen planned in advance and held a special meeting to arrange the deployment work. The meeting stressed that the work of integrating the investigation and confirmation of rural real estate rights can effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the peasant masses and further standardize the management of rural homesteads and collective construction land. All villages should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, strengthen publicity and guidance, do a good job of policy interpretation to the people, create a good working atmosphere, and ensure the orderly implementation of work.

Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land

In the early stage of the cadastral survey, Longwan Tunzhen held a kick-off meeting to publicize the significance of the "integration of real estate and land" confirmation and registration work. At the same time, the surveying and mapping unit was convened to explain the relevant processes of cadastral survey to the villages, and issued the "Workflow Combing of the Housing and Land Integration Project", "List of Materials", and "Detailed Description of the Main Work Content of the Village Committee", so as to achieve the publicity and launch in place, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the villagers, form a good atmosphere of national concern, support and participation, and lay the foundation for the smooth development of the registration of the integrated confirmation of rural housing rights.

Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land
Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, started the cadastral survey and confirmation registration of homestead and collective construction land integrating real estate and land

In the next step, Longwan Tunzhen will continue to strengthen the organization and leadership, refine and improve the process, do a good job in publicity and guidance, and carry out the work in a language that the masses can understand according to the pilot experience of Liuzhuang Hu Village, so as to lay a good foundation for the comprehensive rollout of the town's cadastral survey and right confirmation and registration work.


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