
Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Shunyi Edition

The District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau continued to consolidate the achievements of theme education, continuously deepened the leading role of party building, realized the deep integration of party building and business, focused on grassroots governance and other central work, and promoted the "double improvement" of governance efficiency and public satisfaction.

Consolidate the foundation and strengthen the foundation, stress politics

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"
Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

Take the in-depth study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the primary political task, relying on carriers such as "Three Sessions and One Lesson" and the theme Party Day, through the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, study the "Several Guidelines on Political Life in the Party under the New Situation" and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", watch warning films such as "The Future Ruined by the Wind of Extravagance" and "The "Actuary of Corrupt Life"", and carry out activities such as answering questions on the culture of integrity and visiting the base of the culture of integrity. Establish the concept of law enforcement for the people, improve the political judgment, political comprehension and political execution of law enforcement team members, and integrate political consciousness into the investigation of safety production risks and hidden dangers, illegal construction and demolition, environmental order rectification and other work, and practice the "iron shoulder" that can take on things and the "real skills" that can get things done.

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

Build strong positions and forts

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"
Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

Pay attention to the construction of positions, and set up party building study rooms and party member activity rooms in bureau organs and law enforcement teams respectively to provide party members with rich learning materials, so that party members have a place for activities and team members have a position for learning. Adhere to the advanced models around us as the entry point for the education of party members, expand the demonstration and leading effect, continue to carry out the "most beautiful urban management team, the most beautiful urban management people" tree selection activities, and launch a number of typical examples such as "desperate San Lang Liu Zheng" and "different 'blue friend' Wan Yuefei", publicize and display the positive energy and pioneer image of the urban management law enforcement team, inspire and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres to keep up with the example, and stimulate the cohesion of the law enforcement team.

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

Solve problems and care for the people

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"
Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

Actively give play to the leading role of party organizations, deepen the mechanism of "four grassroots", advocate party members and cadres to go deep into the grassroots, turn "passive" into "active", listen to and absorb the opinions and suggestions of the masses, publicize the principles and policies of urban management, and improve the legal awareness and legal concept of the residents.

Shunyi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau leads "Urban Management Blue" with "Party Building Red"

In the law enforcement work, party members and cadres took the initiative to show their identities and set an example, focusing on the investigation of gas safety hazards, domestic waste classification, three bags in front of the door and other hot spots and governance difficulties of the public, constantly summing up experience, consolidating measures, and promoting various work to achieve practical results. Focusing on the needs of the masses, we will strive to solve the contradiction between the occupation of the road by traveling merchants and the survival of merchants and the protection of people's livelihood, and exchange "sincerity" for "people's hearts", so that the party flag will flutter in the wind on the front line of the city.