
Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

author:Listening to the Moon Studio

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Travel through time and taste the 32 Danqing wonderlands penned by the master Huang Qiuyuan. Every brush and ink carries the master's deep love and unique insights for Chinese painting. Let's walk into this colorful art world and feel the beauty of Chinese painting.


Modern painting (1900-1949) was a magnificent artistic journey. During this period, traditional Chinese painting and Western art concepts blended and collided, giving rise to many new genres and styles. The Shanghai School of Painting led the fashion with its unique style, and the artistic exploration after the Xinhai Revolution further promoted the modernization process of Chinese painting. The art of Chinese painting at this stage is both traditional and modern, full of infinite innovation and vitality.

Let's share the paintings of Huang Qiuyuan, a famous modern Chinese painting master.

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Huang Qiuyuan (1914-1979), a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, loved painting since childhood. He used to work in a bank, studied calligraphy and painting in his spare time, and had profound skills. After 1970, he devoted himself to artistic creation and achieved remarkable results. Five years after his death, his works amazed the painting world and were praised by the grandmaster Li Keran. In 1987, he was posthumously appointed as an honorary professor and honorary member of the Academy of Chinese Painting by the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Chinese Painting.

Huang Qiuyuan, a painter from Jiangxi, has left a strong mark on the Chinese painting world with his profound artistic skills and unique artistic style. He was fond of painting since childhood, and although he later worked in a bank, painting and calligraphy has always been an important part of his life.

Huang Qiuyuan's paintings, especially landscape paintings, demonstrate his deep understanding and mastery of traditional techniques. His landscape paintings are deeply influenced by ancient masters such as Shi Xi, Shi Tao, and Wang Meng, but he is able to seek innovation in tradition and form his own unique style. His works are full of strong artistic appeal. As Mr. Li Keran, a generation of grandmasters, commented: "There is the roundness and thickness of Shixi's brushwork, the freshness of Shitao's artistic conception, and the dense layout of Wang Meng. ”

Huang Qiuyuan's artistic characteristics lie in his delicacy in the sophistication, although the composition of his paintings is complex, but every part has been carefully polished, reflecting the painter's ultimate pursuit of art. In the 80s of the 20th century, when the most iconoclastic anti-tradition, Huang Qiuyuan's paintings undoubtedly brought new inspiration to the Chinese painting world, allowing people to re-realize the charm and value of traditional painting.

However, Huang's artistic career has not been without its challenges. He was in a difficult life, but he was not flattering to the world, far from fame and fortune, and did not seek to be famous. It was not until after his death that his work was recognized by the world and received high praise. This phenomenon of "loneliness in life and glory in death" also reflects Huang Qiuyuan's persistent pursuit and firm belief in art.

Huang Qiuyuan is a painter with profound artistic skills and unique artistic style. His works not only embody the essence of traditional painting, but also seek innovation in inheritance, injecting new vitality into the Chinese art world.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Momei Picture".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Ink Plum Picture", mirror heart, 1974. With its unique ink color charm and fine brushwork, it shows the elegance and tenacity of plum blossoms. This work is not only another masterpiece of Huang Qiuyuan's artistic career, but also a treasure of traditional Chinese painting art.

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Snow Scene".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Snow Scene" mirror heart, colored on paper. It delicately depicts the tranquility and elegance of the pavilion after the snow. In the painting, the snow scene is covered in silver, the pavilion is looming, the brushstrokes are delicate, and the colors are elegant, showing the painter's profound artistic skills and unique aesthetic pursuit.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Mountain Wind Lotus Picture" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Mountain Wind Lotus Picture" shows the beautiful scene of lotus flowers swaying in the mountain wind. The lotus flowers in the picture are light in color and different in shape, as if you can hear the rustle of the wind blowing through the lotus leaves, and feel the elegance and tenacity of the lotus flowers. The brushstrokes of Huang Qiuyuan are delicate, depicting the style and charm of lotus flowers vividly.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Reading Picture in the Morning Light".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Reading in the Morning Light" depicts a scene of a literati reading quietly in the morning light. The picture is quiet and poetic, the characters are focused, and the background is elegant and fresh, showing the painter's deep feelings for traditional culture and his yearning for reading life.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Gao Rong Tu".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Gao Rong Tu" shows a majestic and magnificent natural scene. The mountain peaks in the painting are majestic and majestic, as if you can hear the echoes of the valleys. Huang Qiuyuan uses exquisite brush and ink skills to vividly depict the texture and demeanor of mountains and rocks and trees, showing his deep understanding and love for natural landscapes.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Bird Song and Flower Fragrance Picture" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan, "Birds and Flowers", flowers and birds, vertical scroll, Gengxu (1970). It shows a natural scene full of life. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the colors are bright and harmonious. With its unique artistic techniques, Huang Qiuyuan captures the agility and vitality of flowers and birds to the fullest, which is intoxicating.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Picking Chrysanthemums in the Qing Autumn and Looking at Lushan Mountain" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Picking Chrysanthemums in Autumn and Looking at Lushan Mountain" shows the beautiful scenery of Lushan Mountain in autumn. In the painting, the painter outlines the outline of Lushan with delicate brushstrokes, and at the foot of the mountain, a person picks chrysanthemums, intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of this autumn day. The picture is beautiful and poetic, which is refreshing.

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Yingtai Spring Color".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Yingtai Spring Color" mirror heart, ink and color on paper, with the same title as "Penglai Wonderland". He paints the distant mountains with freehand brushwork, and depicts the pavilions of the fairy mountains with fine brushwork, showing the beauty of Penglai and Yingtai to the fullest. He was semi-reclusive, undistracted, and devoted his life to art, painting this masterpiece with his life's work, which is rare in contemporary times.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Spring Tour".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Spring Tour" mirror heart.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Paradise Map".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Paradise Picture"

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Feasting Picture".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Feasting Picture" vertical scroll, colored on paper.

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Riverside Visitor".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Riverside Visitor"

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Riverside Boating Picture".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Riverside Boating Picture"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Deep Mountain Thatched House Mountain Dwelling Map" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan, "Picture of a Thatched House in the Deep Mountains", Xin Ding Si (1977).

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Playing the Piano in the Deep Mountain Bamboo Forest".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Playing the piano in the bamboo forest in the deep mountains"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Deep Mountain Waterfall View" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Deep Mountain Waterfall View" vertical scroll.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Leaning on the Purple Gate" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Leaning on the Purple Gate"

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Li Bai's Poetry Intent".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Li Bai's Poetry Intent" mirror heart.

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Green Landscape".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Green Landscape" mirror heart, colored on paper.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Fan Pavilion Map" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Fan Pavilion Picture"

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Autumn Colors of the Han Palace".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Autumn Colors of the Han Palace" vertical scroll.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Imitation of Tang Yin's Landscape" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Imitation of Tang Yin Landscape"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Antique Landscape" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Antique Landscape"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Picture of Qionglou in the Mountains and Rivers" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Picture of Qionglou in the Mountains and Rivers" is in the heart of the mirror, colored on paper.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Foothill Peak" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Foothill Peak"

Appreciation of modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Ridge Map".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Mountain Ridge Picture"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Spring Palace Boating Picture" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Spring Palace Rafting Picture" is colored on paper, and the boundary painting is exquisite. The perspective of the palace pavilions is unified, and the landscape is different. The pen and ink are fine, the peaks and ridges are freehand, and the layers are clear. The mountain stone is the original "skeleton", the blue and green are colored, and the pen is sophisticated. The palace is precisely constructed, grand and magnificent. The characters have different postures, and the spring outing is leisurely. The boat floats, and the concubines enjoy the scenery. Trees, strange stones, landscapes, boats, and water lines and clouds all set off the grandeur of the palace. This work shows the modern aesthetics of the landscape painting in the Yellow Autumn Garden, and is a masterpiece of art.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Walking Stick to the Mountains" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Walking Stick to the Mountains" vertical scroll.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Lady of the Sycamore" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Lady of the Sycamore" is the pinnacle of his artistic creation after his retirement. At that time, Nanchang Arts and Crafts Factory invited it to create antique paintings and calligraphy to participate in the Canton Fair, which was one of them, and survived without signing, witnessing the glory of his artistic career.

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Autumn Pictures of Yunshan" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and modern painter Huang Qiuyuan "Autumn Weather in Yunshan"

Appreciation of modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Returning with the Qin".

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and contemporary painter Huang Qiuyuan "Returning with the Qin"

Modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Li Keran Inscription" appreciation

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

Modern and modern painter Huang Qiuyuan's "Li Keran Inscription" explains: "Mr. Huang Qiuyuan's landscape painting has the roundness and thickness of Shixi's brushwork, the freshness of Shitao's artistic conception, and the dense layout of Wang Meng. The sky is vast, the smoke and clouds are full of paper, the weather is thousands, and the people are eyebrows. Ershi and Shanqiao are alive, and they will also be admired!"

After admiring the 32 paintings of Huang Qiuyuan, a master of modern Chinese painting, I deeply felt that his painting style was unique and his skills were exquisite. His works are a blend of traditional and modern elements, with delicate and powerful brushstrokes, harmonious and varied colors. Whether it is landscapes, flowers and birds, or people, they all show his profound artistic skills and deep understanding of life.

Appreciating the paintings of famous artists, enjoying a calm life. Readers, what do you think of the above works of Huang Qiuyuan shared by Tingyue for you? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

Thirty-two frames of Danqing Wonderland in Huang Qiuyuan: Appreciation of classic works of Chinese painting masters

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