
Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Shunyi Edition

Always follow the party

Forge ahead on a new journey

On the occasion of the advent of "July 1st".

Party organizations at all levels of municipal holdings

Carry out a variety of thematic activities

In order to promote the high-quality development of municipal holdings

Make a solid contribution

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".
Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"Keep" the original intention - the party secretary lectures on the party

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Wang Ze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board

With the theme of "strengthening discipline construction, loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility, and providing a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of municipal holdings".

From the understanding of the importance and urgency of discipline building

Shortcomings and pain points in discipline construction

how to promote the construction of discipline and go deeper and more practical

Teach special party courses

Educate and guide the majority of party members to strengthen system building

Deepen discipline education

As a disciplinary guarantee to promote high-quality development

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".
Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"Practice" the original intention - comprehensively and strictly govern the party

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Municipal Holding Party Committee

Hold a comprehensive and strict party management work meeting in the first half of 2024

Peng Yan, deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the trade union

With the theme of "Based on Functions, Fulfilling Responsibilities, Working Together, Taking the Initiative, and Going All Out to Create a New Situation of High-quality Development of Municipal Holdings".

Make a report on party building in the first half of 2024

Summed up the municipal holding in

and other major achievements

The deficiencies in the work of party building were pointed out

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

And make a comprehensive deployment for the party building work in the second half of the year

Encourage and guide party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members

Play well

important role

Contribute to the high-quality development of the group

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"Enlightenment" original intention - hierarchical and classified training for party members

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

The Party Committee of the Municipal Holding Company shall carry out hierarchical and classified training for Party members

Hire a professor from the Party School of the District Party Committee

Taught "Party Building Empowering New Quality Productivity"

All party members and leading cadres

Focusing on how to scientifically understand "new quality productivity"

New Qualitative Productivity Practice Path

Intensive learning was conducted

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".


The Party Committee of the Municipal Holding Company will also organize party members and cadres to pair

Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China

How to Do Research

"Learning and Comprehending Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought"

and other content for explanation and training

Promote the majority of party members and cadres

Party spirit cultivation and political literacy

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".
Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"Finding" the original intention - tracing the footprints of the revolution

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Party organizations at all levels of municipal holdings

Make good use of the map of clean government education

Organize party members, cadres and workers

to Zhangkan Cultural Park

Dazhuang Kexiang Red Education Experience Base

Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall and other places to visit and study

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

In the form of field visits, scenario simulations, etc

And combine their own ideological understanding and job responsibilities

Talk about experience and feelings

Promote the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".
Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"Fulfillment" of the original intention - volunteer service activities

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Municipal holdings

Take the year of volunteer service for party members as an opportunity

Continue to deepen the "double registration" service for party members

Go deep into enterprises, communities, and campuses

Organize and carry out a number of volunteer services

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

For widows, widows, loneliness and other difficult people

Inspect the use of gas safety at home

Guide the general public to establish a sense of civilization

Practice safe behaviors

Create a good atmosphere in Shunyi

Don't forget the original intention! Shunyi Municipal Holdings launched a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st".

"July 1st" series of activities of the Party Committee of Municipal Holdings

It will continue

Lead the majority of party members, cadres and workers

Firm ideals and beliefs

Draw momentum

Bravely build new achievements

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