
Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

On the evening of July 1, Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting, Fang Zhong, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Huang Wanyong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting, Zheng Minggang, vice chairman of the district CPPCC, and the main responsible comrades of all member units of the district defense department attended the meeting at the main venue. The leaders of each point of the Baobao Zone and the main responsible comrades of each carrier unit attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

At the meeting, the towns and streets, the Jiujiang Economic Development Zone, the District Prevention Office, the District Water Affairs Bureau, and the District Civil Affairs Bureau successively reported the progress of the day's work, existing problems and the next work arrangement, and Fang Zhong put forward clear requirements for comprehensively doing a good job in the current key work of flood control.

Fang Zhong stressed: First, it is necessary to give prominence to patrolling and checking for risks. All departments at all levels in the region should always establish a firm bottom-line thinking, enhance the sense of danger, base themselves on preventing and fighting heavy floods, rushing to catch major dangers, and relieving major disasters, enrich the strength of patrol personnel, strengthen flood prevention and duty, increase the intensity of river embankment clearance, eliminate all kinds of dangerous and hidden dangers, and make every effort to build a strong safety line of defense. Second, it is necessary to highlight emergency rescue. Set up a mechanized emergency rescue team, fully equipped with all kinds of rescue materials, so that the vehicle instead of the warehouse, the ship instead of the warehouse, and the nearest place, to ensure that once the danger occurs, it can be effectively disposed of in the first time. Third, it is necessary to highlight evacuation and risk avoidance. Adhere to the "people first, life first" unswervingly, comprehensively do a good job in the resettlement and transfer of personnel, encourage the masses to take the initiative to seek relatives and friends, strengthen the resettlement site daily necessities and material support services, so that all should be transferred, evacuated, and safe, to ensure that the evacuation of personnel is clean and thorough, and the resettlement of personnel warms people's hearts, and resolutely win the initiative battle of flood prevention and disaster relief with a highly responsible attitude to the people.

Source: District Committee Office (Correspondent: Li Derui)

Editor: Wang Yuting

Proofreader: Zhang Yiwen

Review: Guan Dalie

Platform operation and maintenance: Internet Information Office of Jiujiang District Committee

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Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

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Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

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Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting
Jiujiang District held a flood control work scheduling meeting

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