
Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

author:Qian Yue said history


On April 27, 1508, a disciple of the clan from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province arrived in Beijing, claiming to be the sixth son of Zhu Zhongjun, a native of Ninghuashu of the Jin Dynasty, named Zhu Qijun, the purpose of this trip was to intercede for his father, asking the court to forgive him for his crimes, let him return to Taiyuan, and at the same time seek a crown and title for himself. Ming Wuzong is quite interesting to the clan, but after reading Zhu Zhongjun's file, he can't help but be very angry in his heart, just what this thing has done, he still wants to be reinstated, and he wants to eat it. You Zhu Qijun dared to sneak into Beijing to disturb the performance for this reason, come on, immediately escort him back to Taiyuan for me, and hand him over to the king of Jin for strict discipline, if he commits it again, he will be sent to Fengyang to accompany his Laozi.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Ming Wuzong stills

"Jiawu...... Ninghua Wangfu Gejue Zhong Junzi Qi Jun said that his father lived in Fengyang, begged for grace, and asked for a crown and title. There is a purpose: 'Send someone to return it, and the king of Yishu Jin will be strictly bound for it.' If it doesn't work, it will plot and come with it, so that the patrol will be investigated according to the imperial history. It still makes the kings have private people who cross the pass, the secluded phoenix. It is advisable to move the governors of the provinces to know about it. ("Records of Ming Wuzong")

What kind of angry thing did Zhu Zhongjun do that made Ming Wuzong hate it so much?

A generation of "virtuous kings"

Zhu Zhongjun, born unknown, is the second son of Zhu Meiyang, the king of Ninghua, and his biological mother Liu. In April of the eighth year of Tianshun (1464), he was given a name, and according to the edict of Ming Yingzong that "those who give birth to children until they are eight years old are allowed to ask for a name", it is inferred that he should have been born around the eighth year of Jingtai (1457).

On February 23, the seventh year of Chenghua (1471), Zhu Meiyang, the king of Ninghua, died after reigning for 20 years at the age of 60. Like his father, the princess Zhao failed to leave him a son-in-law, and her knees were all concubines, as seen in the actual records: Zhu Zhongchi, Zhu Zhongzhu, the third son Zhu Zhongzhen, the fourth son Zhu Zhongji, the fifth son Zhu Zhongguo, and the unknown Zhu Zhongju, Zhu Zhongduo, and Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongchi was given the title in March of the fourth year of Jingtai (1453), and at the same time was named the general of Zhenguo. In August of the seventh year of Jingtai, the imperial court gave his wife, Mrs. Li, a crown dress, which shows that he was an adult at this time. In the case that his father has no son-in-law, he is the first heir to the throne of King Ninghua. However, in October of the first year of Chenghua (1465), when he appeared in the record again, his identity had changed to "General of the Ancient Town of Ninghua Wangfu", so he cheapened the second brother Zhu Zhonglu.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Taiyuan City God Temple

Zhu Meiyang was originally a concubine, and he couldn't suppress his younger brothers, so that before his father's bones were cold, a dispute broke out in Ninghua Palace, and he and his third brother Zhu Meiyan became lifelong enemies.

Compared with his father, Zhu Zhongjun was much luckier, when his father died, his younger brothers were still young, and no one jumped out to fight for power with him. The next month after Zhu Meiyang's death, the Jin King Zhu Zhongxuan, the clan brother, won him another year's true treatment.

In September of the eighth year of Chenghua (1472), the imperial court officially canonized Zhu Zhongjun as the king of Ninghua.

In the early years of the Chenghua Dynasty and Hongzhi, Zhu Zhongjun showed his duty as a courteous person, liked to read and do learning, and did not leave any evil traces, so that the emperors of Ming Xianzong and Ming Xiaozong thought that he was a generation of virtuous kings of the clan at that time, and almost responded to his requests. For example, in September of the first year of Hongzhi (1488), at his request, Ming Xiaozong gave him many classics.

"Ji Mao, give the Jin Mansion Ninghua Wang Zhong Yu "Book", "Poems", "Rites" three classics, and "Hongwu Zhengyun" and other books, please also." ("Records of Ming Xiaozong")

The Demon King behind it

What surprised Ming Xianzong, Ming Xiaozong and the people who eat melons is that Zhu Zhongjun, the "virtuous king", is a demon king who is inferior to beasts behind people. He recruited a number of ruffians and scoundrels in the garrison and local areas, such as Ma Jian of the Taiyuan Left Guard Army and Zhang Bin, and connived at them to do evil to the common people, and secretly satisfied their selfish desires with their hands.

Zhu Zhongjun is a loyal fan of Wei Wu's legacy, and Ma Jian did not hesitate to cuckold himself in order to pat his ass, and offered his wife and concubine to please his master. His Royal Highness King Ninghua ate the marrow and knew the taste, and instructed Ma Jian to wantonly loot other beautiful military wives from the guard for his own adultery.

But walking too much at night, you will always meet ghosts, not all soldiers are as faceless and skinless as Ma Jian, when he targeted Hao Jun and others' families, he resisted and came. Who knew that Zhu Zhongyu not only did not repent, but picked up the golden bones and beat Hao Jun and others to death. Since then, there have been several times when the sergeant could not bear the pain of the green hat, and he sent him away, as many as 17 people before and after.

Insert a sentence here, in order to weaken the strength of the Jin Domain, Ming Chengzu assigned the Taiyuan Left Guard to the Ninghua Palace. In the second year of Xuande (1427), Zhu Jixi, the king of Jin, was deposed because he was involved in the rebellion of the Han king, and the three guards of Taiyuan were abolished at the same time, but the guards belonging to the palaces were not recovered. The Taiyuan guards were revoked, and it was obviously inappropriate for the guards of the prefectures to continue to use the old names, and it was renamed after Ming Xuanzong ordered them to be changed in April of the following year.

"Xin Si, build the left of the Pingyang Guard, and the left and right of the left and right guards of Taiyuan are printed. First of all, the officials and soldiers of the five thousand households in the Taiyuan Three Guards, accompanied by the five kings of Pingyang, Guangchang, Yonghe, Ninghua and Qingcheng. After the leather guards, and each still uses the old seal. As a result, the five subordinate Pingyang and other guards were transformed and newly sealed. ("Records of Ming Xuanzong")

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

The ruins of the ancient city of Jinyang, Taiyuan

The Taiyuan Left Guard, to which the Ninghua Mansion belongs, is obviously subordinated to the Taiyuan Left Guard, and it is unknown whether it is the center left or the center right. Ma Jian, Hao Jun and others should be from this thousand households belonging to the Ninghua Palace. It is precisely because of this that although Zhu Zhongjun is notorious in the army because of his Jian'an style, he is limited to the inside of the firm, and the outside world still regards him as a virtuous king.

At the same time as poisoning the military women in his own home guard, the lustful Zhu Zhongjun also made waves in the palace, probed the devil to his father's widow, and even took his mother Li Suzhen as his own.

Originally, Zhu Zhongjun was his dumb overlord in the mansion like this, and it is estimated that he can play the "virtuous king" for a few more years, but the long-term smooth sailing made him completely float.

Zhu Zhongjun's fourth brother Zhu Zhongjin is also a character who does all kinds of evil, contemptuous of his mother-in-law, Princess Zhao, and usurped python clothes (the general of Zhenguo often wears a big red silk woven golden lion to open a quilt), rape and Ling Le women, etc. However, these two goods did not smell alike, but they couldn't pee in a pot.

In order to take revenge on his younger brother, His Royal Highness King Ninghua actually sent someone to break into Zhu Zhongji's mansion while the night was dark and windy. Suddenly, the entire Zhenguo General's Mansion was in shambles.

Although Zhu Zhongjin didn't catch the saboteur, he also knew that this was the handiwork of his "good second brother". Suddenly became angry, and stabbed Zhu Zhongjun's various evil deeds in front of the emperor's case.

Zhu Zhongjun was shocked to learn that his younger brother actually reported him, but Zhu Zhongjin is a clan, and he can't kill Hao Jun like he killed, not to mention that the matter is about to be revealed, and the top priority is to try to get out. For this reason, he first backhanded Zhu Zhongjin to report, and then summoned the handwriting master Sheyu Li Kai from the guard, imitated his younger brother's handwriting to forge a lawsuit, and then asked Zhang Shan, a professor in the palace, to distinguish according to this, in order to muddy the water.

The brothers exposed each other's shortcomings, and the problems exposed surprised Ming Xiaozong, but he didn't expect that Zhu Zhongjun, a generation of virtuous kings certified by the imperial court, would have such a dirty side behind his back. came back to his senses and immediately ordered Shanxi to investigate the content of the lawsuit. When he got the results of the investigation led by the governor of Shanxi, he couldn't help but be disappointed, and the reports of the Ninghua Wang brothers were all facts.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Jinyang Lake

Thinking that the moral model of the clan he identified was actually a hypocrite who was inferior to a beast, Ming Xiaozong probably wanted to slaughter Zhu Zhongjun in his heart. However, the other party has the protection of "Emperor Ming Zuxun". After thinking about it, His Majesty the Emperor still opened up to the Zhu Zhongjun brothers in line with the principle of punishing the former and saving the future, treating the sick and saving people: Zhu Zhongjun was removed from the crown and brought Lu Mi, and he was ordered to wear a turban to live idle, that is, he was removed from the title, and became an ordinary clan without a name, and he could continue to live in the palace; Zhu Zhongjin removed two-thirds of the rice.

On the contrary, it was Ma Jian and other accomplices who were severely punished: Ma Jian, Zhang Bin and others were all executed; Yan Zhong and other five people from the Thousand Households of the Royal Mansion were demoted to the first level and transferred to Guizhou Duyunwei because they were not dissuaded; Li Kai, who forged letters, was assigned to Qingping Wei to fill the army with his family; Zhang Shan, a professor of the royal palace, and two others were ordered to be arrested and punished according to the imperial history.

It was November of the fourth year of Koji (1491).

If you don't change after repeated teachings, you will be abolished

The punishment received by Zhu Zhongjun was quite a kind of probation in the Ming Dynasty's method of dealing with the erring clan, and as long as he could reform himself, he could be reinstated to the title. For the Ninghua Palace, the biggest loss was that the palace guards were laid off, but at the request of his mother-in-law, Princess Zhao of Xushun, in March of the fifth year of Hongzhi (1492), the imperial court still gave 100 captains of the Ninghua Palace as compensation.

"Wuzi...... At the beginning, the kings of each prefecture and county had a quota to set up school captains to accompany them. In Yongle, the king of Jin Ding was divided into one with his son Ning Hua Yi Jian in the three guards of the army. Later, the king of Ninghua was dismissed for his crimes, and the officers and soldiers of the institute were also transferred. As a result, his mother Zhao was in charge of government affairs with her grandson Qi De, and she was tired and begged to stay in the transferred officers and soldiers. He was ordered to change the name of a hundred lieutenants in the regular army to give him. ("Records of Ming Xiaozong")

Seeing that the second brother's personality was completely destroyed and fell into the dust, Zhu Zhongju, Zhu Zhongju, Zhu Zhongjun and other brothers were not polite, and raised objections to the ownership of the 22 hectares of farmland left by the previous king. Seeing that the two sides were arguing, Yang Cheng, the governor of Shanxi, asked the imperial court to propose an equal division plan, half of which was divided into the royal palace, and the other half was given to the generals, which was approved by the imperial court.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Taiyuan Xuefu Park

Isn't the widow a little, don't you like to knock on people's heads and kill a few people, why do you all have to target me, since this is the case, I have a showdown, and I don't pretend, so Zhu Zhongjun's demon nature is exposed.

He plundered and abused women everywhere, and abused them in various ways if he didn't obey, and many people were killed for this. continued to bully his father's other concubines, but his mother-in-law Li did not obey, and after being beaten violently, she directly set fire to her living room to cover up the crime. Even in order to satisfy his perverted psychology, he was willing to be a green hat, forcing the princess Wu and a group of concubines to commit adultery with his subordinates, and those who dared to resist would be killed.

Such crazy behavior frightened his mother-in-law, Zhao, and tried to persuade her, but she was threatened, and finally died of fright. The biological mother Liu took advantage of the banquet to persuade her, and Zhu Zhongjun was furious, picked up the wine glass in his hand and smashed it straight over. Fortunately, Liu hid quickly and was spared.

Zhu Zhongjun's tyranny put everyone in the house in danger, and the maids knew that they would be tortured to death sooner or later if they stayed any longer, so they secretly escaped under the cover of night, but were captured by the soldiers who patrolled the night. Liu Zheng, the eunuch of the town, Zhang Fu, the governor of Shanxi, and Bai Luan, the governor of Shanxi, and other high-ranking officials in Shanxi only learned about the pickling in the palace of Ninghua, so they reported to the emperor one after another.

The image of King Zhu Zhongxian has long been bankrupt in the emperor's mind, but Ming Xiaozong never imagined that he would dare to do things that are inferior to scaring his mother-in-law, beating his biological mother, and occupying his mother-in-law, how dare he! For this reason, he did not hesitate to send his henchman eunuch Luo Lu and Dali Temple Cheng Wang Jianzhi and Jinyiwei to command Ye Guang to form a delegation to Taiyuan to investigate the matter together with Gu Zuo, the new governor of Shanxi.

Although Zhu Zhongjun was brutal, he knew that he was afraid when it came to the end, after all, the things he had done, once it was confirmed, he would have to go to Fengyang for a while. In order to escape punishment, he made two preparations, on the one hand, he sent people to contact the investigation team, trying to get away with the crime by bribing heavily; On the one hand, he pressured all kinds of people in the house, asking them to keep their mouths shut. This time, the mill failed to push it up, but the members of the royal palace did not dare to speak because of his obscenity. So, after some investigation, it was found that he had indeed committed a lot of minor crimes, but there was no major crime of rebellion.

Just when the investigation team reported the closure of the case to Emperor Bing, intending to close the case. In order to further reduce his crime, Zhu Zhongjun actually made an extraneous branch: forced the princess Wu to admit that she had an affair with her brother-in-law Zhu Zhongji, in an attempt to frame herself and usurp the throne.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Taiyuan Dongshan Reclining Buddha Temple

Once this kind of thing is recognized, there is no place to die, and the Wu clan naturally refuses to pour this kind of dirty water on himself. Zhu Zhongjun, who was embarrassed and angry, saw that the soft one was not good, so he came to the hard one, and served him directly with a stick, but even if he was tortured, the Wu family still refused to admit it. had no choice but to find the eldest son of King Ninghua, Zhu Qi (pronounced yīn), the concubine, and forced him to act as a witness for the adultery between his mother and his fourth uncle. Zhu Qi is willing to frame his mother, even if he is a stick, he will resolutely refuse.

After Liu learned of his son's bastard intentions, the old lady who was heartbroken with her eldest grandson immediately rushed to the rescue, but she didn't think that Zhu Zhongyu was evil to the side of the guts, so she actually moved her hand on the old lady, and immediately slammed her to the ground like a madman. Zhang Xi'er, the palace maid who was hiding on the side, took advantage of the chaos to quietly rescue Zhu Qi and take him out of the palace.

Zhu Qi, who escaped from the ascension to heaven, knew that if he continued like this, his family would be completely ruined, so he immediately went to the door and confessed the inside story of the house to Liu Zheng, the eunuch who guarded the town. Liu Zheng was shocked and once again played to Ming Xiaozong.

Luo Lu and others just told him that Zhu Zhongjun was not guilty of any serious crime, and Liu Zheng impeached him for losing his conscience and beasts, and then followed, so you can imagine how angry Ming Xiaozong was. Then the eunuch Chen Kuan, the squire of the criminal department Dai Shan, and the commander of Jinyiwei commanded Tongzhi Wang Ling to go to re-investigate. With Zhu Qi, a person who knows the inside of the palace, Zhu Zhongjun's evil deeds were soon exposed, and the world was in an uproar for a while.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

The ancient city of Fengyang

This time, Ming Xiaozong did not show mercy to his subordinates, but it can be taken in the "Emperor Ming Zuxun" clan crime "the light is reduced to the level of punishment, and the heavy is deposed as a concubine, but the reward and punishment are clear, and no criminal responsibility is added", without involving rebellion, Zhu Zhongjun can only be deposed as a concubine and assigned to the Fengyang high wall to be imprisoned for life.

"Shang said: 'Zhong Yu's unfilial piety and fornication are still suspicious, but the boudoir is not right, there are many violations, it is not suitable for the monarchy, and he is demoted to a concubine, and he is sent to Fengyang to be imprisoned for life within the high wall, and he is still ordered to give him a salary. Wu Shige went to the concubine and ordered him to return to his house to raise his aunt. escaped from the palace maid and sent the cane to the Huanyi Bureau. Wu Gang and Bai Zong bewitched the sect and led them to evil, and he was also guilty of serious crimes, and they were all beheaded. Jin and other eight people sent border guards to fill the army. Qi is pitiful, forgive his sins, and on the day of the seal, the Ministry of Rites has to hear. Zhang Fuhua, Gu Zuo, and Bai Luan were each fined for March, Yuan Gao, Chen Qing, Li Cong, and Chen Jin were each fined for May, and Luo Lu, Wang Jianzhi, Ye Guang, and Liu Zhenggu Youzhi. ("Records of Ming Xiaozong")

Ah Yue said

Since November of the eighth year of Hongzhi (1495), Ming Xiaozong ordered the abolition of Zhu Zhongjun as a concubine and the distribution of Fengyang high wall, he lived a special life as a prisoner, and finally died silently within the high wall. The actual record does not record the date of his death, and the "Ming History: The Table of Kings" says that he died in the third year of Zhengde (1508), which is estimated to be determined by his last appearance in the actual record, and Wang Shizhen said in his "Yishan Hall Collection" that he lived to be 52 years old.

In the case of Zhu Zhongjun, it stands to reason that the county lord will be removed from the seal and no longer inherited, for example, after his brother Zhu Zhongjun, the king of Yangqu, was deposed as a concubine, his descendants can only manage the affairs of the government with their own duties, and the title of the king of Yangqu will be removed. In the matter of the king of Ninghua, because Zhu Qi was pitiful, Ming Xiaozong specially left a hole, although he himself failed to attack the knighthood in the end, but his son's generation finally ushered in the reinstatement of Longen.

Zhu Zhongjun, King of Ninghua: beat his biological mother, scared his mother-in-law to death, occupied his mother-in-law, and framed the princess for fornicating with her brother

Taiyuan Twin Pagoda Temple

After the death of Zhu Zhongjun and Zhu Qi's father and son, Ming Wuzong appointed Zhu Qi's eldest son Zhu Biaojun (pronounced cháo, jiǎo or chāo) as an auxiliary general in the thirteenth year of Zhengde (1518) and ordered him to manage government affairs. Zhu Biaojie refused to accept the year because the inheritance of the prince was unknown, and repeatedly asked the Ministry of Rites to review it. With his perseverance, in June of the seventh year of Jiajing (1528), the imperial court finally agreed to his ascension.

In October of the following year, Zhu Biaojie was officially canonized as the king of Ninghua, and Zhu Qi was posthumously crowned as the king, and he was given a mourning for Kang. Zhu Zhongjun was never recovered because of his serious crimes, but according to the "History of the Ming Dynasty", he was finally allowed to be buried in Taiyuan.

During his reign, Zhu Biaojie fully learned the lessons of his grandfather Zhu Zhongjun and acted very low-key. In the fourth year of Longqing (1570), Zhu Biao died, and the imperial court gave him Kanghe. Later, the Ninghua royal palace passed on the four generations of Zhu Zhijiao, the king of Gongduan, Zhu Xinlong, the king of Zhuangding, Zhu Shenqi, the king of Rongyi, and the last king Zhu Minji. In February of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Li Zicheng's Dashun army broke through Taiyuan, and the Ninghua Palace, which had been inherited for more than 200 years, came to an end.

As the years go by, the members of Ninghua Wangfu have also become ordinary people's homes, and only the brand of Ninghua Mansion Lao Chen Vinegar is left to tell the world the heritage of the Wangsun family.

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