
When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery

author:Jiujiang New Media

At present, we are in the critical period of flood control, and in the face of continuous heavy rainfall, the flood control situation is very severe. Flood prevention and disaster relief is urgent, and this special moment coincides with the founding of the party. Duchang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau gives full play to the role of the grassroots party group as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, they are either in the front line of flood control, or in agricultural disaster relief and relief, or in the protection of the clear water of Poyang Lake, with a firm figure to build a copper wall to protect tranquility. Practice the ambition and pride of "I am a party member, I go first" with practical actions, and let the party flag fly high on the front line.

When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery

Take "clear" as the order and guard it. In the near future, just in time for the end of the spring fishing moratorium, the Party Branch of the Duchang County Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade has carried out the "Party Building + Ten Year Fishing Ban" River Protection and River Clearing Action, leading the cohesion with party building, actively promoting the deep integration of grassroots party building and the ten-year fishing ban, and protecting the clear water of a lake with practical actions.

When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery
When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery

Take "flood" as the order, smell "flood" and go. This year's "July 1st" is different from the past, and this year's theme party day activities in the county came to the flood control dam. Recently, due to continuous heavy rainfall, the water level of Poyang Lake has been rising, and the flood situation is serious. The Party Committee of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau responded quickly and organized a volunteer commando team composed of members of the bureau team and party members and cadres to go to the four flood control responsibility sections. Day and night, they stick to the front line of flood control, so that the sacred banner in their hearts will always fly high.

When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery

Take disasters as orders and act on demand. Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall, the county's crops and photovoltaics were damaged in a large area, in order to alleviate the losses of the masses, Duchang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau "Seedlings Pioneer" Party member volunteer service team gave full play to the exemplary role of party members, went deep into the front line of the disaster, learned more about the damage to crops and photovoltaic power stations, immediately organized professionals to repair the damaged photovoltaic power stations, and guided the farmers affected by the crops to actively carry out production self-help, and strive to minimize the post-disaster losses.

When flood control meets "July 1st", they have become the most moving scenery

In addition to the comrades who are fighting on the front line, there are more party members and cadres who stick to their posts and present the party's birthday with full enthusiasm and progressive attitude!