
Unite to protect your homeland

author:Jiujiang New Media

7月‬2日‬,受连续强降雨天气影响,九江‬濂溪区‬赛‬阳镇金桥村出现了洪涝灾害。 Under the strong leadership of the Party Committee and Government of Saiyang Town, the "two committees" of Jinqiao Village acted quickly and went all out to carry out flood control and disaster relief work!

Unite to protect your homeland
Unite to protect your homeland

The members of the town and village leadership groups took the lead and led the party members, cadres and the masses to form a flood prevention and rescue team, sticking to the front line of flood control day and night, strengthening the inspection of key parts such as rivers and dams, and eliminating potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

Unite to protect your homeland

In order to ensure the safety of the people affected by the disaster, Jinqiao Village organized the transfer of personnel in a timely manner. Village cadres went door-to-door to conduct investigations and patiently persuaded villagers to evacuate dangerous areas.

Unite to protect your homeland

In this battle of flood control and disaster relief, the cadres and masses of Jinqiao Village are not afraid of difficulties, fight tenaciously, make efforts to protect their homeland, and interpret the spirit of unity and unity with practical actions. (Cai Dandan)