
Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

author:Lingtai released

Recently, I saw a topic on the Internet: "What does a woman look like at her best?" ”

A high praise below replied: "The material is minimal, the circle is clean, and the heart is abundant." ”

Indeed, the simpler one's life is, the more relaxed the mind tends to be.

As Yang Jiang said:

"A simple life and a noble soul are the highest state of life."

Time is fleeting, the face is easy to age, only the inner quality and temperament can accompany a person's life.

There are always some women in life who don't like to socialize, and don't like to wear makeup and dress themselves, but they can maintain an elegant posture and live more and more exciting.

Such a woman will often have these 3 destinies.

Stay away from ineffective social interactions and live your life well

Zhou Guoping said: "Compared with socializing, solitude is a more important ability than socializing in a certain sense. ”

Human energy is limited, and instead of spending time on social interactions and forcing oneself to fit in with others, it is better to enjoy one's happiness and freedom.

Really smart women know how to keep a certain distance from the outside world, stay away from ineffective social interactions, and focus on their own lives.

Yang Jiang wrote in the book:

"The world is one's own and has nothing to do with others."

That's what she said, and that's what she did.

When her husband was alive, Yang Jiang and he read books and studied at home, one person in one corner, did not disturb each other, and did their own things.

Aside from the occasional hangout with a few friends, Yang Jiang spends little time socializing and doesn't give interviews.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

After her husband died, Yang Jiang went out less often, and most of the time she stayed at home and quietly did her own thing.

Once, Yang Jiang went downstairs for a walk, and as soon as she walked to the door of the community, she met an old neighbor, and after a while, she met an acquaintance, and everyone would chat with her for a long time.

Yang Jiang sighed: "What kind of walk is this, this is going downstairs to hold a press conference." ”

Since then, Yang Jiang has lived in seclusion, spending all his time writing and sorting out manuscripts.

At the age of 92, Yang Jiang completed the essay collection "We", which aroused great attention and heated discussions among readers as soon as the work was published.

At the age of 103, Yang Jiang compiled and published "The Complete Works of Yang Jiang", showing the essence of her life's thoughts in this set of books.

Staying away from meaningless socializing allowed Yang Jiang to have more time and energy, focus on his life, and made great achievements in the field of literature.

Many times, instead of spending time on unnecessary socializing, it is better to cultivate yourself in solitude.

Only by staying away from the crowd and calming down in solitude to feel life can people live their true selves.

When the famous scientist Madame Currie got married, there were only two chairs in the new house.

When her father saw this, he wanted to give her a set of furniture, but Marie Curie did not accept it, saying:

"With chairs, there will be guests who will stay and chat, so you spend a lot of time socializing."

In the end, without any furniture in the house, the Curies devoted all their time and energy to scientific research, and finally the two won the Nobel Prize in Physics together.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

The older you get, the more you understand that only by giving up ineffective socialization, staying away from incompatible circles, and focusing on yourself can you live your own life and live your own wonderful life.

It is only in solitude that one can become one's complete self.

You don't have to deal with meaningless social relationships, you don't have to guess what others think, and you don't need to get around human relationships.

From now on, try to cool down socially, leave an empty space for your soul, and complete the transformation of your life in solitude.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

Rich and confident inside, accept your true self

Lin Qingxuan said:

"Third-rate makeup is makeup on the face; Second-rate makeup is spiritual makeup; First-class makeup is the makeup of life. ”

The beautiful face will wither with the passage of time, but the richness and elegance of the soul can always stay in life.

Women who are not keen on makeup tend to maintain a natural and pure state, with a rich and confident heart, and accept their truest selves.

Yang Jiang almost didn't use powder in her life, and she kept no makeup at any time, but these did not affect her gentle beauty.

In her opinion, the flamboyance of the outside is not as good as the inner fulfillment, and instead of spending time on makeup, it is better to enrich one's heart.

Yang Jiang said in "We Together":

"The most important ability of a woman is not how beautiful you dress yourself up, but that you have the ability to make yourself happy no matter what happens."

A woman with great wisdom is not unable to dress up, but is more willing to accept her true self and no longer need to embellish herself with external objects.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

Sanmao, a famous writer, once participated in an event.

She didn't wear delicate makeup, her hair was tied back casually, and she appeared at the event with a faint smile on her face.

A reporter asked Sanmao: "Why didn't you wear makeup?" Aren't you worried about your image? ”

Sanmao replied with a smile: "I think makeup is a kind of bondage, it will hide a person's true appearance." I like to be natural and let people see me for who I really am. ”

This kind of self-confidence from the heart allows Sanmao to always maintain the most natural state, not to be burdened by material and fame, to pursue a simple lifestyle, and to live the most authentic self.

Sanmao's characters, like her, maintain a simple style and true self, and are liked by many readers.

As Cicero said, "Everything that goes according to nature is good." ”

The true value of a woman lies not in her appearance, but in the fullness of her inner world and spiritual pursuit.

The true beauty of a woman does not lie in the decoration of cosmetics, but in the self-confidence and abundance from the depths of her heart.

A comfortable and natural face is the greatest respect for life.

Life is long, and instead of spending time on appearances, it is better to accept your truest self and live your life at your own pace.

Advocating a simple life and having an abundant soul

Zhang Ailing said: "We all live in our own clothes. ”

Dressing up can show a person's style and taste, and show his attitude to life.

Women who don't like to dress up tend to advocate a simple life, have a full understanding of themselves, and are not easily influenced by the outside world.

They do not have a glamorous appearance and often live a simple life.

Such a woman has a rich soul and can live comfortably without any external dress.

Grandma Zhang, a neighbor, is a very low-key and simple person.

For material things, she doesn't have too many desires, three meals a day, all of which are coarse tea and light meals, and she only wants to be comfortable and simple in dressing.

For a while, the women around her were in fashion, dressed brightly and eye-catchingly.

Grandma Zhang still maintains her usual style, wearing a plain cheongsam, which looks very special in the crowd.

Grandma Zhang likes to draw, and in her free time, she spends all her time learning to draw.

Whenever she immerses herself in the world of painting, she feels that life is full of fun.

Grandma Zhang's later life is simple but fulfilling, which makes many people envious.

If you look at her life experience, you will understand:

In fact, there are not many things that people need to live, and only by learning to subtract from life can they add to life.

Actor Wu Yue is a woman who is not kidnapped by her appearance and appearance.

Looking at the photos shared by Wu Yue on the Internet, you will find that she often appears without makeup, wearing the simplest and most comfortable clothes, showing her truest side in front of the public.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

She said: "Those good times in life should be the days when you are not afraid to leave collagen and gorgeous appearance. ”

In the face of the passage of time and the growth of age, Wu Yue did not have anxiety and trouble, but lived more and more calmly.

When she is not acting, she will keep no makeup, wear the most ordinary clothes, find a quiet place to read and write, and let her soul be nourished by the fragrance of books.

Yishu wrote in "Round Dance":

"A woman with a real temperament who never flaunts what she has.

She doesn't tell people where she's been, how many clothes she's had, or what jewelry she's bought. ”

Wise women often live a minimalist life, not caring about superficial work, but pursuing inner fulfillment and the value of life.

Such a woman, no matter how many twists and turns she goes through and how the outside world changes, can maintain the elegance and beauty of her soul.

In the second half of life, try to live a simple life and be a woman with a fragrant soul.

Women who don't socialize, don't wear makeup, and don't dress up are mostly these 3 destinies, which are very accurate!

Writer Chekhov said:

"Everything about a person should be plain, whether it be the face, the clothes, the heart, the mind."

The true nobility of a woman lies not in the gorgeousness and ostentatiousness of her appearance, but in the sincerity and richness of her heart.

The better a woman lives, the more she knows how to look inward.

Stay away from ineffective socialization, don't care about external dressing, and enrich your soul, so that you can live a full and happy life.

Source: Yishui release

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