
Mou Lin: Don't be self-righteous and exaggerate, the US-Israel contradiction is not actually an antagonistic contradiction

author:Qin'an Strategy

Recently, when military experts analyzed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, they all talked about how the United States and Israel contradicted each other. What the United States is dissatisfied with Israel's expansion of the war in Gaza, the United States preventing Israel from attacking Lebanon, and so on.

Listening to the experts, it is as if the United States Government is sympathetic to the bombed Palestinian people, as if the United States Government is opposed to Israeli aggression, and as if the United States Government is upholding justice.

Mou Lin: Don't be self-righteous and exaggerate, the US-Israel contradiction is not actually an antagonistic contradiction

As a matter of fact, the US-Israel contradiction is nothing more than a discord between its associates, a contradiction in which the United States tells Israel "you should fight like this, you should not fight like that" and Israel says, "I will fight like this," and it is a non-confrontational contradiction. The U.S. government, like the Israeli government, wants to eliminate Hamas completely.

Why is the tone of our experts misleading? That is, when interpreting the Palestinian-Israeli situation, we have not clearly distinguished between the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction, and the US-Israeli contradiction is not even a secondary contradiction, and it is completely impossible to mention it when doing military analysis.

The Biden administration is just anxious that Israel will do it brutely, lacking strategic vision, and if it is not careful, it will drag the United States into the war. Instead of worrying about how many more Palestinian civilians have died in Gaza, or about the expansion of the war in the Middle East. As far as the United States is concerned, if the war in the Middle East expands, as long as the United States can watch the war from across the strait and earn arms spending, what does it have to do with it? When it is finished, it can clean up the mess as a god, and everyone will be attached to it. Isn't that what you see in the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Ukraine has been scrapped, Russia has been crippled, the EU has been dragged to a weakened position, and the most powerful is the United States.

How did so many allies of the United States come here, and this is how they were "convinced"! If they obey it, they will ask the United States for protection, and the US troops stationed on the territory of its allies are "justifiable" to protect the security of their allies. Or do you watch your allies lest they rebel?

For example, if the United States preaches every day that China threatens Japan, if the US military is not stationed in Japan, will China really attack Japan? ! Unless the Japanese government is crazy and takes the initiative to attack China, even if there is a conflict between China and Japan, it will be resolved peacefully through negotiations, and the presence of the United States will be an obstacle to such a peaceful settlement.

Mou Lin: Don't be self-righteous and exaggerate, the US-Israel contradiction is not actually an antagonistic contradiction

There have been five wars in the Middle East before, has the United States ended? Nope! Israel fights for the United States, and the United States is responsible for logistics. After subduing the Arab countries, they are all begging the United States to clean up the mess. The US Government has seized the opportunity to put forward its own political demands on the Arab countries: to convey benefits to the United States, or to protect US interests in the Middle East, and the content of the interests will be drawn up by the US Government.

Just play like that anyway, right? Enjoy it tirelessly, and always succeed.

This Palestinian-Israeli conflict will not be an exception. The Israeli government is crazy this time, specifically Netaliahu, and he is determined to completely eliminate Hamas, so that Hamas does not exist, and Israel will never have any troubles. More than 40,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed for this purpose. Isn't this genocide? At least the genocide in Gaza! Do you see that the U.S. government admits it? Don't admit it, right?

Israel is committing genocide every day, and the US government just refuses to admit it, or it wants to defend Israel. Do you think there is a real antagonistic contradiction between the raccoon dogs?

Mou Lin: Don't be self-righteous and exaggerate, the US-Israel contradiction is not actually an antagonistic contradiction

It is suggested that when talking about the US-Israel contradiction, our experts should make the nature of the US-Israel contradiction clear by the way, so as not to beautify the US Government's remarks and give the people of the world a false impression.

Note: The author of this article is Mu Lin, a core member of the "Qin'an Strategy" think tank, and is an original work on this platform.