
Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

author:Qin'an Strategy

In recent years, the term strategic espionage has frequently appeared on the Internet, which refers to the long-term lurking in the target country to commit crimes at the behest of the assigned country.

They are generally lurking in a certain focus area, key position, or core department, or even the head of the state for a long time. Strategic spies generally pay great attention to their personal appearance and image, are good at engaging in unprincipled harmony, are good at pleasing their superiors and entrap their subordinates, and are good at tolerating and being exquisite in all directions, so that the outside world feels gentle and approachable, and has a good impression of them!

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

Some of these strategic spies are experts in their fields, some are industry or department leaders, some are post leaders, and some are even important figures in core organs. Through their own status, professional authority, position power, foreign support, etc., they influence the public opinion orientation, policy direction, and institutional orientation of the target country, so that the target country can develop according to the path of destruction set for them.

In particular, high-level strategic espionage is deeply involved in the key parts and core organs of the target country, and its crimes span a long time, the degree of harm is deep, and the concealment is strong, and they can subvert and destroy a country. For example, Khrushchev and Gorbachev of the former Soviet Union were such high-level strategic spies worthy of the name in reality, and destroying the Soviet Union was their strategic masterpiece!

Of course, strategic espionage exists not only within the target country, but also from outside the implementing country. For example, the Jewish capital forces that infiltrate countries around the world and hunt down their heads of state as foreign capital or foreign businessmen are strategic spies!

The way in which strategic espionage implements espionage means is to lay strategic traps, so that the target country will inadvertently jump into the strategic trap set by them or half-push and half-push, and slowly move towards destruction.

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

For us, uncovering internal and external strategic spies and discovering the strategic traps of the Jewish capital forces in the United States and the West is a top priority for national security and an inevitable requirement for national rejuvenation!

It is the lofty ideal and historical mission of the Chinese Communists to transform China and change the world, realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and liberate the oppressed nations and people in the world.

However, in the process of realizing our ideals and fulfilling our mission, the US and Western imperialism and capitalism, especially the monopoly forces of US and Western Jewish capital, will not sit idly by and accept the crushing of the wheels of history and the sweep of the tide of history. We are tempted to be deceived, to develop according to their will, to accept their control, and finally to perdition!

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

In this regard, we must heighten our vigilance, keep our eyes open, always guard against and recognize the strategic trap set for us by the strategic spies of the US and Western imperialism, capitalism, and the monopoly forces of Jewish capital, see through it at any time, avoid it anywhere, and reject it completely, so as to smoothly realize our lofty ideals and fulfill our glorious historical mission at an early date.

So what exactly is a strategic trap?

A strategic trap is a trap that can only be manifested in a long or long-term period of time after a long-term layout, starting from the foundation from a small point to the root. Its biggest feature is that it takes a long time, is well camouflaged, has strong concealment, is not easy to see, and even in the short term, it can still eat sweetness and get benefits, so it is the most easy to be deceived. But once you jump into the strategic trap, the result is bound to be a subversive catastrophe!

Here are a few examples of strategic traps in typical respects.

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

The depopulation plan, joining the World Trade Organization, which sets the rules by the United States and the West, the discontinuation of national defense, military and high-tech projects to make way for economic development, the introduction of foreign advisers in the financial and securities markets, the withdrawal of industrial projects in response to climate change, the privatization of public ownership, the transformation of labor production from collective organization of agriculture to individual labor, the promotion of genetically modified crops with herbicides, the widespread establishment of foreign schools in China, the control of foreign investment and the guidance of propaganda media, the establishment of biological virus laboratories with the United States and the West, and the poisoning of school textbooks or student books, giving up the export of foreign culture and revolution, introducing cultural artworks with strong political colors in the United States and the West, participating in political cultural and artistic awards set by the United States and the West, and infiltrating popular cultural and sports projects with capital.

The focus here is on the depopulation plan, joining the World Trade Organization, which sets the rules by the Jewish capital forces of the United States and the West, and setting up schools for foreigners in the country.

Depopulation plan

Official propaganda is also known as family planning. The implementation of the family planning policy was once a long-term basic national policy of ours, and we are ready to persist unswervingly for 100 years; this is a policy that is earlier, tighter, stronger, and more active than the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, but after less than half a hundred years of implementation, all kinds of shortcomings have been exposed, and we can no longer persist in it.

The chairman said that as long as there are people, everything is easy to do, and people will win the day!

On the contrary, without people, nothing can be done or done! It can be seen that human beings are the most basic productive forces and the foundation for the existence and development of society.

Now the so-called artificial intelligence, software technology, etc., is nothing more than people's accumulation, induction and storage of existing human intelligence, it will never exceed the sum of existing human intelligence, that is to say, artificial intelligence will never exceed human intelligence, because artificial intelligence does not have the ability to think autonomously, only mechanical execution and simulation of human operation.

The victory of the people's revolution led by the Communist Party of China, the defeat of reactionaries at home and abroad, the transformation of nature and the creation of a better and happier life depend on the strength of the hundreds of millions of people who have been organized.

The reactionaries at home and abroad are most afraid of the organization, cohesion, and growth of the people's forces, so reducing the number of people is the first choice for the reactionaries to eliminate us.

The decrease in population not only reduces productivity and resistance to resistance, but also reduces the possession and use of resources, so that capital groups and political elites can freely, securely, safely, and smoothly occupy more resources and wealth.

Everyone has seen that Ukraine, as the second largest country in Europe, has no troops to recruit in the current Russian-Ukrainian war! That's how important the population is.

As a matter of fact, there is no need to rely exclusively on administrative coercive means to carry out family planning, still less to launch biological virus warfare and genetic food warfare to reduce the population, and a market economy can achieve the goal of population reduction.

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

At present, the countries that are unwilling to have children are basically capitalist countries with developed market economies. We let go of the second child and then immediately let go of the third child, and even encouraged and rewarded the child, but we still couldn't move the heart that didn't give birth!

However, the implementation of the family planning policy has indeed increased per capita food consumption. This can be said in disguise that food production has increased!

The depopulation program is the biggest strategic trap set for us by strategic spies! It has fundamentally removed the driving force and vitality of our various undertakings and development!

Joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) that sets the rules by the Jewish capital forces of the United States and the West

The original intention of our request to join the World Trade Organization, which is set by the rules set by the Jewish capitalist forces of the United States and the West, was to enter the world economic stage and participate in international competition under the slogan of global economic integration, so as to promote our own economic development. Of course, this is based on the belief that the WTO rules set by the US and Western Jewish capitalist forces are fair and just, and that the US and Western Jewish capitalist forces are honest and abide by the spirit of the contract.

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

However, we think too well about the pirate-born, wolf-minded Jewish capital forces of the United States and the West! They bewitch and lure us into joining the World Trade Organization, whose rules and order it has set, in order to gradually extort our wealth economically, inhibit our development, and make us their resource suppliers and economic colonies. There will not be the slightest sense of integrity and contract spirit in them.

We have seen that although we have fulfilled our responsibilities and obligations in full accordance with and abiding by the rules and order set by the Jewish capital forces in the United States and the West, the Jewish capital forces in the United States and the West can abandon and change the rules and order set by them anytime and anywhere, and arbitrarily launch economic, trade, technological, food, financial, and biological virus wars against us, as well as military encirclement, suppression, and restrictions on us.

Because of the large size of our country and the abundant resources and assets of the state, the Jewish capitalist forces in the United States and the West did not put us to death all at once in the contest with us. This is something to be thankful for, but it is also time for us to think deeply and make a new choice! Because the danger has not been eliminated, it is still ongoing!

When it comes to integrity and the spirit of contract, the most representative is the so-called Swiss bank of a neutral Swiss country. Its appearance of neutrality, its banks' slogans of honesty and the spirit of contract, have caused the world's hot money to flow to their countries and banks.

In the past few days, one of the more eye-catching pieces of information is that Switzerland and the United States have reached an agreement on the exchange of financial account data with each other. The gist of this is that the U.S. government can administratively obtain the data of U.S. customers' accounts in Swiss banks, even if they do not consent to it.

Regardless of the pros and cons of this action, the Swiss bank's banner of "keeping depositors confidential" appears to be a fraud at this time.

Those rich people who rolled up money at home, became American citizens, and saved money in Swiss banks are probably going to have trouble sleeping! I hope it will not affect the direction of our reform and opening up!

It can be seen that any rules and order of the Jewish capitalist forces in the United States and the West are formulated for others and never abide by them; Honesty and the spirit of contract are for others to implement, and they can trample on integrity and violate the contract at will.

Therefore, whether it is joining the WTO, or the strategic cooperation in other aspects led by the United States and Western Jewish capital, it is a strategic trap set for us!

We have set up a school for foreigners in our country

Strengthening cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between countries is an important form of developing friendly relations between countries, and should be encouraged and supported, but it is debatable to allow a country and its students to run schools independently and manage them in a closed manner. In particular, it is even more inconceivable to allow hostile countries that once launched aggression and unfriendly countries that are now unfriendly countries to run schools independently in their own countries!

It is safe to say that the strategic impact of once hostile countries and now unfriendly countries running schools independently on their own country cannot be ignored, and we must be vigilant!

What is the purpose of these countries for their children to come to a foreign country to study and survive from an early age, in order to get along with a foreign country and help it develop and prosper?

Definitely not!

If the students of these countries who run independently in a foreign country begin to become foreigners from an early age, become legal citizens of the host country, and when they grow up, enter the high-level institutions of the host country and occupy a key position, then the host country will be subverted at once.

There are many examples of this in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad, and this is the means and way of training standard strategic spies or strategic subversives, that is, from a small point to the foundation and from a long-term perspective! This is a strategic trap set by strategic spies to cultivate strategic spies!

Wang Changsheng: The task of strategic spies is to lay strategic traps and insidiously eliminate their opponents once and for all

In the past few days, the deeds of Chinese Hu Youping, who sacrificed his life to protect Japanese students, in Suzhou have been widely hyped.

What people are hyping about is not whether Hu Youping is performing his job duties or acting bravely, but why people question why there is such a small Japanese children's school in Suzhou and the purpose of the gangster's murder!

Even if foreigners come to our country to run schools and educate their children to grow up without any hostility, they need to be carefully considered! Because, no matter whether foreigners are allowed to run schools independently in our homeland, whether or not our family planning policy is still being implemented, but the arrival of these foreign children in China has at least increased our already serious population environment, consumed our population survival resources, and squeezed out the fertility space of our own children!

Therefore, the policy of allowing foreigners to bring their children to run schools independently in our country must be re-examined and highly vigilant.

Wang Changhu, Jul 1, 2024

Note: The author of this article is Wang Changsheng, a core member of the "Qin'an Strategy" think tank, and is an original work on this platform.