
Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

author:Vitality of Inner Mongolia
Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

On July 1, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held a press conference. At the meeting, it was announced that the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Tourism in the Three Provinces and One Region of Northeast China" will be implemented from July 1, 2024.

Decision on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Tourism in Three Provinces and One Region in Northeast China

It is the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the three provinces and one district in Northeast China

The first collaborative legislative project

Main content:

Clarify the guiding ideology and target positioning

The decision stipulates that to promote the coordinated development of tourism in the three provinces and one region in Northeast China, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line of work, and faithfully practicing the concepts of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and "ice and snow are also invaluable assets".

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

The development goal is to promote the construction of the three provinces and one region in Northeast China into a world-class ice and snow tourism resort, a leading place for the development of green tourism in China, a model place for border tourism reform and innovation, and a practice place for cross-regional tourism integration development.

Establish and improve the working mechanism for coordinated development

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

The decision stipulates the establishment and improvement of a coordinated development working mechanism at three levels: the provincial and regional governments shall establish a mechanism for promoting the coordinated development of tourism; The tourism authorities shall establish a mechanism for regular contact and regular consultations; Encourage the establishment of cross-regional tourism development cooperation mechanisms among provinces and autonomous regions.

Cooperate in the development of special tourism products

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

It was decided to highlight the advantageous tourism resources of the three provinces and one region in Northeast China, and stipulate that the focus should be on the coordinated development of ice and snow tourism, green tourism, red tourism, ethnic cultural tourism, industrial tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry tourism, and border tourism.

Refine implementation measures

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

The coordinated development of tourism requires government guidance and the cooperation of various departments to promote the integration of tourism promotion, tourism transportation, market supervision and tourism standards, and jointly build a tourism credit system, a smart tourism system and a security system.

Strengthen organizational implementation and coordination with the National People's Congress

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

The decision stipulates that the governments of the three provinces and one district in Northeast China should clarify the specific tasks of coordinated development of tourism and conscientiously organize their implementation; Strengthen the linkage of people's congresses' supervision work, and jointly build a rule of law environment conducive to coordinated development.

Specific measures

Policy guarantee

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

The "Implementation Plan for the Development of Tourism in Eastern Inner Mongolia", the "Inner Mongolia Daxinganling Tourism Development Plan (2024-2030)", and the "Implementation Plan for the High-quality Development of Tourism in the Daxinganling Forest Area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" have been formulated and promulgated to provide a strong policy guarantee for consolidating coordinated development.

Increase the supply of tourism products

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!


Build high-quality tourist attractions

Vigorously promote the quality of existing 4A and 5A-level scenic spots, steadily promote the creation of new 5A-level scenic spots, and the Morgrad River has been successfully promoted to a national 5A-level tourist attraction.


Promote the construction of "four tourism places".

Launched 10 high-quality self-driving tourism routes in the eastern region. Build a number of national and autonomous region-level tourism and leisure cities, tourist resorts and tourism and leisure blocks. Since the construction of the "Four Tourism Places", it has won 83 national brands.


Develop characteristic ice and snow tourism

Focusing on cities such as Hailar, Yakeshi, Manzhouli, and Arshan, we will create ice and snow tourism destinations. Develop ice and snow brand activities with domestic and foreign influence, such as Inner Mongolia Ice and Snow Naadam, Manzhouli China-Russia-Mongolia International Ice and Snow Festival, etc.


Development of forest tourism

Coordinate the ecological protection and resource development of the Daxing'an Mountains forest area, and make every effort to promote the Daxing'an Mountains to build a national eco-tourism destination. Actively launch forest health tourism routes, research tourism, self-driving tourism and other line products.


Development of red tourism

Promote the optimization and upgrading of classic red tourism scenic spots in the eastern region, and support Ulanhot and Manzhouli to create national red tourism integrated development demonstration zones. Carry out activities such as red tourism into the campus and five good docents.

Improve tourism service facilities

Relying on airports, railway stations, and highway service areas to build a number of tourism distribution and consultation centers, strengthen the construction and transformation of convenient tourism facilities such as barrier-free tourism. Accelerate the development of smart tourism in the eastern region, and guide the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the identification system.

Promote coordinated regional development

Based on the tourism market of three provinces and one region, we will jointly launch high-quality tourism routes such as cross-regional micro-vacations, weekend tours, and self-driving tours in neighboring provinces. Promote the establishment of a joint marketing and promotion mechanism with the three northeastern provinces, organize joint tourism promotion and marketing activities, and enrich brand festivals.

Expand foreign cooperation and opening up

Deepen the mechanism of the "Wanli Tea Ceremony" international tourism alliance, rely on border port cities such as Erenhot, Manzhouli, and Arshan to develop border and cross-border tourism, and support the creation of a national border tourism pilot zone in East Wuzhumuqin Banner and the creation of a national cross-border tourism cooperation zone in Erenhot.

Heavy! The first collaborative legislative project of "Liaoji Heimeng" will be implemented today!

Support the holding of activities such as the China-Russia-Mongolia International Ice and Snow Festival in Manzhouli and the "Tea Road" International Cultural Tourism Festival in Erenhot, and build the G331 Border Tourism Scenic Road and the "Hulun Lake-Lake Baikal-Kusugul Lake" three-lake ring route. We will continue to expand the opening up to the north and support cultural and tourism exchanges with Russia and Mongolia in the eastern region.

Three provinces and one region in Northeast China

Beautiful natural landscape

There are various types of ecology

Snow, forests, mountains, and rivers

Wetlands, grasslands, deserts

Lakes, rivers, oceans

The natural tourism resource endowment is superior

The humanistic atmosphere is strong


This summer

Check it out here!

Source: Pentium Media