
The author of "The Daughter-in-law of the Princess": Buddha Yi Guilin

author:The bright moon that moves forward bravely

《Gongfu 媳》

Author: Buddha clothes return to the forest

The author of "The Daughter-in-law of the Princess": Buddha Yi Guilin

Brief introduction:

Xu Ruoyun knew that his means of marrying Lu Yueqin were very shameful.

At the banquet at home, she was accidentally designed with Chinese medicine, and looked at her cousin, who was getting closer and closer, full of despair, and vomited repeatedly.

The cousin dragged her hair in disgust, and asked who she was involved with, and even had a child.

She was panicked and frightened for a moment, and blurted out: "It's Lu Shizi." ”

Lu Yueqin was born in a noble family and held a high position, Xu Fu did not dare to offend, and dreamed of clinging, so the news of her pregnancy was spread the next day, forcing Lu Yueqin to marry her.

After marriage, Lu Yueqin's attitude was unexpected, not as disgusted with her as Xu Ruoyun thought, Lu Yueqin was quiet and indifferent, and the two respected each other like guests.

Until one day, Xu Ruoyun learned from his subordinates that Lu Yue Qinyuan had a cousin who was a childhood sweetheart, and the relationship was very good.

She felt guilty and didn't dare to call herself Mrs. Xiaoqingmei, so she only asked for her to leave after Xiaoqingmei came back from the end of her filial piety.

Lu Yueqin placed his distant cousin who had no feelings in the outer courtyard, and as soon as he came back, he saw his wife sitting in front of the couch with a nervous expression, delicate and timid, with her hands behind her back and wanting to stop talking.

He knew that she liked power, and he also liked his family background, so he planned to marry him. It's just that the scheming is shallow and stupid, and you can see through what you think at a glance.

Seeing her staring at her unbuttoned hand, he was relieved.

If she wants the child to stabilize her position in the Lu Mansion, he can also consider it.

He slowly understood the button: "You want a child?" ”

Unexpectedly, the people on the couch were shocked when they heard this, their eyes widened, and the letter paper they were holding in their hands fell to the ground with a click.

He swept his gaze, and the word "Lishu" came into view.

Lu Yueqin: "......"

She's so good.

He was only away from home for three days, and she had a new goal?


Lu Yueqin tilted his head, saw her dissatisfied frowning, and stared at himself with a pair of sparkling eyes, as if he was angry. But anger is not enough to be feared, as if a rabbit is anxious and wants to bite, and then shrinks back from fear, so he has to use his eyes to intimidate.

Unnaturalness flashed in the man's eyes, and he realized that what he said was inappropriate, and immediately changed his words: "It likes you." ”

said that the kitten liked her, Xu Ruoyun didn't believe it, the first time she came to Lufu, and the first time she saw this cat, why did she like her? It must have been said deliberately that he didn't want to hug himself. I just said it was shedding.

Xu Ruoyun pouted, vented in her mouth for a while, turned around again, and still refused to hug, "I have to go to the eldest sister, I won't find me later, the eldest sister will be in a hurry." ”

She was just reluctant to help him send it back, it's as simple as that, saying that my sister is in a hurry is an excuse. Lu Yueqin saw it.

He was not in a hurry, nor did he move, standing in front of her, his tall body completely enveloping her, and no sunlight shone on her. Lu Yueqin lowered his eyes slightly, his gaze fell on his white forehead, and the tiny broken hair swept back and forth, as if tickling.

The man's expression remained unchanged and said, "It's not to thank me." "Then help him get the cat back.

Xu Ruoyun opened her lips and didn't speak, she understood what he meant, and now she wanted her to repay him. Well, he helped himself twice, and it's not impossible to help him get the cat back. What's more, the kitten is really cute, soft and comfortable in my arms.

"Okay." She replied in a low voice, then asked, "Where to send it?" ”


Curly eyelashes blinked, and the little girl raised her head and stared at him for a moment, reacting a little slower. So this road is going to Lu Yueqin's courtyard, didn't those girls go in the opposite direction just now?

Did they go wrong, or did Lu Yueqin say the wrong thing?

The answer is obvious, this direction is to go to Lu Yueqin's courtyard.

Xu Ruoyun pondered and proposed, "What about the little guy next to you last time?" I'll give it to him. ”

She can't go to Lu Yueqin's courtyard, it's easy for people to misunderstand, how good is it to spread it.

"Ju Ping is busy, just wait here."

Lu Yueqin didn't force her, and he also knew that it was not appropriate for the girl's house to go to his yard, so he didn't think about it.

So, one big and one small, two figures stood on the bluestone path, their bodies were very different, but the picture was unexpectedly harmonious.

Xu Ruoyun didn't know how long she would have to wait, bored touching the kitten to play, it was strange to say, it was obviously his cat, why was it in her arms? She peeked at him quietly, looked twice, and wanted to ask when it would be, but her red lips moved, and she stopped talking.

She didn't say anything in the end, and waited honestly.

Suddenly, a girl's delicate voice came from a distance, "Brother, brother." ”

It was a little far away, and from Lu Youran's angle, he could only see Lu Yueqin alone, and the people behind him were completely blocked.

She trotted over, panting beside Lu Yueqin, ignoring the others, "Is Brother Shi Qing here?" In your yard. ”

Speaking of Zhou Shiqing, Lu Yueqin remembered the ridiculous things he did in his yard, and irritability instantly surged in his heart, "No, gone." "I guess I went with the tip of his heart.

"How so?" Lu Youran didn't believe it, and muttered in his mouth: "He hasn't given me a gift yet, he said okay, why did he go back?" Are you lying to me? ”

Xu Ruoyun listened to Lu Youran's pitiful voice, wondering, didn't she find out that she was an outsider, so should she make a sound?

"Surely you lied to me?"

Lu Yueqin had a straight face, his eyes were full of helplessness, "I didn't lie to you, I really left." ”

Lu Youran didn't say anything, lowered her head, her mood was very lost, she wanted to cry happily, but unfortunately before she could brew her emotions, she heard a few cat meows.

"Meow meow...", the kitten moved, and changed to a more comfortable position.

Lu Youran immediately raised his head and followed the sound to push Lu Yueqin away, only to find that at some point, there was an extra girl here, holding her brother's cat in her hand.

Lu Youran's eyes widened, looked at the cat, and then at the beautiful girl who was a few years older than her, and said, "Brother, don't you dislike the loss of tangyuan?" Why are you still keeping it? ”

Lu Yueqin raised his eyebrows, his eyes moved slightly, he hated losing his hair, but now there is no one to hold him, and he doesn't need to take it back, it doesn't hurt to raise it for a few days.

"Who is she?" Lu asked leisurely.

Xu Ruoyun smiled friendlyly, "My name is Xu Ruoyun." ”

Lu Youran sighed, her eyes stared at her, as if she was going to stare her out of a hole, this was not enough, Lu Youran even took two steps forward, looking her up and down, leisurely, her eyes lit up, remembering who she was.

"Eh, aren't you the girl who was in Jumbo Zhai last time? It's you. ”

Xu Ruoyun nodded embarrassedly, it was her, I didn't expect Miss Lu to remember, it doesn't matter if she remembers, she has to explain.

But Lu Youran's next sentence made the two of them stunned, "Brother, didn't you say you didn't know her?" How do you know each other now? ”

Two little girls looked at him at the same time, one full of curiosity, the other slightly flustered, afraid to tell him what had happened a few times before.

However, to their disappointment, Lu Yueqin's eyes flashed unnaturally in a fleeting manner, and the two of them didn't notice it.

Lu Yueqin put his hands behind his back, his deep eyes narrowed, and said seriously: "Don't worry about adults, children." ”

Lu Youran is thirteen years old this year, and he is indeed a child to Lu Yueqin, not to mention Lu Youran, even Xu Ruoyun is not an adult in his eyes.

"I'm not a child." In two years, she will be able to marry Brother Shi Qing.

Lu Youran doesn't like others to say that she is a child, as if she is very small, she wants to grow up quickly and get married. She glared at her brother, pursed her lips and said, "Who cares about your business, I can tell you, my mother has taken a fancy to the girl from the family in the south of the city, and she had a good chat with Mrs. Fang just now." ”

"Even if it's not Miss Fang, it's Cousin Ruqing marrying you, her grandmother and our grandmother are cousins, and the relationship is good, Cousin Ruqing came when she was a child, and her grandmother also said to let her marry you."

Lu Youran glanced at his brother vigilantly, and continued without fear of death: "You seem to have agreed." After saying that, he shrunk his neck.

Xu Ruoyun was stunned when she heard it, as if she had discovered the secrets of a wealthy family, she didn't want to hear it, but her hearing was normal, and it was difficult not to hear it, she turned her face away and pretended not to hear it, but Yu Guang couldn't help but glance at Lu Yueqin.

“啧。 ”

Lu Yueqin first glanced at the side, and then looked at Lu Youran with a serious expression, "Don't talk nonsense, by the way, don't look for Zhou Shiqing in the future, he has a girl he likes." ”

Speaking of Zhou Shiqing, Lu Youran jumped up, looking like he was not afraid of heaven and earth, "You are talking nonsense, I don't believe it." ”

When the words fell, Lu Youran stomped his feet in anger, and then ran away in a puff of smoke.

Lu Yueqin looked at his sister's back, shook his head and sighed, who does he like is not good, but it is Zhou Shiqing, it is destined to be fruitless, and it is good to know it early.


After watching the excitement, Xu Ruoyun wanted to leave, his embarrassed expression eased, and he said softly: "I'll go first." ”

She turned in the same direction as she turned, pursing her lips, her forehead lifted and gently brushed her cheeks.

After walking three or two steps, a man's deep voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Xu Ruoyun." ”

She paused and turned sideways slowly, "What's wrong?" ”


The cat was still in her arms, she forgot, Xu Ruoyun looked down and smiled apologetically, "Oh, I forgot." ”

Tang Yuan is really good, but just now Lu Youran said that he didn't want to raise it anymore and hated it for shedding hair. So does he want it or not?

Xu Ruoyun didn't return it to him immediately, lowered her head, her eyes rolled, and after a while, she raised her head and asked, "If you don't want to raise it?" What are you going to do with it? ”

Lu Yueqin is a head taller than her, and when he looks at him, he always raises his head and looks up at him, as if he is a natural king, looking down on all beings.

The little girl's eyes were dark and bright, and the man's handsome face was reflected in her eyes, and she looked at him without blinking.

Lu Yueqin was in a trance for a moment, his fingers moved lightly, staring at the little girl's face, and he guessed what she wanted to say.

She couldn't hide it.

"You want to raise?" He asked.

Xu Ruoyun did have this idea, she wanted to raise one before, but her father didn't allow it, but if she took one back from the Lu Mansion, her father would definitely not say anything.

It depends on whether Lu Yueqin wants it or not.

She nodded thoughtfully, her eyes looking forward to it, but the next moment, Lu Yueqin opened her lips and said slowly, "You can return it to me." ”

This is a rejection of her.

Xu Ruoyun understood that she didn't force other people's things, but she was a little reluctant to let go.

Lu Yueqin took the cat, frowned in disgust, stretched his hand forward, and did not touch the clothes in front of him, and he could see that he was really disgusted.

The air froze for a while, and the two stood still, when Ju Ping hurried from South Park.

Seeing that Xu Ruoyun was also there, his demeanor changed slightly, his eyes turned around, and then he came to Lu Yueqin's side and said a few words, but I don't know what happened, but Lu Yueqin's face changed, gloomy and a little scary.

He hugged the cat to Ju Ping, looked at her with his back straight, and opened his thin lips: "Xu Ruoyun." ”

The little girl shuddered, her body tensed together, and looked at him very defensively, which was completely different from the look she had just expected.

She hummed and swallowed nervously.

"Let me ask you, what did you see after the rockery in Xufu last time?"

It was this tone again, this look, looking at her like a prisoner, which made her very uncomfortable. It doesn't matter, what matters is what he says, why does he ask like that? How did he find out?

She didn't say anything about it.

"Why don't you speak?"

Xiuya's brows were furrowed together, her little face was depressed, and she thought for a long time and said perfunctory to him: "It's been too long, I don't remember." ”

I don't remember, Lu Yueqin doesn't believe it.

He took two steps closer, and the burning sensation on the man's body invaded, and she was not disgusted, but panicked. She stepped back and listened to him again, "Tell me the truth. ”

The man hooked his lips, his dark eyes staring at his face tightly, "If you don't tell the truth, let Xu Chengyi come over." ”

He has a set of threats to people.

Xu Ruoyun was even more panicked, and immediately raised his head, "I saw a little, but my eyes were not good, so I didn't see clearly." ”

Xu Ruoyun didn't want to tell the filthy things she saw that day, especially to Lu Yueqin, who had already encountered it once last time when she was at the racecourse, what would she think of if she told the last thing again? The dirty things come back to her, believe it or not.

She didn't know the bottom of her heart, she was vague when she answered, and her perfunctory attitude was too obvious, and Lu Yueqin could see it at a glance.

Her eyes are so bright, how can she have bad eyes?

Lu Yueqin pulled his thin lips and smiled, a rare smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, only coldness, "Oh, the eyes are not good, it's okay." ”

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this matter was over, but Lu Yueqin said again: "Zheng Xianchao seems to have brought the maid last time." ”

What? Is it the woman who was in the rockery last time?

Xu Ruoyun looked at him with wide eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief, Zheng Xianchao was so bold and brought the maidservant, you know, now in the Lu Mansion, the Lu family is a big family, how can he come here. Presumably, Lu Yueqin had already guessed that asking her just now was just a temptation.

Xu Ruoyun was entangled in her heart, should she tell the truth? What will Lu Yueqin do if he says it?

She bit her lip, her mood irritable, her crimson little face wrinkled, showing her boredom and tangled. Lu Yueqin wondered, Xu Chengyi is also a powerful figure who flatters and slaps horses, why is his daughter so unintelligible?

The man raised his eyebrows, and then said, "Your cousin has passed." ”


Xu Ruoyun raised his head leisurely, and the red on his face disappeared in an instant, for example, it was a little whiter. The cousin came to the Lu Mansion was a temporary decision, and at this moment, the cousin went to Zheng Xianchao, it should have found something, or Lu Yueqin said what to do.

She said with difficulty: "My cousin, are you okay?" ”

Lu Yueqin smiled, he didn't care about other people's affairs, he simply stated one thing without emotion, "Don't worry, it's not a big fuss." ”

was caught and raped in bed by Xu Ruozhen. Fortunately, it is in Lufu, if it is too quiet, the whole Sheng Kyoto will know.

Xu Ruoyun was worried, and wanted to go over and take a look now, she glanced at Lu Yueqin and asked, "Where are they now?" ”

The man looked at her and smiled, didn't reply to her, raised his hand, Ju Ping immediately came over, "What does the prince command?" ”

Since the Zheng family can't manage their son well, someone must take care of it.

"Throw Zheng Xianchao out."

Zheng Xianchao's father is a four-grade person, Lu Yueqin didn't give the Zheng family face at all, the Zheng family obviously didn't dare to fight with the Lu family, and they didn't dare to make a big deal about it, because it was definitely the Zheng family who lost face in the end.

Right now, Lu Yueqin wants to throw people out, no matter what, the Zheng family's face is lost today.

Xu Ruoyun is not as bold as Lu Yueqin, she only cares about throwing Zheng Xianchao out at the moment, will she offend the Zheng family? Zheng Xianchao didn't dare to trouble the Lu family, but he dared to trouble the Xu family, in case he counted the accounts on the Xu family, wouldn't they be the unlucky ones.

And she happens to be surnamed Xu.

"Do you really want to throw it out? Don't you want to think about it? ”

"Then you say, why can't you throw it out."

Doing filthy things in the Lu Mansion, Lu Yueqin couldn't bear it, he felt dirty when he thought about it, he knew that Zheng Xianchao was so debauched, he shouldn't have let him in.

But the little girl in front of her was obviously worried, and her eyes revealed too many emotions, and most of them were worried.

Lu Yueqin looked at her calmly, waited for a long time, and didn't see his lips move, thinking that he didn't find a suitable excuse. The man chuckled, tilted his head and said to Ju Ping: "What are you still standing for, go and do it." ”

The cat in Ju Ping's arms barked, looking irritable, he comforted twice, glanced at Xu Ruoyun, and then hugged the cat and hurried away.

Xu Ruoyun couldn't stop it, she didn't have the right to speak, and Lu Yueqin seemed to be asking her, but in fact he didn't give her a choice, he had a strong attitude, and the things he decided would not change.

She was silent and silent, and waited for Ju Ping to walk away before she spoke: "I'm going to find my cousin." ”

Xu Ruoyun didn't look at him, and turned around and left after speaking, in fact, she didn't know where her cousin was, and she didn't know where the eldest sister went, but she thought, ask others, and she can always find it.

The little girl walked with her head down, her steps were hurried and fast, and when she reached the fork, she was stunned at her feet, and she didn't know which way to go.

She looked left and right, her fingers twirling on her sleeves, and when she hesitated, the person behind her walked over in three or two steps, passed by, and went straight to the left.

She raised her hand to block the sun, pursed her red lips and looked around, thought for a while, and took a step to follow.


The Lu Mansion is very lively today, and the officials and nobles are almost here, but they haven't seen Lu Yueqin for a long time, so they can't help but ask Mrs. Lu. I haven't inquired about anything, but something big has happened.

Zheng Xianchao was thrown out by Lu Fu in front of everyone, the person who did the work was Qi Zhuo beside Lu Yueqin, who looked fierce and vicious, and when he carried Zheng Xianchao, no one dared to come forward to help, and he didn't even dare to come out.

Everyone speculated that Zheng Xianchao had offended Lu Shizi, so he was disgraced.

Zheng Xianchao threw it on the ground, got up in a gray manner, dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, he looked at the gate of the Lu Mansion, and walked away with his people in embarrassment.

Mrs. Lu is angry, the auspicious good day just spoils the atmosphere, does her son really not know her intentions today, or does she not know?

Mrs. Lu hurriedly beckoned the little guy to find Lu Yueqin, but the little guy went for a long time, and she couldn't find anyone, so she had to talk back. Mrs. Lu was helpless, smiled perfunctorily, turned her head and pulled Mrs. Fang and several other ladies over, gossiped together, and didn't mention Fang Cai's affairs at all.

At this time, Lu Yueqin was standing in front of the door, his expression was cold, and he refused to be thousands of miles away.

Xu Ruoyun didn't speak along the way, and followed him to the courtyard where the guests were entertained, she first swept the circle, then looked at Lu Yueqin, and plucked up the courage to ask, "Where is this?" ”

Lu Yueqin tilted her head lukewarmly, secretly thinking that she was only asking now, if it was too late, "Your cousin is inside." ”

The little girl's eyes widened in shock, and she realized that she had brought herself to her cousin. That said, my cousin is in there now.

Xu Ruoyun walked over slowly, and vaguely heard the sound of sobbing, it was Xu Ruozhen's voice, she could hear it. She raised her hand and knocked on the door, and called tentatively, "Cousin." ”

The people inside froze, then wiped away their tears and opened the door. Xu Ruoyun glanced back, and then stepped over the threshold to enter, Xu Ruozhen's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and she couldn't cry, which showed that she was really sad.


"Woo... Zheng, Zheng Xian, Chao is not human. ”

Xu Ruozhen saw it, Zheng Xianchao was mixed with the servant next to him, and she was caught red-handed. If it weren't for the subordinates of the Lu Mansion to stop her, she would definitely lose face for Zheng Xianchao.

Xu Ruoyun didn't know how to persuade her, because she had known it for a long time, and now seeing her cousin crying so sadly, she really didn't have any idea at all. patting her back for a long time, Xu Ruozhen's cry gradually weakened, and finally only choked.

She slowed down for a long time, calmed down, and said to Xu Ruoyun: "What about the maidservant?" ”

Xu Ruoyun knew that her cousin was looking for the maid to settle accounts.

She shook her head and replied honestly, "I didn't see it." ”

Xu Ruoyun thought, according to Lu Yueqin's temper, he should have been driven out a long time ago, and he would probably return to the Zheng family.

Xu Ruozhen gritted her teeth unwillingly, she tidied up her appearance, got up with her hands on the table, and restored her dignified lady's image.

"Third sister, I'm going back."

Enough of being seen as a joke, she had to go back and think about what to do.

Xu Ruoyun nodded and immediately said, "I'll go back with you." ”

Xu Ruozhen didn't speak, took a deep breath, sorted out her emotions and pushed the door out, Xu Ruoyun came out two steps slowly, she swept her eyes, and Lu Yueqin was already gone.


The sun is dazzling, the warm light shines on the body, and the warm smell is warm.

Lu Yueqin went straight back to the courtyard, somehow, today's mood was unexpectedly good, even very good, wonderful and strange feeling, indescribable.

Walking along the path to the gate of the South Park, Lu Yueqin saw Zhou Shiqing and Lin Jingshen from a distance, looking at a leisurely appearance, waiting for him. The girl next to Zhou Shiqing left, but he didn't leave.

Lu Yue twisted his eyebrows in annoyance, don't wait for Lu Youran to see it, and pestered him to call Brother Shi Qing, how can there be a brother.

"You two made an appointment."

The two looked behind him and said meaningfully, "Why are you alone?" ”

"Who can there be?"

Zhou Shiqing blinked his peach blossom eyes, and the wind wandered, "What about the little girl of the Xu family?" ”

Lu Yueqin's eyes were unnatural, and he quickly calmed down, "Go back, don't be nosy." ”

Zhou Shiqing is a flower butterfly, attracting bees and butterflies, and it is better for the girl's family to be less close.

"Oh, I'm going back, and I won't let people see the scenery of South Park." Lin Jingshen quipped.

In terms of lip service, Lu Yueqin is defeated by the two, they are one sentence on the left and one sentence on the right, like singing, and those who die can say that flowers come out.

Lu Yueqin didn't bother to care, skipped them and entered the door, and his mouth was not idle, "The little girl is more loving than you." ”

knows to help him hold the cat, unlike them, every time they come back, they dislike the rice balls, and when they see him, they want someone to take them out.

Zhou Shiqing and Lin Jingshen smiled without saying a word, raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other, laughing silently.

As soon as Lu Yueqin entered the door, Ju Ping stepped forward to report to her, "Madame sent someone to invite the prince to come over." ”

"What's the matter?" He asked.

Ju Ping shrunk his neck and replied, "I said that Miss Fang is here, let you go and see you." ”

When the words fell, Ju Ping felt a chill, it was clearly a warm spring day, how could it be cold? He subconsciously stepped back, saving his life.

Lu Yueqin pressed his eyebrows, his expression was ugly, and he was a little impatient, Zhou Shiqing saw this, raised his chin towards Lin Jingshen, and said, "Didn't you say that you should go to Chunfeng Tower?" I can't go. ”

Lin Jingshen immediately answered: "Go, naturally I want to go, Miss Mengmeng has been waiting for us for a long time." ”

Lu Yueqin knew that he was not seeing Miss Fang today, and he might not be able to wait until his mother came, so he would go out and hide.

The three of them went out together, striding out of the main gate, not afraid of being seen.

Ju Ping was in trouble, and he was in a hurry to circle in place, and his wife sent someone to ask, how to go back?

It can't be said that the prince went to a brothel.

Mother and son fight, and he is the one who is injured.

Before the banquet in the Lu Mansion had time to eat, Xu Ruoyun went home, and in the carriage, she didn't say a word, Xu Ruowan stared at her for a long time, and she didn't speak. It wasn't until she got out of the carriage and arrived at the door of her house that Xu Ruowan asked her, "What happened in Lufu?" I heard that Zheng Xianchao was thrown out of the door by Lu Shizi. ”

Zheng Xianchao's matter is a bit big, this will be known to half of the Sheng Kyoto, naturally, and the guests in the Lu Mansion also know. Xu Ruowan was very surprised when she heard someone talk about it, she was curious about what happened, but the guests present couldn't say why, they only said that Zheng Xianchao offended Lu Shizi and was thrown out.

It was about the face of Zheng Xu's family, she didn't stay in the Lu Mansion for a long time, Nanxing came to look for her, and she came back with her. Looking at the third sister's demeanor now, she must know what happened.

Xu Ruowan grabbed her arm, with a posture of not letting her go without saying anything, Xu Ruoyun looked down, looked around, and spoke in a very small voice: "Haven't you heard of it, eldest sister?" ”

Xu Ruowan sighed and shook her head, only said what she heard, Xu Ruoyun heard this, and secretly sighed that Lu Yueqin didn't lie, and really suppressed the matter, or what others are talking about now is the matter of her cousin and Zheng Xianchao.

The little girl pursed her lips and thought for a while, and finally pulled the eldest sister aside, put her ear and said, Xu Ruowan went from expressionless, to shocked, and finally to a disgusting feeling.


"Well, that's true." Xu Ruoyun nodded solemnly, her every word was serious, "Cousin is going back now, I guess there will be a trouble." ”

My cousin was very satisfied with the marriage of the Zheng family, so she waited for the day to come and marry into the Zheng family to enjoy the blessings. Xu Ruoyun didn't know what to say, and came back in a bad mood.

Xu Ruowan's face was heavy, and she went straight back to her yard after entering the door, Xu Ruoyun walked in slowly, lowering her head and thinking about her cousin, her cousin has a strong temperament, and she definitely can't swallow this breath in her heart, and she doesn't know how to toss when she goes back, that is, she sees Zheng Xianchao and the maidservant, if she knows something else, I'm afraid she won't be able to close it.

She looked up and sighed, and before she knew it, she had arrived at Izumo Pavilion, and it was still early when she came back, and Aunt Liang saw her coming back, and immediately stopped her.

"Oh my God."

Maybe it's because of her early singing in her early years, Aunt Liang has an excellent figure, and she is extremely elegant. She looked at Xu Ruoyun and remembered the unpleasantness of the previous two times, and couldn't help but worry.

"Coming back so early? But something's wrong. ”

Xu Ruoyun wanted to go back to the room quietly, but now that she was seen by her aunt, of course she couldn't be worried, so she said: "There are too many guests in the Lu Mansion, and I don't know them, so I'll come back first." ”

Afraid that her aunt wouldn't believe it, she immediately added: "The eldest sister is also back." ”

Hearing that Xu Ruowan came back with her, Aunt Liang's doubts in her heart were dispelled, and her face looked better, she smiled and nodded, and asked again, "Why does your face be bad?" ”

Her little face had always been pink, but now her cheeks were slightly pale, as if she was frightened.

Xu Ruoyun touched his face, his mind turned, and he immediately found an explanation, "Oh, it may be hungry, Nanxing, you go get something to eat." ”

Nanxing responded, reacted quickly, and immediately went to the small kitchen to get some food.

She hugged her aunt's arm and coquettishly said many nice things to make her happy, so that she had no doubts at all. Perfunctory to her aunt, Xu Ruoyun returned to the room, and as soon as the doors and windows were closed, she suddenly lost her spirit.

She supported her arms and cheeks, bored and couldn't calm down, her luck has not been good recently, everything has happened to her, Xu Ruoyun is thinking, whether to go to the temple to worship and transfer.


Nanxing heard her sigh when she entered the door, and said with a smile: "Girl, you are young, what are you sighing for?" ”

The aroma of the food wafted in, the fragrant drool, plus she was indeed hungry, and she swallowed the food instantly when she saw a table. Xu Ruoyun washed her hands and came over, sat down upright, and watched Nanxing serve her soup.

"I'm worried about my cousin." I wonder how my cousin went back?

Xu Ruoyun suddenly remembered something, if her cousin was making trouble at home, her father would definitely join in the fun, just stare at her father. Thinking like this, she instructed Nanxing: "If you want my father to go to my uncle's house, you will tell me." ”

Nanxing didn't understand, so she asked a few more words, but she didn't say what the specific reason was, so she casually made excuses to perfunctory the past. Nanxing didn't ask any more questions, and he was very concerned about what Xu Ruoyun commanded.

After finishing the meal, Xu Ruoyun lay down and slept for a while, she slept soundly, and when she woke up, it was already dark.


The corridor is brightly lit, with plenty of light and shadow.

Nanxing came in with a basin, saw her wake up, and immediately reported to her, saying, "The lord has gone to the eldest master." ”

Xu Ruoyun just woke up, her eyes were hazy, she didn't want to move lazily, she leaned on the bed, looked at Nanxing who came in in a daze, and after listening to Nanxing's words, she immediately sat up and asked with concern: "When did you go?" ”

"Just out of the house."

She sighed, leaned back again, and began to think in her heart: It is estimated that the uncle can't hold his cousin, so he went to his father to come up with an idea, and the two brothers got together, what can they discuss?

Xu Ruoyun didn't know, but she guessed that her father must be standing on the uncle's side, and as for her cousin, her emotions and moods, the uncle would ignore it.

Xu Ruoyun came down to drink tea, did needlework in the room, and ate some snacks, late at night, she was also sleepy.

The courtyard was quiet, and the maids and maids all went down to sleep, and the maidservants who kept vigil leaned on the door frame and were drowsy, distracted, and they didn't know if anyone approached.

"Is my aunt asleep?"

Xu Chengyi came over suddenly, the movement was very small, and there was no prior notice, so the subordinates of Izumo Pavilion were a little sluggish. At this moment, Xu Chengyi suddenly spoke, and the maid who was keeping vigil was startled, and she was gone after a moment of sleep, and she woke up.

"Lord, lord." The little maid bowed her head, her body trembling, afraid of being punished.

Xu Chengyi frowned and glanced at her, and seeing that she didn't reply, he asked again: "Aunt Liang is asleep?" ”

"Well, it's resting."

Xu Chengyi hummed, he didn't want to find Aunt Liang, he came late at night to ask Xu Ruoyun about something. He thought about it with his hands behind his back, and then said, "Go and call Ruoyun." ”

"Yes, slave and maid will go."

The little maid ran to Xu Ruoyun's door as if she was running away, knocking on the door without hesitation, regardless of whether it would scare the people inside.

Fortunately, Xu Ruoyun slept in the afternoon, and she didn't sleep well at this time, and she woke up as soon as the door rang. It was pitch black in the room, and the cold moonlight poured down from the window, spilling on the ground, and there was a faint light, and I could barely see clearly.

Xu Ruoyun stretched his neck and asked, "It's so late, what's the matter?" ”

"The Lord is here, and he wants to see you."

Hearing this, Xu Ruoyun's body suddenly stiffened, and he couldn't imagine that Xu Chengyi would come over so quickly, was it for his cousin's business?

Unsure, she replied, "I'll be right away." ”

Quickly get up and get dressed, tidy up your appearance, and make yourself look dignified. Nanxing heard the movement and immediately came over, helped her fix her hair, and asked in a low voice, "Why is the lord here?" Did you do something again? Angered the lord. ”

The little face was crimson, and there were obvious marks on the side of the face, looking lazy and soft, she yawned and spoke vaguely: "I didn't do anything." ”

She has been very well-behaved recently, and she is afraid that she will cause trouble and affect her aunt, so she didn't say anything about Zheng Xianchao's secret, and now that her father found it himself, it must have been said by her cousin, and it has nothing to do with her.

Thinking like this, Xu Ruoyun was neither humble nor arrogant when she went to see Xu Chengyi, and walked in the door with her head held high.

"Dad, you're looking for me."

Xu Chengyi turned around and looked at the youngest daughter from top to bottom, she was not like herself, like her weak aunt, her eyebrows were like mountains, her apricot eyes were full of affection, and her eyes were pure when she looked at people, like she could speak, blinking and blinking, which was unforgettable.

He hadn't looked at it for a while, as if he had grown up, like a budding flower bone, ready to bloom at any time.

Xu Chengyi nodded slightly, worthy of his daughter, not that he said big words, Xu Ruoyun's appearance is one of the best in Shengjing, but unfortunately he is soft, cautious, and not as good as his eldest daughter, otherwise, he can find a better family than the Sun family.

But now, even now, outstanding beauty will always be seen.

Xu Ruoyun was uncomfortable with him, and subconsciously shrunk his neck, "Why don't you speak?" ”

Xu Chengyi came back to his senses and said softly, "Well, sit down and say." ”

The attitude is so good, to her surprise, her father was not so easy to talk before, let alone gentle words.

Xu Ruoyun sat down in fear, folded his hands in front of him, and was very well-behaved. Xu Chengyi glanced at her and said slowly: "How about going to Lu Mansion today?" ”

The little girl clenched her hands tightly, knowing that it was for this, but fortunately she had been prepared.

"Well, it's fine."

"What's a good way?"

Xu Ruoyun's lips moved, and then closed, what do you want to say? She can't talk about her cousin, what if her cousin blames her? She had many concerns and didn't speak for a while.

Xu Chengyi was impatient, and asked her directly: "I heard that someone saw you and Lu Shizi together, but is it true?" ”

She hurriedly looked up, her eyes widening, "Ah, that's it. ”

Xu Ruoyun's heart was beating so fast, she was nervous and overwhelmed, her father wouldn't scold her for this. Then she is not very wronged. It wasn't hot in the middle of the night, but there was a fine sweat on her back, and the sweat was cold, sticking to her body, making her shiver.

Xu Chengyi was not angry, but saw a trace of joy in his eyes, and that joy was the expression of Sun Qiliang when he said that he was going to marry her, the same as then, or even happier.

A bad premonition appeared in her heart, and sure enough, Xu Chengyi then asked her, "What's the matter?" Tell Dad about it carefully. ”

Xu Ruoyun glanced at his happy and eager father, secretly looked at him with contempt, and then replied to him: "I just helped Lu Shizi hug the cat for a while, nothing else." ”

"How could there be nothing else?" Xu Chengyi was a little excited, he walked back and forth a few steps, and stood up to look at her, "Why doesn't he want others to help, but he wants you to help." ”

That's because she just happened to meet.

Xu Ruoyun explained things clearly, but Xu Chengyi was completely opposite to her understanding, "You tell your father honestly, how did you and Lu Shizi meet?" ”

She was even more difficult, she didn't know Lu Yueqin, she had only met a few times, but in Xu Chengyi's eyes, these would be understood as something else.

She didn't speak, her head was lowered again, thinking of countermeasures, and before she could turn her head, Xu Chengyi's face sank and warned her sternly.

"If you don't tell the truth, you know the consequences, don't bother your aunt and be punished."

When Xu Ruoyun heard this, the idea of lying was gone, she endured the sullenness in her chest, thinking that her father was really the same as Lu Yueqin in some places, but he knew how to threaten her too well.

She would rather be punished and suffer herself than her aunt be injured, which would be worse than her own injury.

The little girl's nose was sour, and she said honestly: "It's the last time I went to the horse farm and came back, I didn't have a carriage, he... Take me along the way. ”

She trembled, and unconsciously shrank back, compared to her uneasiness, Xu Chengyi's face changed quickly, and the posture that she was about to reprimand just now will be a kind father again.

Xu Chengyi smiled, he couldn't close his mouth happily, he took a few steps forward and patted her shoulder twice with satisfaction, Xu Ruoyun shrank into a ball in fright, but Xu Chengyi, who was excited, how could he notice her emotions, at this moment he was thinking about climbing high branches.

"Okay, okay, okay."

Xu Ruoyun doesn't know what's good, isn't it just a few times I've seen it, what's good, every time I meet Lu Yueqin, it's not good, she feels bad.

"You've finally got the hang of it."

Xu Chengyi was overjoyed, turned his head and drank a cup of tea slowly, raised his head and took a deep breath, stared at Xu Ruoyun and said, "Your kid's mouth is so tight, just tell my father about you and Lu Shizi." ”

"The last time I punished you, my father didn't figure it out, and I thought you were disobedient and unfilial, but I didn't expect you to have other plans, you told your father directly, and he could help you come up with ideas, what are you going to do next?"

Xu Ruoyun was stunned by his question, and stared at him with a pair of eyes, "What to do?" ”

"Your affair with Lu Shizi."

She was stunned, her eyelashes moved slightly, the evening breeze swept through the hem of her skirt, swaying back and forth, rubbing her thin straight calves, and vaguely saw the outline. The red lips moved, the white teeth showed a little, and he didn't open his mouth for a long time.

Before, she didn't understand Xu Chengyi's intentions, thinking that she was looking for her to settle accounts, but now, she fully understands what her father meant, he is thinking about asking her to marry Lu Yueqin.

Xu Ruoyun thought of a sentence, whimsical, and didn't know how thick the sky was.

can see Xu Chengyi's expression, he is excited and looking forward to it, maybe he has begun to think that he and the Lu family have become in-laws, and he has been promoted and made a fortune.

Xu Ruoyun didn't speak immediately, his mind turned a thousand times, and he asked tentatively: "Isn't the Sun family going to propose marriage at the end of the month?" ”

Xu Chengyi agreed to Sun Qiliang, and last time he scolded her for this matter, and she was locked up for several days, and now she has changed her hexagram again.

"How can the Sun family compare with the Lu family, they must choose the Lu family."

The little girl's hand hung down at her side, her fingers rubbed back and forth on her dress, and her heart was entangled, "Then will you still marry me to Sun Qiliang?" ”

"No, it won't."

Xu Chengyi understood her concerns at the moment, it turned out that she was afraid of marrying Sun Qiliang, and she estimated that she was ruthless in the last lesson, and she was afraid.

"With the Lu family, what else do you want the Sun family to do."

With a better choice, he naturally gave up the Sun family, Xu Chengyi is not stupid.

Xu Ruoyun understood, her hands were twisted together, she turned back and forth uneasily, and after thinking for a long time, she spoke: "It's good not to marry me to the Sun family." ”

"As for me and Lu Shizi..."

She looked at the person in front of her, didn't finish her words, and let Xu Chengyi think about it.

She said to Lu Yueqin in her heart: I'm sorry Lu Shizi, I will use it in your name first, and when I get rid of the Sun family, I will make it clear to my father.

Never tarnish your reputation.