
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

author:Create a new release

Since the beginning of the flood season, our district has insisted on taking flood prevention work as the top priority at present, clarifying all kinds of risks and hidden dangers in a timely manner, strengthening various flood prevention emergency guarantees, coordinating the promotion of flood prevention "a game of chess", and taking multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control.

Lianwei Town: Stand by to protect your homeland

On the morning of June 30, on the inner side of the Tanggang Village section of Wuxingwei Dike in Lianwei Town, with the roar of the excavator, a series of diversion ditches were excavated, and the water in the low-lying areas went down the ditch. "In the past few days, the embankment has been soaked by rainwater for a long time, and the water level of the outer river is high, and the embankment is very prone to potential safety hazards." Xiong Hongxing, secretary of the party branch of Tanggang Village, while directing the excavator, said that the diversion ditch can discharge the stagnant water of the embankment in time, which is convenient for investigating the danger.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Wuxingwei is located in Lianwei Town, Poyang Lake District, lower reaches of the Ganjiang River, and is located at the fork of the northern branch of the Ganjiang River. The polder starts from Tanggang Village and goes down to Xiashatou Village, with a total length of 12.76 kilometers, and the flood control standard is lower than that of the embankment. The polders protect 11,400 acres of cultivated land. There are 15 natural villages in the four administrative villages of Tanggang, Xiabao, Dong'an and Xiashatou, with a population of 6,500.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

At 21 o'clock on June 30, affected by continuous heavy rainfall and upstream water, Wuxingwei has exceeded the warning water level by 1.16 meters, and the flood control situation is more severe. In order to ensure the safety of the polder, Lianwei Town launched the flood control emergency response in a timely manner, and organized party members and cadres to patrol the embankment to check the danger. "In accordance with the relevant requirements of flood control, we have adopted the form of working in shifts and sticking to the embankment day and night." Xiong Hongxing said that at the same time, we also ensure that emergency measures are in place in a timely manner by placing pebbles and installing lights in dangerous sections.

Changyi Township: Give full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and earnestly build a strong security line

The Party Committee of Changyi Township gave full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, organized and mobilized the party members and cadres of the whole township to carry out flood prevention and rescue work, strictly implemented the 24-hour duty system during the flood season, and organized party members and volunteers to carry out dragnet inspections and investigations in key areas under its jurisdiction.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Recently, the party members and cadres of the Dongjiang Branch Headquarters of Changyi Township found a bubble spring when they were patrolling the embankment and checking the danger. After learning the news, 15 party members quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it, and at the same time used large machinery to clean the drainage ditch and lay pebbles. After nearly 2 hours of continuous fighting, the danger was effectively controlled, and the flag was planted and marked.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

At the same time, in order to further improve the public's awareness of flood prevention safety, party members and cadres also informed the villagers of meteorological warning signals and preventive measures in a timely manner through household visits, setting up warning signs, broadcasting publicity, online WeChat groups, etc., creating a good atmosphere for jointly ensuring flood prevention safety.

Tiehe Township: Youth power is on the front line of flood control

In order to ensure the safety of the whole township, under the command and dispatch of party organizations at all levels, the Tiehe Township Youth League organized emergency mobilization, actively set up the "Hongchenghong" youth emergency volunteer team for flood prevention and rescue, took the initiative to undertake urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks, and built a strong fortress against heavy rain and floods with practical actions to reduce disaster losses to the greatest extent.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Since the outbreak of the flood situation, more than 110 "Hongchenghong" youth emergency volunteer teams have quickly assembled, given full play to the role of new forces and commandos, and quickly devoted themselves to flood control, flood fighting, rescue and disaster relief, and actively participated in volunteer services such as danger investigation, rescue and embankment fixing, river dredging, material preparation, material transportation, and popularization of safety and risk avoidance knowledge, so as to contribute their own strength to winning the battle of flood control, flood control, rescue and disaster relief.

Shigang Town and Songhu Town: Actively implement post-flood dredging and sanitizing and build a defense line for the health of the masses

On June 29, as the flood gradually receded, a large amount of silt and garbage piled up, bringing many inconveniences to the lives of local people and increasing the risk factors for various diseases.

Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Take multiple measures to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

In this regard, the party committees and governments of Shigang Town and Songhu Town took immediate action to carry out carpet inspections on road traffic, slope cutting and construction sites, Shantang Reservoir and other hidden danger points, and erected warning signs at hidden danger points to remind the public to pay attention to safe travel; And mobilize party members and cadres to sink to the front line, timely eradicate the silt washed down in the main and secondary roads, and dispatch high-pressure washing vehicles to clean up the places where the silt depth is large and it is difficult to clean up. At the same time, organize professionals to sanitize water inlet households and flooded areas in the jurisdiction, and widely publicize post-flood epidemic prevention knowledge and precautions to the public with the help of WeChat public accounts and WeChat work groups, guide the public to do a good job in post-disaster home disinfection, and reduce the probability of disease transmission.

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