
Anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes to work together to build a drug-free network

author:The peasants talk about things

In order to further intensify the anti-drug propaganda in rural areas, enhance the villagers' understanding of anti-drug laws and regulations, and consolidate the anti-drug defense line, on 1 July, the anti-narcotics department of the Habahe County Public Security Bureau went to Akqi Village to actively carry out anti-drug propaganda activities into 10,000 homes, and widely spread anti-drug knowledge to every household.

Anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes to work together to build a drug-free network

At the event site, the police explained the types, characteristics, harms, preventive measures and anti-drug laws and regulations of drugs by distributing anti-drug propaganda leaflets and on-site answers to the villagers, so that the villagers fully understood the huge harm brought by drugs to society, families and individuals, and reminded the villagers to be vigilant against drug traps, improve their ability to identify, and resist bad temptations. Through real cases, the characteristics and laws of drug crimes are analyzed in simple terms, and at the same time, the types and characteristics of new drugs are introduced, and the villagers are guided to actively participate in anti-drug propaganda, learn anti-drug related knowledge, enhance self-prevention awareness, and stay away from the harm of drugs.

Anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes to work together to build a drug-free network
Anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes to work together to build a drug-free network

This activity not only popularized the anti-drug knowledge for the villagers, improved the villagers' awareness of drug prevention, but also enhanced everyone's ability to recognize and reject drugs, fully made the villagers realize the seriousness of the harm caused by drugs, and laid a good foundation for maintaining social harmony and stability.

Anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes to work together to build a drug-free network

Correspondent: Fan Ameng