
Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

author:Ahu's snack light

Regarding today's ingredient, Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "this vegetable is full of vegetables when it is tender, and it is old to collect the seeds", "vegetables, fruits, and grains are the best to spare, and they are the best in beans". In "Saving the Famine Materia Medica", it is said that it is "everywhere, there are many kinds in the countryside, and the seedlings are dragged on the spot, and the fence is also extended", and this ingredient is cowpea, that is, long beans.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy
Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

In summer, long beans are high in protein, high in vitamins C and B, high in fiber, and a variety of trace elements. The ancients believed that it has the benefits of strengthening the stomach and kidneys, quenching thirst and generating bone marrow, adjusting the appearance and nourishing the body, and the price is cheap and affordable.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

There are many ways to eat long beans, in May, I shared a dish of shrimp sauce egg fried beans, which is loved by everyone, and friends who have not tried it can go to my homepage to search for it. Today, I will use long beans with sauerkraut and eggs to present a super meal for everyone, stir-fry a plate on high heat, a mouthful of sour, crispy and fragrant, and open your appetite, but you can't get tired of eating.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

Without further ado, let's share the recipe of scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut to help you eat a good appetite in summer, please see the following breakdown of the detailed steps:

——Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut——

Ingredients: a handful of long beans, 3 eggs, two or three sauerkraut leaves, an appropriate amount of red millet pepper, an appropriate amount of green onion and garlic, light soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, cooking oil

Step 1: Prepare a handful of tender long beans, wash them thoroughly after buying, drain them and cut them into small pieces. Then boil the pot under water, pour in a few drops of cooking oil, blanch on high heat for about ten seconds, and then immediately take it out. After taking it out, pour it into cold water to cool it quickly, and you can rinse it with running water. Cool thoroughly, drain and set aside.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy
Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

Step 2: Prepare a few black sauerkraut leaves, wash them with water to remove some salt, then squeeze them dry and chop them for later use. Use some minced green onions and garlic as a small ingredient. There is another handful of red millet pepper chopped for later use, the red millet pepper here is relatively spicy, you can not add it if you don't like it, or the red millet pepper is chopped and washed with water, you can remove part of the spiciness.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

Step 3: Prepare three eggs and beat them, heat oil in a pot, pour the egg liquid into the pan and fry them and crush them, then put them out for later use.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

Step 4: Heat the oil in a separate pot, the amount of oil here can be slightly more. After the oil is heated, first crush the onion, garlic and millet pepper into the pot and stir-fry the fragrance, then put the blanched diced beans and sauerkraut into the pot together, turn to high heat and start stir-frying, fry for about a minute, fry to remove the moisture of the beans, and fry the fragrance of sauerkraut.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy
Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

Step 5: Take out the scrambled egg crushed in the third step and pour it into the pot, pour in a circle of light soy sauce, sprinkle in some salt and chicken essence, keep the heat on high heat and fry quickly and fry thoroughly. This dish is a strong "sour fragrance" out of the pot, which immediately increases people's appetite, and when eating, it is directly covered with rice and eaten, and a dish is swept away from a pot of rice, and it is a good dish to eat. Especially the children who don't like to eat long beans at home are boasting about the deliciousness, and interested friends must try this way of eating, and add a good dish in summer.

Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy
Scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut: Stir-fry a plate quickly on high heat, a bite of sour, crispy and fragrant, and the appetite is not greasy

- Ahu's cooking tricks -

Even the simplest dishes have cooking tips: these pod-like vegetables must be cooked thoroughly before eating, so as not to be harmful to health. You can choose to blanch once, but the blanching time does not take too long, to ensure that it can be out of the pot when it is seven or eight ripe, and the fast stir-fry behind it is enough to cook thoroughly, and it can also ensure its crisp and tender taste.

After blanching the beans, they should be cooled in cold water immediately to prevent the residual temperature from making them lose their taste and lose their emerald green color.

The sauerkraut used in this recipe is black sauerkraut, so if you can't find it, you can buy "fish sauerkraut" in the supermarket, and wash it several times after you buy it to remove some salt. At the same time, be careful when seasoning at the end to avoid the dish being too salty.

I'm Ahu's snack light, a gluttonous eater who likes to study different ways to eat food! Summer is a good time to eat long beans, the whole body is a treasure, its nutrition is known as the "best of the dishes", it is perfect for stir-frying meals. If you like today's scrambled eggs with carob and sauerkraut, you can follow me, like, leave a message, forward this article, and there will be more exciting content tomorrow, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow!


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