
记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

author:Yoyo who teaches English music

English Speaking · Jimmy Teacher said

Drink pleasantly, greedy drinks hurt the body, everyone should drink in moderation. Don't just say drink too much when you drink too much, let's learn authentic oral expressions with Mr. Jimmy.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

English audio version

This article is original in spoken English (kouyu8).

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"A cup for tomorrow, a cup for the past." When many friends encounter troubles, they will make an appointment with friends and talk while drinking. Do you know how to say "drank too much" in English?

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"
记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

喝多了≠ drink too much

The direct translation of "drink too much" as drink too much, although foreigners can understand it, the expression is not authentic at all.

To put it simply, drinking a lot of alcohol can be done in one word, and that is booze, which has "booze; "Drinking" means to drink a lot of alcohol.

In addition to booze, there is another commonly used word that can refer to drunk in general: drunk.

Example phrase:

I got drunk and had to be carried home.

I was so drunk that I had to be carried home.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

His father always boozes with friends at weekends.

His dad always drank a lot of alcohol with friends on weekends.

There are many situations in which the state of drunkenness is also divided, some are slightly drunk, and some are drunk, so let's learn the relevant authentic expressions together.

  • Slightly drunk

tipsy /ˈtɪpsi/ slightly drunk; Unsteady

Example phrase:

I'm feeling a little tipsy.

I felt a little drunk.

buzzed /bʌzd/ fluttering

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

Example phrase:

I was a bit buzzed.

I'm a little drunk.

have one too many 喝得有点醉

Example phrase:

He had one too many at the party and couldn't drive home.

He was a little drunk at the party and couldn't drive home.

  • Ōryū

You are wasted.

The meaning of this phrase is certainly not to swear, and wasted has the meaning of "very drunk" when used as an adjective.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

Example phrase:

He got wasted last night. We had to carry him back home.

He was so drunk last night that we had to carry her home.

hammered /ˈhæməd/ 烂醉的

Example phrase:

Stop drinking, you are already hammered.

Don't drink, you're drunk.

plastered /ˈplɑːstəd/ 醉醺醺的

Example phrase:

We used to get plastered before every game.

We used to get drunk before every game.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"
记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

How do you say "alcohol consumption" in English?

We all like to drink to celebrate, but we also want to drink in moderation, so how do we express how much we drink?

  • Plenty of alcohol/good amount of alcohol

I am a heavy drinker.

I drink a lot.

I can hold my liquor.

I can drink it.

I have a high tolerance.

I'm a good drinker.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"
  • Low alcohol consumption/poor alcohol consumption

To be honest, I get drunk easily.

To be honest, I get drunk easily.

I have a low tolerance.

I can't drink enough.

I am a light weight.

I'm not very good at drinking.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

drink sb under the table

Wine table culture is an integral part of Chinese food culture, and there are still deformed wine table culture in many places. Some people like to compete in the amount of alcohol, and they will not give up if they don't get others drunk, and "drunk" is expressed in English as drink sb under the table.

drink sb under the table 可不是“去桌子下面喝酒”,而是把某人喝趴下。

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

Now we all advocate civilized gatherings and moderate drinking. In the face of people who are constantly urging alcohol, we must learn to refuse. If someone says to you, "I will drink you under the table," you have to be careful.

Example phrase:

His colleagues drank him under the table at the celebration party.

At the celebration party, he was drunk by his colleagues.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

How do you say "drunk driving" in English?

Don't drink and don't drive, don't drink while driving. Next, let's take a look at how to say "drunk driving" in English.

There are two correct expressions for "drunk driving":

① drunk driving

Example phrase:

He was arrested for drunk driving.

He was detained for driving while intoxicated.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

② driving under the influence (DUI)

Under the Influence here is a fixed phrase that means "drinking too much; drunk".

Example phrase:

She was charged with driving under the influence.

She was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol.

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"


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Life is like a journey,

The most important thing is to go~

记住:“你喝多了!”不是"You drink too much!"

Isn't it easy to learn today's knowledge? Don't forget to submit your homework in the comments section.

◆◆ Today's work ◆◆

Do you understand these phrases and sentences correctly? Finally, I left a small homework for the students:

He was fined for_________.

He was fined for drunk driving.

A. drunk driving

B. wine driving

What is the correct answer in the fill-in-the-blanks? Students can write your answers in the message area in the lower right corner, and the teacher will personally comment~