
Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

author:Ping An Yuzhong


Don't click on unfamiliar links, don't answer unknown calls

anti-fraud slogans

It's already familiar to me

But don't underestimate the tricks of the scammers

They turned their attention to the elderly

And tailor-made "contact fraud"

Recently, it has happened in many places

A case of fraud by impersonating a "grandson".


"Grandma! Something happened to me! ”

"Grandma, I'm fighting with others,

The other party was injured and hospitalized, and asked me to pay 100,000 yuan in compensation. ”

On June 13, Grandma Zhang, who lives in Jintan

Receiving a "baby grandson" who is far away abroad

A call for help

Grandma Zhang, who loves her grandson with a heart

Immediately rush to the bank to prepare to withdraw the deposit

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

Grandma Zhang looked flustered

To withdraw a large deposit of 100,000 yuan

And claimed that it was a grandson abroad who was in urgent need

After a while, the "grandson's classmates" will come to the door to withdraw the money

The bank staff noticed that Grandma Zhang was suspected of being defrauded

After persuasion failed, call the police for help

After the police arrived at the scene

Immediately launched anti-fraud and dissuasion work against Grandma Zhang

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

"It's definitely a scam!

It's not your grandson who calls you! ”

On the one hand, there is the police's painstaking persuasion

On one side is the grandson's anxious plea for help

Grandma Zhang is deeply trapped in the mystery of the "real and fake grandson".

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

"I didn't call it, I couldn't have asked my family for money,

I won't ask you for money. ”

At Grandma Zhang's house

The police and his daughter-in-law worked together to persuade him

and had a video call with Grandma Zhang's grandson

A word from his grandson

Let Grandma Zhang suddenly realize

finally realized that he almost fell for the "fake grandson".

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day

The police who have been squatting for a long time

The suspect was successfully captured

At present, the case is being further handled


Such "contact fraud" occurs from time to time

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

On the morning of June 4, 2024

Uncle Wu, a citizen of Taixing, received a strange phone call

The other party on the phone pretended to be his grandson

said that he seriously injured his classmates at school

Tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses are urgently needed

And agreed to meet at the entrance of the village to withdraw the money later

Uncle Wu immediately took the family's ones

50,000 yuan in cash came to the entrance of the village

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

At this time, the anti-fraud volunteers of the village happened to pass by

Inquire to verify the relevant situation

Remind Uncle Wu that he has encountered a scam

and help call the police


The suspect who came to withdraw the money appeared

The alert Uncle Wu snatched the suspect's mobile phone to check

The other party fled

At present, the case is under investigation

On the morning of June 18, 2024

Mr. Yao from Suzhou received a strange phone call

The other party on the phone pretended to be his grandson

Said that he was in trouble and needed money

He also said that someone would come to pick it up later

Mr. Yao, who believed it to be true, put 12,000 yuan

It was given to the people who came to get the money

The more Mr. Yao thought about it afterwards, the more wrong it became

Verify the situation with your family immediately

Confirm that you have encountered a scam and immediately report it to the police

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

-Fraud Routine Analysis-

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

The above cases are typical "contact fraud"

So what is "contact fraud"?

Recently! There are "grandchildren" who frequent haunts!

Contact fraud: This is when a fraudster makes direct contact with the victim or somehow gains the victim's trust, and then tricks the victim into transferring money or paying cash for a variety of reasons. This type of fraud is often more subtle and difficult to detect, so it is necessary to be vigilant and more vigilant.

Police remind

01Ask friends and relatives for verification

When the elderly encounter something that is difficult to judge whether it is true or false, do not rush to make a decision, and any person who requests online transfer and remittance or offline fund transaction through phone calls and text messages should first ask relatives and friends around them, and verify the identity of the caller after answering the phone; If the voice cannot be distinguished, you can use more private questions such as the nickname of relatives and friends, living habits, etc.

02 Reminders from people around you

The families of the elderly must regularly publicize anti-fraud knowledge to the elderly, and improve the awareness and ability of the elderly to recognize and prevent fraud; If the bank staff finds that the elderly person is transferring money in a panic alone, they must verify with him and his family, or contact the police station in the jurisdiction to deal with it together.

03Call the police for help in time

If you are accidentally deceived, you should immediately call 110 to report to the police, and provide key information such as the other party's collection account to ensure that the payment stop and freeze operation is carried out as soon as possible, intercept the defrauded funds in time, and recover losses as much as possible.

Source: Nantong Anti-Fraud