
The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

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In Battle for the Center of the Earth, find a baby named Coppers, who at first glance seems to be a very average pet - he can't even fight (that's why we call him a companion pet instead of a battle pet), but once you summon him, you'll understand how important he is! Coppers is a merchant NPC baby who can repair your gear and sell items! With the support of Coppers, you'll never have to break your gear and have to beg other players for Kevis or even Autohammers.

The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

To get "kobold coppers", you must act like a kobold and be obsessed with candles! When you reach Fame Level 2 with the Abyssal Council, you gain access to the "I'm Sniffing Every Day" trait, which allows you to interact with the "Disturbed Lands", whose treasures can be found throughout Kazalga.

The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

Interacting with a bunch of "disturbed lands" will trigger a random event - there may be a large number of monsters spawning, it could be a rare monster, or just a pile of candles to pick up, these events will give you some treasure, but what you want most is actually a "strange wax ball".

The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

The strange ball of wax can be given to the Middles in the Ringing Abyss. You can contribute 5 strange wax balls at a time. When handing the strange wax ball to the Middles, 2 progress bars will appear, one showing the contribution of the entire server and the other showing your individual contribution.

The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

When you contribute 10 times or reach 50 Wax Balls, the NPC next to you will give you a quest - Thank You Candle, which will earn you a new currency, the Flame Ruby.

The strongest baby in the history of Warcraft is here! You can also sell things with your own repairs, so you can quickly master how to get started!

The vendor next to it has a lot of items, all priced at 1 Flaming Ruby, and items include gold coins, specialty materials, and packs of Battle for the Center of the Earth currency, as well as pet kobold Coppers.