
When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever

author:Apple cow watch the game

Do you still remember when the mana crystal was live, it was mentioned that the level 60-70 experience of the official server was greatly reduced to help players catch up and level up?

When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever

It is not clear whether NetEase and Blizzard will adjust the upgrade experience separately for the national server, but according to the current statistics, Blizzard's own changes to the experience in the eve patch are very large, and the experience change on the eve of the experience, players who have experienced it have said that this may be the fastest upgrade speed in history. How much experience has been cut on the eve? Let's take a look at the data

When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever

The red color is the amount of XP required to reach level 70 on the current official server, and the blue color is the amount of XP required on Eve.

When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever
When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever
When the official server is opened, practice trumpet speed and take off! The Eve Patch could bring the fastest upgrade ever

It can be seen that level 60-70 experience is almost always reduced by more than 70%. So after the server is opened, and before the battle for the center of the earth officially lands, you can consider practicing more trumpets!

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