
News | Liao Zhiyuan presided over a meeting of the county flood control headquarters

author:Zongyang release
News | Liao Zhiyuan presided over a meeting of the county flood control headquarters

On the evening of June 30, Liao Zhiyuan, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over a meeting of the county flood control headquarters to analyze the trend of weather changes, study and judge the current flood control situation, and arrange and deploy key flood control work. County leaders Zhan Lingna, Huang Chu, Sun Gongming, Fang Qinjian, Chen Xue, Hou Lixia, Xia Jun, and He Chiliang participated.

News | Liao Zhiyuan presided over a meeting of the county flood control headquarters

The meeting listened to the county's flood control situation and suggestions on the next work arrangement, and the headquarters of each river basin reported on the current flood control work.

After listening carefully to the report, Liao Zhiyuan pointed out that at present, the water level of rivers, lakes and reservoirs in our county is running at a high level, and there will still be heavy rainfall in the next few days, and all departments at all levels should fully understand the grim situation of the current flood prevention work, constantly strengthen the awareness of risks, immediately enter the "state of combat readiness", resolutely overcome the paralyzing thinking, laxity, and luck mentality, further strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency, continue to fight, continue to tackle tough problems, and ensure a safe and stable flood season.

Liao Zhiyuan emphasized

It is necessary to clarify the goals and tasks, always adhere to the principle of "people first, life first", and do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in medium and high-risk areas such as Jiangxinzhou and the Bund in a smooth and orderly manner, so that all the people who should be transferred should be transferred and transferred early, and no household or person will be left behind. It is necessary to carefully investigate and eliminate risks, keep an eye on weak links, continue to strengthen the risk prevention of river embankments, river and lake embankments, mountain flood geological disasters, urban waterlogging, tailings ponds, dilapidated houses and other fields, and further refine the monitoring and forecasting, emergency response and other processes to ensure that dangerous situations are discovered and dealt with as soon as possible. It is necessary to command and dispatch scientifically, strictly implement the leadership shift system and the 24-hour duty system, continuously strengthen the work connection, comprehensively improve the technical support ability, refine the work process and plan, and form a closed loop of responsibility. In order to achieve efficient operation, the flood control headquarters must give full play to its leading role, and all member units must have a clear division of labor, perform their own duties, and assume their own responsibilities, so as to ensure that there is no shortage of responsibilities and no failure in their tasks. It is necessary to provide a strong guarantee, prepare sufficient flood prevention materials, adhere to the combination of civil air defense, material defense, and technical defense, and ensure that they can be mobilized, transported, and used at critical moments. It is necessary to strictly enforce work discipline, tighten and consolidate responsibilities at all levels, insist on all employees being on duty, strictly implement various regulations such as information reporting, continue to increase supervision and inspection, and resolutely and seriously pursue responsibility and accountability for dereliction of duty or disobedience to dispatch in flood prevention work, and ensure the solid progress of flood prevention work with strict discipline.

Source: Zongyang Online

News | Liao Zhiyuan presided over a meeting of the county flood control headquarters

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