
The Price of Wrong Love 23: This kind of bloody plot was staged on his own body

author:I'm Spicy Fish
The Price of Wrong Love 23: This kind of bloody plot was staged on his own body

The whole room was messy, clothes and shoes were discarded all over the floor, and the two people on the bed were snuggling up to each other, sleeping soundly.

There seemed to be an ambiguous aura in the air, and the shredded clothes on the ground pierced Gu Zisheng's heart like a sharp blade.

Such a scene, such a scene, you don't have to think about it to know what happened.

Gu Zisheng's pupils continued to dilate, completely focusing on the face of the woman snuggled in Xiao Han's arms on the bed, the woman's face was ruddy and charming.

Gu Zisheng's fists clenched unconsciously, his nails sank into the flesh, his throat was dry and he couldn't say a word, the whole person seemed to be nailed there, motionless, Gu Zisheng just felt that the blood in his body was almost coagulated, the blood vessels seemed to be about to burst, and his internal organs almost exploded.

Gu Zisheng's eyes burned with raging anger, as if he wanted to burn the two people in front of him to ashes.

After more than ten minutes, Gu Zisheng finally found his soul, he lifted his thousand-pound steps with difficulty, and turned around with difficulty. Suddenly, he quickly raised his arm and slammed it against the wall with all his strength.

Suddenly, the knuckles of the entire right hand were all scratched and bleeding, and Gu Zisheng's clear fist marks were also left on the wall, however, the two people on the bed were still immersed in sleep, and there was no trace of waking up.

Gu Zisheng's gaze refocused on the woman's face, Nangong Yu clicked her mouth, rubbed her body into Xiao Han's arms again, and then fell asleep quietly.

Gu Zisheng's heart was like a pinprick, and the pain spread wantonly to all limbs, and Gu Zisheng almost suffocated.

He didn't know what he was going to do here, he didn't know what to do next, but he didn't leave but stood in the air as if waiting for something.

Gu Zisheng's face was gloomy, his eyes exuded a cold that he had never seen before, and the blood in his right hand had also coagulated, and his entire hand was mottled with blood.

Nangong Yu seemed to have a long dream, she even had a feeling that she had slept for half a century, her head was swollen and her limbs were weak, and she couldn't think of anything.

Nangong Yu raised his heavy arm and rubbed his sleepy eyes, beat his head by the way, and then slowly opened his eyes, and what greeted him was a strange environment.

"Mo Ran, where is this?"

Nangong Yu opened her dry mouth and slowly uttered a few words, but no one answered, she twisted her heavy body, and suddenly, there was a bad feeling.

Nangong Yu didn't care about the discomfort of her body, she suddenly sobered up a lot, how she hoped that what she expected was just a fantasy, but the truth was always cruel.

She turned her head slowly until she saw a clear face in front of her. Nangong Yu closed her eyes helplessly, and slowly turned her head around, oh my God, how could he be with Xiao Han, could it be......

Worse thoughts poured into Nangong Yu's heart, she put her hand into the quilt and touched her body, and suddenly she wanted to die.

Nangong Yu smashed her head fiercely, delusionally remembering what happened, but her mind was blank, she only knew that Xiao Han asked her to eat, and then went to a Chinese restaurant, and she didn't know anything about the rest.

How did I get here, maybe something happened that shouldn't have happened, but I was blank for all this. This kind of bloody plot that can only appear in TV dramas will one day be staged on his body, which is really a bloody tragedy.

Nangong Yu cautiously turned her head and glanced at the man next to her, Xiao Han was still immersed in a sweet dream, so it was okay, she could leave without knowing it, maybe no one knew, Nangong Yu thought smartly.

She gently pulled the quilt to cover her body, and then slowly got up, her eyes scanning the room and trying to search for her clothes.

Suddenly, Nangong Yu's gaze stayed on the figure on the sofa not far away, oh my God, what the hell is going on? I slept with Xiao Han for no reason, I didn't know what happened, and the funny thing about you was that there were still people in the room.

Nangong Yu got out of bed gently, and saw that she was torn into several pieces of clothes, and at this time she really wanted to commit suicide by caesarean section.

How intense is it to tear clothes like this? No matter how hungry and thirsty you are, you won't be like this.

Helplessly, Nangong Yu had no choice but to pick up the man's shirt that was still intact on the ground and put it on his body, fortunately, the place that should be covered can be covered.

After putting on her shirt, she took a few steps forward gently, looked at the black back seriously, and suddenly had a familiar feeling.

It won't be like this, how could he be here, no, no, he must have read it wrong.


With a loud bang, Nangong Yu realized that he had accidentally knocked over the vase on the table.

Hearing the voice, Gu Zisheng turned around, and suddenly looked at each other, Nangong Yu grabbed the corner of his shirt in embarrassment, and was at a loss for a while.

Xiao Han rubbed his swollen head and slowly opened his eyes, the unfamiliar environment made him a little panicked.

Suddenly feeling that something was wrong, Xiao Han got up suddenly, the room was in a mess, and his clothes were scattered, but Nangong Yu and Gu Zisheng were also standing in the room, what was going on?

Xiao Han picked up his messy hair and scratched the back of his head hard, not remembering what had happened at all?

"Little dream, what happened, why are we here?" Xiao Han looked at Nangong Yu who was stunned in front of him, with a puzzled expression.

"I, I ......"

Nangong Yu turned to Xiao Han's eyes, and couldn't find any words for a while.

After carefully looking at the entire room again, Xiao Han noticed that there was nothing on his body at this time, and then looked at the other half of the bed that was already empty, and the obvious traces made him panic.

"Little dream, difficult, is it ......" Xiao Han opened his mouth uncertainly, trying to get a negative answer.

Nangong Yu hesitated for a moment, and simply said directly: "Yes, it's what you think."

Oh my God, what kind of bloody drama is this, it's right that I'm obsessed with Nangong Yu, but I won't do such a thing, what's going on?

Xiao Han held his head in his hands and pulled his hair impatiently, trying to find an answer.

"It seems that the two of you have sorted out their thoughts and understood everything that happened." Gu Zisheng, who was standing on the side, suddenly spoke, and his cold tone seemed to freeze the entire room in an instant.

"Gu Zisheng, when did you come?"

Nangong Yu's face was gloomy and her tone was indifferent, since something had happened, she had to face it, she had been in the film and television industry for many years, and she had seen all kinds of winds and waves, to put it bluntly, it was not a big deal if she slept with someone else.

However, even if she slept with Xiao Han, she had to figure out what was going on.

Hearing this, Gu Zisheng's heart was throbbing again, how could the woman in front of her ignore what was happening like this, she didn't know that her heart hurt almost to stop beating the moment she saw it? Could it be that she doesn't have any affection for herself at all, that's why she doesn't care so much.

She didn't explain a few words, nor did she cover it up in the slightest, she just stood in front of her seriously, as if everything that happened was taken for granted.

Gu Zisheng's cold gaze focused on Nangong Yu's body, this woman was simply shameless, when such a thing happened, she even asked herself when she came.

(To be continued)

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