
The Price of Wrong Love 22: As expected, the air seemed to condense when I saw a wonderful scene

author:I'm Spicy Fish
The Price of Wrong Love 22: As expected, the air seemed to condense when I saw a wonderful scene

Gu Zisheng comfortably leaned on the sofa in the lounge and drank tea, in the face of the next confession, he seemed to be confident and unconcerned, but he seemed to be unsure and unpredictable, in short, the cold eyes were as always, and the beautiful face was still expressionless.

Nearly an hour later, Mu Feng came to the lounge sweating profusely.

"Gu Zisheng, you who killed a thousand knives, after I was busy outside, you were leisurely drinking tea here, and others thought it was my own confession."

Mu Feng angrily accused Gu Zisheng, and sat on the sofa with a lifeless buttocks.

"Isn't it just for friends to stick knives in both ribs, not to mention that I didn't let you stick a knife, but it's just to set up the scene, you need to be so angry, I knew that my temper was so short-tempered, but no woman would like it."

Gu Zisheng's thin lips opened lightly, and he gently took a sip of the tea in his hand, a serious statement.

"You ,......"

Mu Feng's face was blue and white, and his internal organs were about to explode. He simply stopped talking and picked up the fan next to him to lower the fire for himself.

"Daddy, where's Mommy?" Gu Xuanchen played with the props in his hand and asked casually.

"Yes, Gu Zisheng, everything is ready now, only the heroine is owed."

"Wait a minute, she's out, and she'll be back later." Gu Zisheng didn't know the bottom in his heart, why was this Nangong Yu so unreliable, he had prepared a confession for a long time, but the protagonist couldn't find it.

"Do you know where she is, I don't want to waste so much effort on it."

Gu Zisheng really deserves to be Gu Zisheng, except for things other than the shopping mall, the rest are so unreliable, he has planned the confession program for such a long time, he still wants to see the effect, by the way, his confession or marriage proposal is just a direct quotation.

At this moment, Gu Zisheng's heart is like an ant on a hot pot, anxious, but because of the ups and downs of the mall for many years, he has developed a habit of being calm and calm no matter what he is facing, and he can't see the slightest nervousness.


"Please come in."

"Gu, Mr. Gu." Director Li walked in tremblingly and stammered.

"What about Mengyu?" Gu Zisheng, who was nervous, didn't notice Director Li's ugly and almost distorted face at all.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I searched the entire crew, that is, there is no Miss Mengyu."

Gu Zisheng put down the cup in his hand, clasped his hands around his chest, and his cold tone made people shudder: "Where did she go?"

Facing Gu Zisheng's cold eyes, Director Li's whole body trembled, "Gu, Mr. Gu, I don't know, I haven't seen her since noon today." ”

"Didn't I tell you to take good care of her? Why can't anyone find this? ”

Gu Zisheng's tone was still calm, but everyone knew that the calmer he was, the more angry he became, and this kind of calm before the storm was really terrifying.

"You asked me to take good care of her, but you didn't say that I should keep an eye on her all the time, my legs are on her body, how do I know where she will go?"

Director Li complained quietly, he was really wronged, Nangong Yu couldn't find anything about him, and he didn't take people away.

Gu Zisheng coldly squeezed out a sentence from the corner of his mouth: "If I can't see anyone after half an hour, I don't mind letting you change jobs."

Director Li seemed to be nailed to the ground, motionless.

Gu Zisheng looked at Director Li, who was still standing in front of him, and finally went crazy: "Don't look for it yet."

"Good. Okay, I'll go. Director Li finally came back to his senses, hurriedly ran out of the house, and almost fell.

"Zisheng, could something happen?"

Mu Feng had bad thoughts in his heart, in fact, Gu Zisheng had already sensed that something was wrong, but he still deceived himself and didn't want to think about it.

Nangong Yu would never leave on her own, unless something happened.

Fang Xue observed the panicked Director Li from the lounge, and now, it was time for her to appear.

"Director Li, what happened to you being so flustered?" Fang Xue asked knowingly.

"Miss Fang, hello, have you seen Miss Mengyu?"

"Oh, Mengyu, I saw it, we had dinner together today."

Director Li seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, his face was full of joy, and his voice was excited: "Do you know where she went?"

"I also noticed it by accident in the restaurant, but she was with Xiao Han, and I didn't come forward to say hello." Fang Xue was trying hard to create the scene in her brain.

"Did you see where they went?"

"This, I'm afraid it's hard to say, they seem to have gone to the hotel next to it, what is it called......"

Fang Xue picked her hair, oh no, she forgot the name of the hotel, how should she make it up now, her face became a little ugly.

Director Li scratched the back of his head, his eyes flickered a few times, "Oh, I know, it's that bright moon and stars." ”

Fang Xue's eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, that's it." "Fortunately, Director Li actually knew, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

Next to the crew, the best hotel, the easiest to remember, Director Li's face was full of joy obviously, he finally found it, otherwise he would be unemployed again.

Director Li returned to Gu Zisheng's lounge in three steps and two steps, "Mr. Gu, Miss Mengyu is at the Mingyue Xingchen Hotel." ”

"Okay, I got it."

Gu Zisheng hurriedly got up and walked out, and when he arrived at the door, he suddenly stopped again, "Mu Feng, you are optimistic about Xuanchen, I can go by myself." ”

Gu Zisheng strode out and got into the car directly, started the car and drove away.

Looking at Gu Zisheng's speeding car, the corners of Fang Xue's mouth pulled into a bright smile, and she took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.

As soon as the bell rang, the other party was connected, and Ye Zi's anxious voice came out of it.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Everything is developing according to the expected rhythm, Gu Zisheng is now driving to the hotel, and he will be able to see a wonderful scene later......"

Ye Zi took down the phone and didn't hear Fang Xue's words behind her, her delicate little face was covered with a sinister smile, and her face was extremely distorted.

Nangong Yu, even if you have great ability, I see how you turn over this time, aren't you very powerful, what? It's not in my hands yet.


Ye Zi's terrible laughter floated in the air, as if she had seen Nangong Yu kneeling in front of her and begging for mercy.

Nangong Yu, what are you, you dare to fight with me Ye Zi, you don't pee to take care of yourself, but you are just a lost dog, what can you compare with me, fight with me, you are still far behind.

Gu Zisheng drove all the way at a fast speed, and even ran several red lights, but his luxury car was too conspicuous in City A, and the police did not dare to chase it easily.

Soon, Gu Zisheng's car stopped at the door of the hotel, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car quickly, for some reason, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart, and he didn't dare.

"Sir, may I ask what ...... you are?"

Gu Zisheng completely ignored the greeting from the front desk, walked in, and took the elevator directly to the presidential suite on the highest floor.

With Nangong Yu's identity and personality, there is no doubt that she chose the presidential suite in such a hotel.

Gu Zisheng walked to the door and suddenly stopped, tidied up the clothes that had become messy due to walking too fast, and then raised his hand to knock on the door, and was surprised that the door was not locked.

Gu Zisheng couldn't care so much, he pushed the door directly, and the moment he looked up, the air seemed to be condensed.

(To be continued)

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