
Heli Town, Gaotai County: Breeding "Golden Seeds" and Strengthening the "Core" of Agriculture

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

In the middle of summer, it is the golden period of seed corn to emasculation, in the field of Heli Town, Gaotai County, the continuous seed corn is lush and gratifying, the villagers grasp the golden opportunity to emasculation, and actively devote themselves to the busy labor production of emasculation to ensure the quality of seeds.

Heli Town, Gaotai County: Breeding "Golden Seeds" and Strengthening the "Core" of Agriculture

Walking into the seed corn field of Pu Xinghan, a large planter in Wuyi Village, Heli Town, more than 10 labor workers are shuttling back and forth in the seed corn field, and the crisp sound of the seed corn when it is emasculated is intertwined with the voice of the masses, a busy scene.

"This year, I planted 120 acres of seed corn, because of the use of drip irrigation under the film, the growth is better than last year, the first round of emasculation can be pumped 90%-95%, has been pumped for two days, and then three or four days will be over. In accordance with the requirements of the seed production company, we will pump the male with quality and quantity to ensure stable production and income this year. Pu Xinghan, a large planter, said.

Heli Town, Gaotai County: Breeding "Golden Seeds" and Strengthening the "Core" of Agriculture

The tasseling of seed corn is very important, which is an important part of corn seed production, and the quality and purity of seed corn depend on the emasculation and field weed removal in the production process. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the emasculation work, the town organized the village cadres and the seed company to connect and cooperate closely as soon as possible, and conducted on-site training for planting farmers from the aspects of emasculation and impurity removal methods, requirements, quality and standards, and held village community cadre meetings, party member meetings, and mass meetings at all levels, requiring seed farmers to operate in strict accordance with the technical regulations for emasculation to ensure that the corn emasculation work is completed on schedule with quality and quantity. At the same time, organize village cadres and technicians to go deep into the fields, follow up and guide services throughout the process, and urge farmers to carry out the work of seed corn to remove male and miscellaneous in accordance with the operating procedures.

Heli Town, Gaotai County: Breeding "Golden Seeds" and Strengthening the "Core" of Agriculture

Wuyi Village this year's corn seed area is 1970 acres, the current focus of our work is to extract the corn mother, only to ensure that the corn mother is completely tasseled, corn can successfully complete pollination, for the follow-up high-yield harvest to lay a good foundation. The male draw began on June 27 and is now in the main stage, and is expected to end on July 20. Pu Guolong, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Wuyi Village, Heli Town, introduced.

Heli Town, Gaotai County: Breeding "Golden Seeds" and Strengthening the "Core" of Agriculture

Heli Town adheres to the development of corn seed industry as an important measure to adjust the industrial structure and transform the mode of economic development, and cooperates with Gansu Longfengxiang Seed Industry Co., Ltd., Zhangye Luhe Agricultural Products Marketing Co., Ltd. and Gansu Jinyuan Seed Industry Co., Ltd. and other leading seed production enterprises, combined with high-standard farmland construction projects to promote the base and large-scale development of corn seed industry, and strive to make the corn seed industry a "golden signboard" for the town's industrial development, and develop into a "golden industry" for farmers to increase their income and get rich. Effectively promote industrial efficiency and increase the income of the masses. This year, the town to implement the high-quality corn seed production area of 7,556 acres, the current seed corn to emasculation work is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner, is expected to complete the end of July to fully complete the seed corn to emasculation and weeds task. (Zhang Xiaohong)

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