
Luocheng Town, Gaotai County: Thousands of acres of wheat covered with Longhuang are happy to harvest the first sickle in summer

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

The breeze slowly sent bursts of wheat fragrance, accompanied by the roar of the harvester, 8,400 acres of wheat in Luocheng Town ushered in the "first sickle" of the harvest, and a summer harvest overture officially kicked off.

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County: Thousands of acres of wheat covered with Longhuang are happy to harvest the first sickle in summer

The golden wheat field undulates like waves, the agricultural mechanic is full of horsepower, shuttling in the continuous wheat field, harvesting, threshing, and removing impurities in one go, a ridge of mature wheat is harvested in the "bag", leaving a neat wheat stubble behind him, and the full wheat grains rush out from the unloading port of the harvester, and gradually fill the grain truck, watching the "harvest in sight" become "harvest in hand", and the grain farmers can hardly hide the joy of the harvest.

"The harvest is good, and you can do everything!" Sun Shenghu, a villager in Xia Zhuangzi Village, picked an ear of wheat from his wheat field and said happily: "This year's wheat ears are full and there are many grains, the yield must be high, and this year is another bumper harvest year!" ”

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County: Thousands of acres of wheat covered with Longhuang are happy to harvest the first sickle in summer

"Every year during the summer harvest, Murakami will make an appointment in advance with a large harvester to help farmers harvest wheat, the cost is 60 yuan per mu, and each mu can almost hit about 1,000 catties, saving time and effort and high efficiency." Gao Yanrong, secretary of the party branch of Xiazhuangzi Village, Luocheng Town, said.

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County: Thousands of acres of wheat covered with Longhuang are happy to harvest the first sickle in summer

At present, it has entered the critical season of "summer harvest", in order to further shoulder the responsibility of food security, Luocheng Town attaches great importance to it, insists on taking the lead, guides the majority of farmers to seize the favorable opportunity to harvest, dry and return to the warehouse, and sets up a working group to do a good job in weather information early warning, harvesting machinery deployment and related technical guidance, logistics support, etc., so as to achieve maturity and harvest. At the same time, we should actively guide farmers to replant to ensure that all seeds should be planted and restored, so as to lay a solid foundation for a bumper grain harvest.

In recent years, Luocheng Town has insisted on putting food security in the first place in agricultural and rural work, actively implemented the strategy of "storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology", adapted measures to local conditions, continuously improved the enthusiasm of the masses to grow grain, and effectively stabilized grain output, with a grain sowing area of 31,000 mu in the town in 2024.

In the next step, Luocheng Town will continue to do a good job in the "summer harvest" production and service combination, increase the guidance of agricultural technicians, scientifically organize the deployment of agricultural machinery and equipment and manpower into the summer harvest work, actively coordinate and solve the difficulties of the masses and operators, and improve the efficiency of harvesting operations. At the same time, we will strengthen the fire prevention inspection of wheat fields, do a good job in the early warning of agricultural meteorological information "online and offline", and do a good job in all-round logistics support services for machine harvesting, so as to effectively ensure that all summer grains should be collected and the grains returned to the warehouse. (Li Zhiyan, Ding Lijiao)