
The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Changchun International Automobile City
The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and continuously strengthen the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, party organizations at all levels in the Automobile Development Zone have carried out various forms of "July 1" series of activities in the past few days.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Jincheng Street

Jincheng Street conducts party history learning and education by organizing and carrying out themed party classes and visiting the Northeast Fall History Exhibition Hall; Organize the viewing of party discipline warning education films in a centralized manner, and conduct an ideological education on party spirit, party style, and party discipline for all cadres of the organs; Seven activities were held, including the "Red Heart Hui" Party Building and People's Livelihood Service Bazaar, to review the glorious history of the Party and continuously strengthen the sense of mission and responsibility of Party members and cadres.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".


Dongfeng Street organized a party day activity with the theme of "exploring the history of the party and absorbing the strength to move forward", and all party members and cadres "re-walked the road of resistance to the United Nations", pursued the red footprints, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and kept in mind the original mission; Visit the "Three Visits to the South of the Yangtze River" Battle Memorial Hall and the Ma'anshan Village History Museum to learn about the great changes in the mountain villages and the great achievements of poverty alleviation.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Fumin Street

Fumin Street organized and carried out the "I do practical things for the masses" to light up the "micro-wish" activity, and passed the "menu-style" service mode of residents ordering, community grid ordering, and party members and cadres receiving orders; Carry out theoretical propaganda activities to explain and explain the party's latest theories, lines, principles, and policies.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Future Street

The party members and cadres visited the content of "learning the history of the party and the glorious history of the party online", and appreciated the glorious history of the party by listening to the explanations of the commentators. After the visit, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and once again clarified the original intention and mission of being loyal to the party and striving for the first.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Guangxing Street

Guangxing Street organized party members and cadres to go to the Jilin Provincial Museum to carry out the "July 1st" glorious and co-composed Huazhang red research activities, visit the Jilin People's Revolutionary Struggle History Exhibition Hall, and review the history of the party through historical materials and cultural relics collection; Carry out theme party classes, and warn party members and cadres to learn lessons from negative examples and gain insights in discipline party classes through vivid typical cases.

The Automobile Development Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Splendid streets

Jinxiu Street organized activities such as "raising the national flag + micro-publicity", literary and artistic performances, shared bazaars, interactive questions and answers, dug deep into red resources, mobilized volunteer service forces from all parties, further enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses in the jurisdiction, and encouraged the majority of party members to strengthen their responsibilities and strive for the first.

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