
Ding'an held an activity of "raising the national flag on July 1st and reviewing the oath of joining the party" for party members and leading cadres

author:Ding'an release

On July 1, Ding'an held an activity for party members and leading cadres to "raise the national flag on July 1st and review the oath of joining the party" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Ding'an held an activity of "raising the national flag on July 1st and reviewing the oath of joining the party" for party members and leading cadres

Liu Fengsong, secretary of the county party committee, Feng Yunfei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Chen Mingyong, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Fu Qihe, chairman of the county CPPCC, Li Changfen, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, and other county leaders, leading cadres of substantive party members at or above the deputy section level of county organs, enterprises and institutions, the main persons in charge of the party committees of each town, all political and legal cadres and policemen of the county, reserve party members of various units directly under the county, and party members among the newly hired civil servants of various units directly under the county since 2022 More than 500 people participated in the flag-raising ceremony. Feng Yunfei presided over the ceremony.

Ding'an held an activity of "raising the national flag on July 1st and reviewing the oath of joining the party" for party members and leading cadres

At 7:50 a.m., the flag guards were heroic, marching with neat steps, holding their heads high and escorting the five-star red flag to the flag-raising platform. In the high-pitched and loud national anthem of the People's Republic of China, the bright five-star red flag was rising, and all the personnel participating in the flag-raising ceremony stood solemnly, saluted and sang the national anthem in unison.

Ding'an held an activity of "raising the national flag on July 1st and reviewing the oath of joining the party" for party members and leading cadres
Ding'an held an activity of "raising the national flag on July 1st and reviewing the oath of joining the party" for party members and leading cadres

After the flag-raising ceremony, all party members, under the leadership of Liu Fengsong, raised their right arms and solemnly swore an oath. The sonorous and powerful oath of joining the party allowed every party member present to accept the baptism of the soul again, stimulated the enthusiasm of all party members, and further enhanced the consciousness of party members.

Source: Ding'an County Financial Media Center

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