
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting

author:Jian'an financial media

"Calligraphy and painting navigation song prosperous, Hanmo praises the party's grace". On July 1, 2024, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the great Communist Party of China, the People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held a grand "Eternal Monument" calligraphy and painting brush meeting in the calligraphy and painting hall to celebrate the birthday of the party, wish the motherland prosperity, share friendship, and talk about cooperation and unity.

The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting

Photo by Yang Lifang

The PEN meeting was presided over by Jiang Fukang, deputy director of the Jian'an District Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and Liu Yuqin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Jian'an District Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, delivered a speech. Zhao Fuxiang, former director of the Jian'an District People's Cultural Center and consultant of the Jian'an District Artists Association, Zhang Honglei, vice chairman of the Xuchang Artists Association and chairman of the Jian'an District Artists Association, Xiao Chuangyi, secretary-general of the Xuchang Calligraphy Association and chairman of the Jian'an District Calligraphy Association, Cong Qiuhong, deputy secretary-general of the Xuchang Calligraphy Association, vice chairman of the Jian'an District Calligraphy Association, and deputy director of the Jian'an District People's Cultural Center, Zhang Hongtao, vice chairman and secretary general of the Jian'an District Artists Association, Shi Fengguang, vice chairman of the Jian'an District Artists Association, Zhu Hongqi, vice chairman of the Jian'an District Artists Association, Mu Yaping, vice president of the Xuchang Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, a master's degree student in landscape painting, Nine well-known calligraphers and painters, including Liu Xiaodan, a backbone art teacher in Jian'an District, splashed ink on the spot, which was very lively.

The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting

Photo by Yang Lifang

With the theme of the red boat spirit of building the party for the public and being loyal to the people, the PEN Club improvised more than 30 calligraphy works of various kinds, such as "Danqing Book Prosperous Age, Hanmo Ode to the Party's Grace", "Don't forget the original intention and forge ahead"... Each piece of work writes the red boat spirit of breaking new ground, daring to be the first, firm ideals, perseverance, building the party for the public, and being loyal to the people; The vivid landscapes of flowers and birds, the splashed ink landscapes of dragons and snakes and iron paintings and silver hooks...... Each work contains a strong sense of family and country, full of deep original insight, and vividly shows the good spiritual outlook of loving the party and the country. Use works to record the new era, praise the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and praise the great achievements of the Communist Party of China in leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country to achieve great rejuvenation.

The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting
The People's Cultural Center of Jian'an District held the "Eternal Monument" 2024 Celebration of July 1st Calligraphy and Painting Brush Meeting

Photo by Yang Lifang

The pen will take calligraphy and painting as the medium, use pen and ink to get married, take art as the foundation, inherit the traditional culture, carry forward the spiritual thought of our party, adhere to cultural self-confidence, use literature and art to inspire the national spirit, adhere to the ideals of literature and art, and lead the social fashion, not only for the party's birthday gift, praise the prosperity of the motherland, but also provide a learning and exchange platform for the majority of calligraphy and painting lovers, and further promote the creation of calligraphy and painting in our district to a new level.

Editor/Guo Caixia

Editor-in-charge/Hu Junhua

Review/Zhang Jiangling Li Min

Producer/Zhang Xiangchao

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