
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided

author:Wudi Fusion Media

Under the background of words such as "loose skin", "body deformation", "menstrual disorder", "infertility" and "menopausal syndrome", the concept of ovarian maintenance has gradually become the darling of businesses. Some businesses take advantage of women's desire for children and love beauty, deliberately create anxiety and exaggerate the efficacy of products. However, it is a basic fact that ovarian function naturally declines with age. Many of the methods spread by the gimmick of ovarian maintenance are actually not so magical.

Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided

When women pay attention to ovarian maintenance, they should avoid falling into the following misunderstandings.

Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided

At present, there are many kinds of health care products on the market that can nourish the ovaries and delay aging, and their main ingredients are generally antioxidants, phytoestrogens supplements, multivitamins, herbal extracts, and traditional tonics such as ejiao, bird's nest, and snow clams. There are also many ovarian maintenance health products, which have not even been verified by rigorous clinical trials, and their effectiveness lacks scientific evidence support, and the actual effect varies from person to person.

Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided
Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided

Some beauty and health salons have launched many attractive flagship products, such as "Ovarian Oil SPA", "Ovarian Manipulative Massage", and "Infrared Magnetic Field Therapy", which are claimed to activate the ovaries and delay aging.

In fact, the ovaries are located deep in the pelvis, and it is almost impossible to act on the ovaries from the surface of the skin, either by manual massage or by penetrating essential oils. The reason why women feel warm in the lower abdomen during massage is because the essential oil penetrates into the surface of the skin, and the massage generates heat, which is not the feeling of nourishing the ovaries.

Health knowledge popularization action|Misunderstandings about ovarian maintenance must be avoided

There is also a lack of scientific evidence to support whether physical methods such as infrared and magnetic field therapy can improve ovarian function.

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