
Health Literacy Campaign | Drink more of these 4 kinds of tea in summer to benefit your energy and spend the summer safely

author:Wudi Fusion Media

In summer, it is very hot, and symptoms such as palpitation, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and lack of energy are common.

Some people sweat all over their bodies when they move a little, and although they do not have heavy physical labor, they still feel that their limbs are sore, lazy and weak, and they are easily flustered and short of breath, and they are unable to do things. Sweating profusely, resulting in fluid loss. "Qi is taken off with Jin", and "sweat is the liquid of the heart", which eventually leads to a lack of heart qi.

Summer rainfall, internal and external causes of summer dampness and evil qi to invade the human body, many people even if they are quiet indoors, do not move will sweat, and sweat is sticky, sweating does not relieve fever. There are also people who have sticky stool, and even after going to the toilet, they feel that they have stool, but when they really go to the toilet, they can't get rid of it.

Health Literacy Campaign | Drink more of these 4 kinds of tea in summer to benefit your energy and spend the summer safely

Medicinal tea

Futian tonic, in addition to paying attention to the different physique of individuals, but also according to the characteristics of the season, invigorating qi and rejuvenating jin is the main theme of Futian, so it is necessary to drink more water appropriately, and medicinal tea is very suitable for summer.


Heat-relieving soup


About 30g of watermelon cuiyi (watermelon peel with hard waxy skin removed), 3-5 pieces of American ginseng, 3 bamboo leaves, 300ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, and take it warm.

Suitable for

This recipe comes from the Qing Dynasty medical scientist Wang Mengying, and it is also the tea recommended by the National Health Commission at the press conference of "Flood Disaster Prevention and Health Protection". It is suitable for friends who are prone to fatigue and sleepiness, and can play a role in invigorating qi and cooling off.


Western ginseng tea


5~10 pieces of American ginseng, 5~10 chrysanthemums, make water, replace tea, and drink at any time.

Suitable for

It is suitable for qi and yin deficiency syndrome, and the symptoms are palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue, sweating, and lack of energy.




5 grams of Huoxiang or 5 grams of chrysanthemum, make water, replace tea, and drink for 2~3 days.

Suitable for

It is suitable for people with summer dampness and spleen syndrome, and the symptoms are drowsiness, poor appetite, abdominal distension, and loose stools.


Lotus leaf summer tea


50 grams of fresh lotus leaves (20 grams of dried products), 10 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of lentil flowers, 30 grams of watermelon cuiyi wash, add water to decoction for about 15 minutes, remove the slag and extract the juice, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, and drink instead of tea.

Suitable for

This recipe is the famous prescription "Qingluo Drink" for the treatment of summer fever in the late Qing Dynasty, which can clear the heat evil in the meridians and blood of the human body, so it is named. It is suitable for mild symptoms of summer heat injury to the lungs, and the symptoms are hot and thirsty, dizziness and dizziness.

Health Literacy Campaign | Drink more of these 4 kinds of tea in summer to benefit your energy and spend the summer safely

In addition, it is good to drink green tea in summer. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that green tea has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis, and quenching thirst. American ginseng and other medicines also have good effects such as quenching thirst, replenishing qi and strengthening the body, and are good products for supplementation. The famous doctor Li Dongyuan in the Jin and Yuan dynasties created the "Shengmai San" (ginseng, wheat winter, schisandra) is a famous prescription for replenishing qi and rejuvenating the heat, and has now been made into Shengmai oral liquid and Shengmai capsules, with exact curative effect and is very convenient for the public to use.

It is advisable to eat more

4 types of food


It is advisable to eat more sweet and sour foods, such as black plum, hawthorn, papaya, schisandra, etc., which can quench thirst.


Eat more foods that clear away heat and dampness, such as red adzuki beans, mung beans, raw coix seeds, etc., these foods are flat in nature, light in taste, and can clear away dampness and heat.


Eat more ginger, ginger can be appetizing and warm the stomach. After entering the summer, raw and cold food gradually comes to the table, playing an important role in cooling off, but at the same time, it also depletes the spleen, stomach and yang energy. Therefore, eating some ginger in moderation is good for the stomach and intestines. This is especially important for people with poor spleen and stomach function.


It is advisable to eat more of five types of vegetables

High water content: Winter melon is preferred, which has a water content of up to 96%.

Clearing heat and dampness: loofah and cucumber are preferred.

Anti-fire septic: Bitter gourd is preferred.

Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal: garlic and onions are preferred.

Red: Tomatoes, red peppers are preferred.

Health Literacy Campaign | Drink more of these 4 kinds of tea in summer to benefit your energy and spend the summer safely


When drinking traditional Chinese medicine tea recipes, avoid cold, greasy, and spicy foods, and do not mix multiple tea recipes a day;

It is recommended to drink tea once a day, one small sachet at a time, and take it warm;

Do not use iron pots or aluminum pots for frying, try to choose casseroles, ceramic pots, health pots, etc.

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