
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~

author:Search Laizhou

Summer is the time of year when drowning is high

In order to enhance the safety awareness of young journalists

Avoid drowning accidents

Ensuring the safety of life

More than 200 young reporters in Laizhou today

Walk into Laizhou Baijian Sports

"Immersive" experience

Drowning prevention safety education activities

Learn about drowning prevention

Master swimming skills and self-rescue and self-care methods

Remember! Shouting for help

After the event began, the young reporters changed into sports "equipment" and gathered at the designated location. "Do any of you know how to swim?" "Do the kids know what drowning is?" The sports coach of Laizhou Baijian first gave a vivid and interesting drowning prevention safety knowledge lesson to the young reporter, explaining what drowning is, the process of drowning death, and what are the dangerous waters that cannot be approached.

"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~

Subsequently, the coach simulated a real scene teaching of "how to rescue an accidental fall into the water" for the little reporter, combined with props, simulated how to give first aid to the drowning person on the spot, and let the little reporter practice it himself, through the combination of theory and practice, he really mastered the methods of self-rescue and other rescue.

"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~

"Hand in hand to rescue drowning people is a common wrong way to rescue, which can easily lead to mass fatalities. The correct thing to do when a companion falls into the water is to shout for help and seek help from an adult. The coach told the young reporter that the force of the person who fell into the water was often very strong and uncontrollable, so it was not feasible and dangerous to try to pull the person ashore.

Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore

At the scene, the coach also explained the essentials and methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the young reporters in detail, and warned everyone to cherish life, establish a strong sense of safety, strengthen self-protection, and do not play or swim in reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds and other waters.

"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~

Under the guidance of the coach, the young reporter did warm-up exercises seriously, played games in the water, and experienced the fun of swimming.

"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~
"Immersive" experience! Mom and Dad don't have to worry anymore~

"Every summer vacation, I am afraid that my children will drown. This activity is so timely, allowing children to feel the danger of drowning, and its educational effect is far more effective than preaching. Ms. Wang, a parent, said.

Drowning prevention is a reminder

Walk with safety

This activity really helped the young reporters realize the importance of drowning prevention and master the correct treatment methods, improve safety awareness and self-protection awareness, so that the young reporters know how to cherish their lives, stay away from danger, and grow up happily with safety!