
Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

author:Pinggu Group Worker

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District spoke out enthusiastically, "saying a word from the heart to the party", turning the sonorous and powerful oath into a loud promise, turning it into enthusiastic words and sending good wishes to the party!

Wang Qiuju

Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Heping Street Village, Pinggu Town

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

Our party has gone through 103 years of ups and downs. With infinite admiration, infinite love, and incomparable excitement, I wish our great party a stronger and our country more prosperous! Under the correct leadership of the higher-level party committees, we will unite as one, do our best, unite as one, make great efforts to govern the country, promote development with party building, strengthen governance with development, and benefit the people's livelihood with governance. I will always keep in mind the "spirit of benevolence and righteousness" and carry forward the inheritance, and answer the grassroots "people's livelihood papers" with high-quality grassroots governance capabilities.

Fang Husheng

Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Hujiaying Village, Yukou Town

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I sincerely wish our great motherland prosperity and peace and security, and at the same time offer the highest respect and birthday wishes to the Communist Party of China. Looking back on the glorious history of the party, the countryside has witnessed the great changes in the country, as a village party branch secretary, I always believe that only by doing will it change, will it become better and better. In the future, under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, we will continue to promote from the four aspects of party building, industrial development, rural civilization and village governance, build Hujiaying Village into a model of beautiful countryside, and contribute our strength to the realization of rural revitalization.

Fu Xing

Member of the Party Branch of Xianwangzhuang Village, Xiagezhuang Town

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I would like to extend my deepest respect and most sincere blessings to the great Communist Party of China. This year is also the 10th year that I have joined the Communist Party of China. In the past ten years, the party organization has been leading us to do practical things for the people and vigorously develop the rural sweet potato "local specialty" industry. As a front-line party member at the grassroots level, I will keep in mind the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists, always maintain the spirit of struggle, insist on seeking happiness for the people, and let the people increase their income and become rich, and live and work in peace and contentment.

Gong Yinhua

Director of the Office of Pinggu Branch of Beijing No. 2 Experimental Primary School

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

July 1 is the 103rd birthday of the Chinese Communist Party. Our party has never forgotten its original aspiration along the way, been with the people, sought well-being for the people, and eliminated worries for the people, and thanked the party for bringing us today's happy life. Let us wish our party a happy birthday, eternal youth, forge ahead, and wish our great motherland peace and prosperity! Under the glorious light of the party, I will work hard with more enthusiasm and a more pragmatic style, constantly improve myself, and contribute youth and strength to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Li Yanran

Cadre of the Party Office of Xiong'erzhai Township

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

July 1 is the birthday of the party, but also the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, when offering good wishes to the party, do not forget to look back on the road of a hundred years of trials and hardships, facts have strongly proved that it is very important to strengthen ideals and beliefs. As a young party worker, I will stick to the oath of joining the party, strive to inherit the faith, forge ahead and take responsibility, do a good job in party affairs with full enthusiasm and firm determination, and present the party's birthday with practical actions!

Zhao Xuefeng

2020 Rural Revitalization Coordinator of Liujiadian Town

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

103 spring and autumn seasons, a touch of Chinese red forever. As a representative of party members and a grassroots propaganda reporter in Liujiadian Town, I know that every party member is a valuable asset of the party and an indispensable part of the party's cause. I will continue to tell the story of my hometown, promote Liujiadian with my heart, continue to love this land, and contribute to the construction of Gaoda Shangping Valley! Let us keep in mind our original mission and forge ahead into the new era on every ordinary day. Once again, I wish the party a happy birthday, and may the future of the motherland be even more dazzling!

Li Xiaojiao

Wang Xinzhuang Town, Qi Gezhuang Village Grid Member

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

As a grid member, we are closest to the villagers, through going deep into the masses and going to the door, understanding the most direct social conditions and public opinions, solving the most direct difficult problems of the masses, and putting the people's worries at hand. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, let us devote ourselves to the grid work with practical actions, and express our most sincere blessings and deepest emotions to the party.

Sekien Garden

Cadre of the office of the District Finance Bureau

Party members and cadres of party organizations at all levels in Pinggu District sent a message to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party (1)

There is a party dream in my heart

Born under the red flag, grown in the spring breeze,

No waste, no hardship.

Where the heart desires, the past is done,

Life is like a reverse journey, a reed to sail.

The eyes are all Chinese,

The five stars shine with faith.

My heart is to the party, and my original intention has not changed,

Youth is boundless, struggle to the city,

The future is together, forge ahead,

A strong country has me, and I will live up to the glory!