
If you pull out a single gray hair, it will grow 10? Should you pull it out or not? The answer is →

author:Released in Hanzhong
If you pull out a single gray hair, it will grow 10? Should you pull it out or not? The answer is →

I'm sure someone around you has said this kind of thing - don't pull out gray hair, it will be more and more. How many more? Some people say that pulling one will grow 3 roots, and it is even more exaggerated to say that pulling one will grow 10 roots. Is this really the case?

Of course not! If this were the case, the dermatologist would probably wake up laughing in his dreams, because the people who lost their hair were saved! Just imagine, 1 becomes 10, 10 becomes 100...... If we keep pulling out, there will be more and more, and hair loss will no longer be a medical problem that bothers us.

Curious readers may still have a lot of doubts about why gray hair is really not clean, such as how gray hair is formed, and what to do with gray hair.

Today we are going to talk about the gray hair that bothers everyone.

Gray hair is not plucked, what is the problem?

Some people mistakenly think that the white hair is plucked and grown, and it is a problem of plucking, but it is not. If you don't pull it out, new gray hairs will continue to grow.

Why is this happening? One of the most common reasons is that it's getting older.

It's not that you're old, it's just that you're older than before. Let's take a look at a few sets of data:

White people generally start to develop gray hair around the age of 35, Asians generally develop gray hair in their 30s to 40s, and black people start to turn gray around the age of 45.

In addition, half of them will have a large amount of gray hair by the age of 50.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of gray hairs grows one after another after the age of 30 as we age, which is generally a natural phenomenon mentioned above. This is the same reason that our skin is no longer supple, fine lines crawl around the eyes, and dark spots are dotted on the cheeks.

The mechanism of this hair graying is that the melanocytes in the hair follicles are not active enough to produce normal melanin, so the hair that grows is no longer jet black. If you look closely, some hair is gray, some are white, gray hair is pigmented, and white hair is completely pigmented.

If you pull out a single gray hair, it will grow 10? Should you pull it out or not? The answer is →

Moreover, if there is someone in the family who has similar gray hair, then through heredity, it will also affect the offspring to a certain extent. In other words, there is a certain genetic predisposition to this condition of insufficient melanocyte viability.

In addition, there is a small percentage of people who develop gray hair prematurely, and it is not uncommon for Asians to have more than 5 gray hairs before the age of 25. If this premature gray hair is not widespread and does not continue to worsen, there is often no need to be overly concerned.

Why do you have premature gray hair? Scholars speculate that it may be related to a number of factors, such as:

Environmental factors: UV exposure from sunlight

Personal behavior: smoking, effects of individual medications

Nutritional factors: trace element deficiency, nutrient deficiency

Disease factors: vitiligo, thyroid disease

Readers who have premature gray hair can compare and take a look. If the premature gray hair is very large and even worsening, you can seek medical attention in time and find a dermatologist to assist in the evaluation.

White hair, plucked or not plucked?

Although pulling out gray hair will not make gray hair grow more, it is still a problem to not pull out gray hair when encountering it.

If you look at it from a medical point of view, it can be pulled, but there are risks.

The reason why it can be pulled out is because if you pull one, you will have one less. If the hair follicle is damaged, the corresponding hair follicle will not be able to continue to produce gray hair.

However, it should be noted that after the hair follicle is damaged, there is a certain probability of infection, such as bacteria taking advantage of the weakness to cause bacterial folliculitis of the scalp, which is manifested as small white or red particles and pustules in the center of the hair follicle. If there is a lot of gray hair, it is also troublesome to operate, and the pain of pulling the hair and the probability of infection will be superimposed.

Therefore, to pull out or not to pull, this is not a factual judgment, but a value judgment, there is no standard answer, you have to weigh it yourself.

So, if you don't pull it out, is there any other way? A: There are many ways to do this.

Option 1: Leave it alone. In all seriousness, this is indeed a solution. It is an objective fact that we need to know that no one is perfect, and the same is true for skin, hair will become gray, skin will be rough, and wrinkles will increase...... If you can adapt to the changes of nature, you can also do it (and save money and worry).

Method 2: Cut off the roots. That is, cutting off the gray hair at the root of the hair. One of the benefits of this is that it does not damage the hair follicles and does not worry about folliculitis; But there is also a downside, that is, after a while, gray hair will come out again - specifically, it will grow about 1.3 cm in 1 month.

Option 3: Dye your hair. Hair coloring is a good way to quickly improve your appearance, and it is also a program recommended by a doctor for middle-aged and elderly people with a lot of gray hair.

What about medication? Unfortunately, there is no definite effective drug to turn gray hair black.

What should I do if I don't want to grow gray hair?

Unfortunately, there is no good way to prevent it.

Scientists have experimented with mice and found that there are three genes that help maintain the number of melanocytes. By manipulating these genes, gray hair in mice was successfully prevented or reduced. However, there are currently no products based on this research.

Studies have shown that smoking is more likely to cause gray hair. Specifically, the numbers are as follows – smokers are 2.5 times more likely to have gray hair before the age of 30 than non-smokers. So if you don't want to grow gray hair, for long-term smokers, you can try to quit smoking.

If you pull out a single gray hair, it will grow 10? Should you pull it out or not? The answer is →

If you sleep well and live happily every day, will there be fewer gray hairs? The answer is "not sure" because there is no exact relationship between stress, emotional problems and gray hair, and most gray hair and stress are two different things.

It can be seen that it is mostly in vain to avoid gray hair.

Similarly, Diana Jewell, author of "Going Gray, Looking Great," admits that "gray hair makes you older is far from realistic." If you were young, energetic, and healthy before you grew gray hair, you will still be able to do so after growing gray hair. It all depends on your attitude towards it...... If you think it's just another color, you won't be afraid to go white. ”

"Accept what we can't change", this sentence also applies to us with gray hair.

If you pull out a single gray hair, it will grow 10? Should you pull it out or not? The answer is →

Source: Science refutes rumors

Editor: Zi Liang