
Today, May 27, is the day of the nine poisons of heaven and earth, remind: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Introduction: Today, May 27, is the "Heaven and Earth Jiaotai Nine Poisons Day" to remind everyone: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash, 5 to do

Today's May 27: Taboos and Reminders of the "Nine Poisons Day of Heaven and Earth"

Dear friends, today is May 27, and it is also the "Nine Poisons Day of Heaven and Earth". On this special day, the editor would like to remind everyone of some important matters: one does not eat, three does not pay, four washes, and five does. Check it out! 1. Don't eat: Avoid eating raw and cold foods. During the Nine Poisons Day, our body is more sensitive, and raw and cold food may irritate the stomach and intestines and affect the normal function of the digestive system. So, eat plenty of warm food to keep your body warm and healthy.

Today, May 27, is the day of the nine poisons of heaven and earth, remind: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash

3. Non-payment:

1. Don't make bad friends. Socializing with positive, kind and upright people can bring us positive energy and good influence.

2. Don't make friends with lazy people. Laziness wears down the human will and affects our growth and progress.

3. Those who do not have grievances. Stay away from complaining and negative energy, and let your life be full of sunshine and joy. Fourth, to wash:

4. Wash your hair. Keeping our hair clean helps blood circulation in the head and makes us feel refreshed.

5. Take a bath. Proper bathing can cleanse the body, soothe fatigue and improve physical and mental comfort.

6. Ask for laundry. Wash your clothes in a timely manner to keep them clean and hygienic to reduce the growth of bacteria.

Today, May 27, is the day of the nine poisons of heaven and earth, remind: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash

7. Wash your heart. In the midst of a busy life, give your mind a bath, let go of worries and stress, and let your heart be peaceful and peaceful. Fifth, we should do:

8. Exercise more. Proper exercise can strengthen physical fitness, improve immunity, and allow us to have a healthy body.

9. Read more. Reading can increase knowledge, broaden our horizons, and enrich our inner world.

10. Spend more time with your family. Family is our most precious treasure, and spending time with them is a great way to enjoy the family.

11. Be grateful. Be grateful for the little things in life, cherish everything we have, and make our hearts richer.

12. Smile more. Smile is the most beautiful language, it can convey warmth and kindness, and bring happiness to yourself and others. Dear friends, remember these reminders, let us maintain good living habits and a positive attitude in the "Heaven and Earth Friendship and Nine Poisons Day".

"Heaven and Earth Friendship and Nine Poison Day" is a concept related to seasonal changes and health preservation in traditional Chinese culture. The following is an introduction to some of the relevant content of the "Heaven and Earth Jiaotai Nine Poison Day":

1. Meaning of the season: "Heaven and earth are in harmony" refers to the state of harmony between the qi of heaven and earth. In traditional Chinese culture, May is considered to be the time when heaven and earth meet, when the climate is getting hotter and all things are thriving.

Today, May 27, is the day of the nine poisons of heaven and earth, remind: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash

2. The time of the Nine Poisons Day: The "Nine Poisons Day" usually refers to a specific day in the fifth month of the lunar calendar. The exact dates may vary depending on the region and tradition, but generally include the 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 25th, 26th, and 27th days of the fifth month.

3. Health Concept: According to the traditional concept of health preservation, the "Nine Poisons Day" is considered to be a period that requires special attention to health preservation. During this time, one should take care to condition the body and avoid overwork and bad lifestyle habits to stay healthy.

4. Dietary attention: During the "Nine Poisons Day", some traditional health concepts advocate avoiding spicy, greasy and irritating foods, and eating more light and cool foods, such as vegetables, fruits, herbal teas, etc.

Today, May 27, is the day of the nine poisons of heaven and earth, remind: 1 do not eat, 3 do not pay, 4 to wash

5. Heatstroke prevention and cooling: As the weather gets hotter in May, the "Nine Poisons Day" is also regarded as an important part of heatstroke prevention and cooling.

May everyone spend each day healthy and happy! If you have more suggestions or ideas, please leave a message in the comment area! Don't forget to like and share to benefit more people!

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