
Tomorrow, May 28, is the "closing day" if you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Introduction: Tomorrow's May 28 is the "closing day", if you are free or not, remember: 2 do not eat, 3 do not fight, 6 do not do, there is a particular

Tomorrow's May 28: The Importance of "Closing the Day"

Dear friends, tomorrow is May 28, which is said to be the "closing day". On this special day, there are some traditions! Whether you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do, come and see!

Tomorrow, May 28, is the "closing day" if you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do

1. 2 Don't eat:

- Don't eat raw and cold food: Because "harvest day" means harvest and convergence, eating raw and cold food may affect the body's absorption and digestion.

- Don't eat greasy foods: Avoid greasy foods to make your body feel more relaxed and ready for a good day.

2. 3 Discontention:

- Don't argue: Maintain a calm mind, avoid arguments with others, and make life more harmonious.

- Don't fight for fame and fortune: Let go of utilitarianism, cherish the harvest of the moment, and don't pursue fame and fortune excessively.

- Don't fight for gains and losses: Calmly face the gains and losses, believing that everything is the best arrangement.

3. 6 Don'ts:

- Don't take risks: Be cautious and avoid unnecessary risks.

Tomorrow, May 28, is the "closing day" if you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do

- Don't overwork: Take a break, protect your body, and combine work and rest.

- Don't do things that don't run out of money: Be cautious about managing your finances and plan your income and expenses wisely.

- Don't do evil words and deeds: Treat others with kindness and tolerance, and spread positive energy.

- Don't do anything that harms the environment: Take care of our homes and start with the small things around us.

Tomorrow, May 28, is the "closing day" if you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do

- Don't do things that violate your conscience: Stick to the bottom line of morality and be a person with a conscience. Although these exquisiteness may seem simple, they contain profound wisdom of life. In the fast-paced modern life, we might as well stop once in a while and follow these traditions to make our lives more ritualistic, and also make ourselves more aware of our physical and mental health and harmony with others. Of course, these particulars are not absolute, and we can make appropriate adjustments according to our actual situation. The most important thing is to face each day with a positive attitude and feel the beauty of life with love and kindness. I hope that everyone can harvest full of happiness and joy on May 28th!

On the day of "Closing Day", there are specific taboos and customs that may vary from region to region and culture, but usually include the following:

1. It is not advisable to conduct large-scale transactions or commercial activities. The "closing day" is considered to be a day of harvest and summarization, and is not suitable for new investments or adventures.

Tomorrow, May 28, is the "closing day" if you are free or not, remember: 2 don't eat, 3 don't fight, 6 don't do

2. Avoid lending money. Lending money on this day may be considered unlucky and may result in financial losses.

3. Marriage activities should not be carried out. Marriage is seen as a new beginning, while "closing day" places more emphasis on ending and tidying up, so some people will avoid having a wedding on this day.

4. Don't trim your hair or beard. Hair and beard are believed to be associated with an individual's fortune and vitality, and trimming on the "closing day" may affect these aspects.

5. Avoid large-scale construction or home renovations. This is because the "closing day" is suitable for convergence and tidying, rather than starting a new construction project.

6. Respect ancestors and gods. On this day, sacrificial ceremonies can be performed to pay homage to ancestors and gods and give thanks for their protection. It is important to note that most of these taboos and customs are based on traditional cultural and belief ideas and have no scientific basis. In modern society, people's lifestyles and values have changed a lot, and the perception of these traditions.

If you have other thoughts or experiences about "Closing Day", please share them in the comment area! Let's discuss and grow together!