
Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Today is May 27, and it is said that it is still a "closed day". On this day, no matter how busy you are, you must keep in mind some traditional customs and exquisiteness! Let's take a look.

Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

1. Not out: It means that it is not advisable to go out and travel far away. On a "closed" day, it's best to avoid going out as much as possible, especially if you're traveling long distances. There is the option of relaxing at home, or enjoying some relaxing indoor activities for a peaceful time.

2. 3 Indisputable: These three indisputables are not fighting for words, not fighting for fame and fortune, and not fighting for gains and losses. On this day, it is necessary to maintain a peaceful mind, avoid disputes and conflicts with others, value harmony, and make your mood more comfortable.

Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

3. 5 to eat: "5 to eat" here means to eat some food with special meaning to pray for good luck and health. For example, to eat noodles, it symbolizes longevity; To eat zongzi, it means reunion; To eat eggs represents peace; To eat fruits, it symbolizes sweetness; To be jealous, it helps digestion and health.

Although these exquisiteness may have some traditional overtones, they also reflect people's expectations and wishes for a better life. In modern life, we can follow these customs moderately according to our actual situation, so that life has a more sense of ritual and fun.

Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

Of course, we should also look at these particularities rationally and not be overly superstitious. The most important thing is to maintain a positive mindset, face each day with a peaceful mood, and believe in your own hard work and wisdom to create a better life.

The Traditional Customs of "Closed Day" on May 27

The "closed day" of May 27 has a unique traditional custom in some places. Let's find out!

1. Ancestor worship: On the day of the "closed day", people will hold ancestor worship activities to express respect and remembrance for their ancestors.

2. Sexual intercourse: Some areas consider it unlucky to have sexual intercourse on "closed days" and therefore avoid sexual intercourse on this day.

3. Avoid getting married: Some people believe that "closed days" are not suitable for weddings, so they choose other auspicious days for weddings.

4. Immovable soil: Traditionally, "closed days" are not considered good days to break ground, and are usually avoided for groundbreaking activities such as building houses and digging ditches.

5. Anmen: Anmen refers to the installation of portals, and in some places it is closed on "closed days", which means that good luck and good fortune are welcomed into the home.

Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

It is important to note that these traditional customs may vary from region to region, and people's perceptions are gradually changing with the development of the times. Some people may still follow these customs, while others may not care too much. In any case, these customs are part of the culture, and they reflect people's expectations and wishes for a better life.

In modern society, we should look at these traditional customs with a scientific attitude, and at the same time respect and protect cultural diversity. If you're interested in the "Closed Day" tradition on May 27, you can learn more about the local culture and history, and feel the charm and wisdom of it. Of course, you can also share other customs related to "closed days" that you know in the comment area, so let's discuss and learn together!

Today, May 27 is a "closed day", no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 1 does not come out, 3 does not fight, and 5 must eat

Finally, I hope that on May 27, you can keep these particulars in mind and make your life smoother and happier! If you have any other interesting customs or experiences about May 27th, please share them in the comment area!