
On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Introduction: On July 6th, you must know how to eat to "cool off", 5 kinds of delicacies are easy to make and nourish people, and you can spend the summer comfortably

[Summer is coming, these 5 delicacies will make you cool off in the summer!] 】

On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

The heat is coming, the heat is unbearable, and people are looking for various ways to cool down. In addition to the physical way to beat the heat, diet is also an important part. Today, I'm going to recommend 5 delicious and nourishing foods to make your summer feel comfortable and healthy.

1. Mung bean soup: Mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and improving water, and is a good product to cool off in summer. Wash the mung beans, add an appropriate amount of water and boil until the mung beans bloom, add rock sugar or honey to taste, and enjoy. Mung bean soup is not only delicious, but it also helps us to flush out heat toxins from our body, so that you can feel cool on a hot summer day.

On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

2. Cold cucumber: Cucumber is cool, rich in water and vitamin C, making it a great vegetable to quench your thirst in summer. Crush or shred the cucumber, add garlic, vinegar, salt, sesame oil and other seasonings and mix well, and a refreshing and delicious cold cucumber salad is completed. This dish is simple and easy to make and will whet your appetite on a hot summer day.

3. Watermelon juice: Watermelon is the king of fruits in summer, rich in water and vitamins. Peel and remove the seeds of the watermelon, cut it into small pieces, put it in a juicer to squeeze the juice, add a small amount of ice cubes, and a glass of cold watermelon juice is ready. Watermelon juice both quenches thirst and replenishes the nutrients your body needs.

4. Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd: Although bitter gourd is bitter, its effects of clearing heat and relieving fire, detoxifying and brightening the eyes are lovely. Wash and remove the bitter gourd, cut it into slices, stir-fry it with eggs, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste. This dish is not only nutritious, but also helps us beat the heat.

On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

5. Lotus seed and lily porridge: Both lotus seeds and lilies have the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Cook the lotus seeds, lilies, and glutinous rice together in the porridge, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, and cook until the rice grains are soft and rotten. This porridge has a sweet taste and is the best choice for summer heat and health.

In this hot summer, let's cool down with delicious food and enjoy a cool and healthy summer! At the same time, we should also pay attention to a balanced and diverse diet, maintain a moderate amount of exercise and a good work and rest, so as to make the body healthier. Remember to share these delicacies with your friends and spend the summer together!

[Xiaoxia health, you can't miss these points! ] 】

The heat wave is rolling in, and there must be a way to maintain health in order to spend the summer healthily. The following key points of health preservation must be kept in mind!

On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

1. Diet: In the summer season, the diet should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, such as watermelon, cucumber, bitter gourd, etc., which can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also replenish water and vitamins. Avoid spicy and greasy foods to avoid aggravating the burden on the stomach.

2. Replenish water: In summer, you sweat a lot and lose water quickly, so drink plenty of water to maintain your body's water balance. You can drink some tea drinks that clear away heat and relieve heat, such as chrysanthemum tea, green tea, etc.

3. Pay attention to rest: In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, so to ensure adequate sleep, napping is a good choice. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid outdoor activities for a long time to prevent heat stroke.

4. Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can enhance physical fitness, but choose to do it during a cooler period, such as morning or evening. Replenish water in time after exercise to prevent dehydration.

5. Regulate your mood: Hot weather can easily make people feel irritable, so learn to regulate your emotions and keep your mood comfortable. You can listen to music, read books, travel, etc., and let yourself relax.

On July 6th, the summer heat, "cool off" must know how to eat, 5 kinds of food are easy to make and nourish people, and spend the summer comfortably

6. Disease prevention: In the summer season, pay attention to the prevention of intestinal diseases, colds, etc., keep indoor ventilation, wash hands frequently, and pay attention to personal hygiene. Health tips: mung bean soup, lotus leaf porridge, a good helper to quench your thirst; Watermelon, bitter gourd, clear heat and detoxify without worry; Go to bed early and wake up early, be in good health, and be in a good mood.

Let's develop good living habits and spend this hot summer healthily!

The above are the 5 kinds of summer food recommended by the editor for everyone, I hope you like it. If you have any other summer food recommendations, please leave a message in the comment area to share!

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