
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

author:Published by McGetty

In order to vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, on July 1, Makati County held the "July 1st" national flag raising and "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony, expressing infinite loyalty and love for the party in a solemn and sacred way.

The morning sun is shining, the wind is and the sun is shining. At 10 o'clock in the morning, in the passionate and majestic, inspiring national anthem, the five-star red flag was rising, all party members and cadres lined up neatly, full of spirit, solemn and solemn, with high respect for the party and the motherland, to the national flag salute, singing the national anthem, wishing the party's cause to flourish and the great motherland prosperous.

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

On behalf of the county party committee and the county people's government, Adili Hasmu, deputy secretary of the Makati county party committee and county magistrate, extended holiday greetings and best wishes to the party members and cadres in the county. Adili Hasmu pointed out that the majority of party members in the county should take a clear stand on politics, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and action, comprehensively strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, constantly strengthen the theoretical armament, temper the political character of loyalty and excellence, and always maintain the political nature of the communists. It is necessary to stand firmly on the people's position, cultivate the feelings of public servants, insist on taking the lead in setting an example, leading the trend of the times, boosting the mental state, and working in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, continue to carry forward the spirit of seeking truth and pragmatism, doing solid work, and overcoming difficulties, and continue to make new achievements in achieving long-term peace and stability and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

In this event, the old party members were also awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the new party member representatives wore party member badges and organized them to take the oath to join the party, and further guided all party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, enhance the concept of party spirit, bear in mind the party discipline and party rules, and always practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, firmly establish the confidence and determination to be a pioneer and an example in various work, and make every effort to create new achievements worthy of the party, the people, and the times.

Gao Yinping, a lawyer at Xinjiang Daolang Law Firm, said: "Today is the birthday of the Communist Party of China, and I am honored to participate in this unforgettable flag-raising ceremony, and review with you the history of the Communist Party of China from a small red ship that set sail 103 years ago to a majestic giant ship 'China'. As a member of the Communist Party, in my future work, I will actively play a vanguard and exemplary role, and bloom the strength of youth in hard work and struggle. ”

"At the flag-raising ceremony, we reviewed the oath of joining the party, and felt the centennial history of the Communist Party of China, which gave me a profound spiritual baptism. As a member of the Communist Party, in my future work, I will work actively, maintain my original intention of joining the party, and do my own work well. ”

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Eventful years, engraved glorious dreams. The construction of a strong country opens a new chapter of the times. After the event, the party members and cadres who participated in the flag-raising ceremony said that they would continue to stay true to their original aspirations, forge ahead, carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red blood, practice the general requirements of loyalty to the party and serve the people with practical actions, and contribute to the high-quality economic development of Makati County. (Contributed by reporters from the Rong Media Center of Maigaiti County, Dilishati Amer, Kahereman Tuladin, and Nyaz Aili Yusufu)

Baza Jiemi Town

In order to inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions and cherish the memory of the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, on July 1, the Party Committee of Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, organized and carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities to further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of all party members and cadres, pass on the spirit of struggle, and inherit the original mission.

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

With the sound of the majestic national anthem and the bright five-star red flag, all the party members of the Party Committee of Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, watched with excitement and sang the national anthem in unison, paying tribute and blessings to the great motherland. All party members collectively swore an oath to review the oath of joining the party, and further demonstrated their firm political beliefs and unswerving determination to struggle.

Maheshatibay Kederbayi, a cadre of the People's Government of Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, said: "In my future work and life, I will strengthen my ideals and beliefs, constantly strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, keep in mind the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, always maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee ideologically, politically and in action, implement the party's line, principles and policies to the letter, be a qualified Communist Party member, and strive for the communist cause for life." ”

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Through this activity, the ideals and beliefs of party members have been further strengthened, and the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres has been stimulated. In the next step, the Party Committee of Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, will not forget its original intention, unite and lead the party organizations at all levels and all party members to continue to struggle, live up to the times and live up to the time with practical actions, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Maigaiti County.

Ma Jia, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Bazha Jiemi Town, Maigaiti County, said: "The Party Committee of Bazha Jiemi Town will take this event as an opportunity to combine party discipline learning and education with the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, continuously improve the political position, accurately grasp the target requirements, based on the actual work, improve the quality and effect of party discipline learning and education, and transform the motivation stimulated by party discipline learning and education into a strong driving force to promote the construction of grassroots party organizations and high-quality economic development." (Contributed by Wang Kai, reporter of Maigaiti County Financial Media Center)

Makati Town

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Xiyitidun Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Yangtak Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Tumantal Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Gazi Kule Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Kyzyl Awati Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Kumu Kusar Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Angertlek Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party
【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party

Kurma Township

【July 1st Special Issue】Sail to chase dreams and welcome July 1st, do not forget the original intention and praise the party