
Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?


As we all know, the five tiger generals of Shu Han refer to Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong, of which Guan Yu ranks first, Zhang Fei ranks second, and Huang Zhong ranks fifth! However, with everyone's in-depth understanding of the Three Kingdoms, many people have different opinions about the ranking of the five tiger generals.

Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?

Zhuge Liang's evaluation of Zhang Fei

Zhang Fei is a very powerful general under Liu Bei, and even Lu Bu, who is known as the first in the world, is quite afraid when facing Zhang Fei, so that many people think that Zhang Fei can be regarded as the second fierce general of the Three Kingdoms. However, from Zhuge Liang's point of view, Zhang Fei's martial arts may not be so high!

In Zhuge Liang's view, Zhang Fei is a reckless man, even if he can use a little trick, it is a small fight, and he can't be on the stage. Even in terms of Zhang Fei's best martial arts, Zhuge Liang is not very optimistic!

When Liu Bei took Zhuge Liang and others to attack Yizhou, Ma Chao led people to attack the rear, and after learning the news, Liu Bei immediately found Zhuge Liang to discuss, and the final result of the discussion was that Zhang Fei went out to fight Ma Chao. However, before issuing the order, Zhuge Liang specially told Liu Bei not to tell Zhang Fei about the appointment directly, but to let himself motivate Zhang Fei first.

Original text: Kong Ming pretended to ignore it and said to Xuande: "Today, Ma Chao has violated the pass, and no one is invincible; Unless you go to Jingzhou to take Guan Yunchang, you can fight the enemy. ”

Zhuge Liang deliberately said in front of Zhang Fei that Guan Yu needed to come to defeat Ma Chao, implying that Zhang Fei might not be able to succeed in the battle. The implication of this move has already revealed the strength and weakness of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Zhuge Liang's mind.

Zhang Fei was naturally dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang's evaluation, so he was ready to take out twelve points of combat power to deal with Ma Chao, but unfortunately, in the process of fighting against Ma Chao, Zhang Fei did not gain the upper hand. In the end, Zhuge Liang couldn't look at it, so he came to the front-line battlefield in person, and sent his lobbyists to talk about peace with Ma Chao, so he successfully subdued Ma Chao. It can be seen from Zhuge Liang's series of operations that in his opinion, Zhang Fei is not Guan Yu's opponent, nor is he Ma Chao's opponent!

Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?

Zhuge Liang's evaluation of Guan Yu

Zhang Fei failed to win against Ma Chao, which made Guan Yu, as his brother, very angry, so he personally wrote to Liu Bei, saying that he was going to Chengdu for a trip, and he would meet Ma Chao for a while to see how powerful Ma Chao was? And Liu Bei, who learned the news, immediately found Zhuge Liang to discuss, and the final solution was that Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to appease Guan Yu, persuading him to focus on the overall situation and not run blindly!

Original text: With brightness: Meng Qidang and Yide are competing for the first, and they are still not as outstanding as the beautiful bearded man.

In Zhuge Liang's persuasion letter, he said that although Ma Chao is powerful, he is only about the same as Zhang Fei, he is not Guan Yu's opponent at all, and hopes that Guan Yu will focus on the overall situation and not worry about people like Ma Chao. In the end, under the persuasion of Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu gave up his plan to enter Shu to challenge, and the matter became a beautiful conversation.

In general, judging from Zhuge Liang's persuasion letter to Guan Yu, he thinks that Ma Chao and Zhang Fei are of the same level, and Ma Chao can't compare to Guan Yu at all!

Zhuge Liang's evaluation of Huang Zhong

Because Huang Zhong has been mixed for most of his life, he has never been mixed to a very high position, and his reputation is not very big, so many people think that Huang Zhong is a veteran oilman, and his combat effectiveness is not good. Even celebrities like Liu Bei and Guan Yu, who are known as well-known people, can't see Huang Zhong's details, and think that Huang Zhong is an ordinary veteran and not to be afraid.

Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?

In fact, in our real life, we can often see a person who is very capable, but not in a high position, this is mainly because this person will not flatter, the person who can really go to a high position is a person who can speak well, a person who will only bury his head in work, and there will always be endless work! If you don't look up at the road, don't flatter, you will never be reused! Huang Zhong is such a person!

Huang Zhong is very strong, but because he doesn't know how to do things, he has not been reused, even if he is nearly sixty years old, he is still a middle-level general. Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei have lived in Jingzhou for several years, but they still haven't heard of Huang Zhong's name, which shows that Huang Zhong is the kind of person who can only work hard and is not taken seriously! Fortunately, Zhuge Liang has the wisdom to know people, and he has long seen that Huang Zhong is different!

When Guan Yu was about to seize Changsha City, Zhuge Liang had already explained that Han Xuan, the Taishou of Changsha City, was not terrible, what was terrible was the guard Huang Zhong, don't look at Huang Zhong's old age, but his combat effectiveness was very strong, Guan Yu, you must be careful!

Original text: Kong Ming said: "Although it is nearly sixty years old this year, there is the courage of ten thousand people, and the enemy should not be underestimated. When Yun Chang goes, he must bring more military horses. ”…… Kong Ming said Xuande and said: "Yun Chang underestimated the enemy Huang Zhong, but he was afraid of losing." The lord should answer. ”

Judging from Zhuge Liang's sentence "Huang Zhong has the courage of ten thousand people, and he should not underestimate the enemy", he was very worried about Guan Yu, afraid that Guan Yu would underestimate the enemy and be defeated by Huang Zhong. When Guan Yu didn't listen to the advice and insisted on bringing only five hundred school swordsmen to fight against Huang Zhong, Zhuge Liang directly said, "Yun Chang underestimated the enemy Huang Zhong, I am only afraid of losing, and the lord should respond", indicating that in Zhuge Liang's opinion, Guan Yu could not win against Huang Zhong at all, otherwise he would not let Liu Bei, the boss, go to the battle!

And the follow-up facts also proved that Zhuge Liang was not bad, Guan Yu was not Huang Zhong's opponent at all, whether it was a head-to-head duel or a sneak attack from behind, Guan Yu was a bad move! If it weren't for Wei Yan anyway, he opened the city gate from the city and welcomed Guan Yu inside, Guan Yu's battle would end in a big defeat and lose face!

Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?

Zhuge Liang's evaluation of Zhao Yun

For Zhao Yun's evaluation, the polarization is very serious. Some people think that Zhao Yun is strong and invincible, and he can even wrestle with Lu Bu. Some people also think that Zhao Yun was blown out, and his strength is average. So in Zhuge Liang's opinion, what is Zhao Yun's strength?

In fact, in Zhuge Liang's mind, Zhao Yun is almost a perfect general. Whether it was himself going to Jiangdong to mediate, or Liu Bei going to Dongwu to marry, the personal guards sent by Zhuge Liang were all Zhao Yun, and the meaning of this is self-evident!

In the subsequent battle of Shu and the battle of Hanzhong, Zhuge Liang also expressed his appreciation for Zhao Yun many times. Especially during the Battle of Hanshui, when Huang Zhong ignored the dissuasion and repeatedly asked to fight Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang was forced to have no choice but to allow Huang Zhong to fight, but just in case, he also sent Zhao Yun to respond, and the meaning of his expression was understood by smart people at a glance.

Original text: Kong Ming said: "You can lead a group of soldiers with Zhao Zilong; Consider everything and do it, and see who makes meritorious contributions. ”

And the facts have also proved that Zhuge Liang's opinion is very correct, Huang Zhong is not the opponent of Cao Ying's fierce generals at all, if it wasn't for Zhao Yun's help, Huang Zhong would have been planted in the hands of Xu Huang and Zhang He!

Zhuge Liang ranked the five tiger generals in 4 sentences, Guan Yu ranked 3rd, Zhang Fei ranked 5th, who is the first?


From Zhuge Liang's sentence "Unless you go to Jingzhou to take Guan Yunchang, you can fight the enemy" It can be seen that in his mind, Zhang Fei is not as powerful as Guan Yu and Ma Chao. And the sentence "When you compete with Yide, you are still not as superior as the beautiful bearded man" shows that in Zhuge Liang's view, Guan Yu is stronger than Ma Chao. In addition, the sentence "Yun Chang underestimates the enemy Huang Zhong, I am only afraid of losing, and the lord should respond" can show that Huang Zhong is stronger than Guan Yu, and "You can lead a branch of troops with Zhao Zilong, and do everything according to discussion" shows that Zhao Yun is more powerful than Huang Zhong!

Therefore, judging from the four sentences that Zhuge Liang said, the ranking of the five tiger generals in his mind should be like this: Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, of which Zhao Yun ranks first, Guan Yu is third, and Zhang Fei is fifth!

(This article mainly refers to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)