
Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

author:Xiangzhou financial media

"The weekend coincides with Mapingwei, and the double street starts today; Singing the harmony of the times, colorful and magnificent celebration of July 1st ...... "On June 30th, the Maping Zhuang Huan Song Wei in Maping Town, Xiangzhou County was very lively, and the launching ceremony of the "Zhuang Celebration of July 1st • Building the Chinese Dream Together" and the launching ceremony of the Zhuang Huan Double Street activity in Maping Town was held here.

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......
Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

Local literature and art lovers perform Zhuang song and dance performances.

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

Local literature and art lovers perform suona performances.

On the same day, Maping Zhuang Huan Gewei Square was filled with a strong atmosphere of singing. The traditional costumes of various ethnic groups shine in the sun, showing a strong national style. More than 100 mountain song lovers from Xiangzhou, Liuzhou, Laibin, Baise, Wuxuan and other places gathered together with local compatriots of all ethnic groups to meet friends with songs, convey love with songs, celebrate the party's birthday with singing, dancing and laughter, and express their yearning for a better life and love for the motherland.

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......
Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

Local Guangxi singers and singers sing welcome songs.

The Zhuang compatriots were dressed in costumes and danced a unique Zhuang dance with a cheerful rhythm. Their performances are beautiful, rigid and soft, like a smart picture, full of passion and vitality, showing the unity and fighting spirit of the Zhuang people.

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......
Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

Mountain song lovers of various nationalities are singing mountain songs in duets.

The exchange of Zhuanghuan songs pushed the event to a climax. Focusing on the themes of "Celebrating July 1st • Building the Chinese Dream Together", forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, cultural tourism, promoting national culture, intangible cultural heritage, and rural revitalization, the singers of various ethnic groups sang their love for the party and the motherland, their yearning for a better life, and their firm belief in the inheritance of national culture with simple and sincere singing. They are either passionate or tactful, and each lyric is full of deep friendship. The mountain song lovers in the audience were also infected by this warm atmosphere, and they formed groups in groups and spontaneously sang mountain song duets. For a while, the singing came and went, and the whole song was immersed in a joyful atmosphere. The faces of the singers sometimes showed intoxicated expressions, and sometimes they bloomed with bright smiles, as if all their troubles had disappeared at this moment. The audience took out their mobile phones to record this unforgettable moment.

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

The audience used their mobile phones to record the wonderful moments.

Brother Min, a mountain song lover from Liuzhou, said excitedly: "This kind of activity is so good, it provides us with a very good communication platform, so that we can meet friends with songs and express our blessings to the party and our yearning for a better life." I hope that such activities can be held forever, so that more people can understand and love Zhuanghuan Mountain Song. ”

Rushing to the song and singing mountain songs, the singers of the mountains went straight to this place in Xiangzhou......

Compatriots of all nationalities watched at the scene.

The "Celebration of July 1st • Building the Chinese Dream" and the Zhuanghuan Shuangjie activity in Maping Town is not only an audio-visual feast, but also a inheritance and innovation of national culture, which presents a generous gift for the party's birthday, which not only enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the local people of all ethnic groups, but also shows the achievements made by Maping Town, Xiangzhou County in promoting the inheritance and development of national culture, creating a cultural brand with the characteristics of "Zhuanghuan Township", enhancing the exchange and integration between various ethnic groups, and stimulating the enthusiasm of the people of all ethnic groups in the town to build the Chinese Dream together. It has injected a strong spiritual impetus into national unity and rural revitalization.

Reporter Huang Longtian Correspondent Wu Yongcai Huang Jinghua