
In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

author:Tea food heart

With the arrival of summer, the temperature rises and the humidity is heavy, and our spleen and stomach are often the first to feel this change in nature. The spleen and stomach are not only the main organs for digesting food, but also directly affect the body's energy supply and immunity. On a hot summer day, if the spleen and stomach do not function well, it can trigger a range of health problems, such as loss of appetite, indigestion, fatigue and edema.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

In fact, the health of the spleen and stomach is directly related to our daily vitality and overall health. The spleen is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food and supplying the body with the energy it needs. The stomach is responsible for receiving and initially breaking down food. If the function of the spleen and stomach is impaired, not only will the appetite and digestion be affected, but the absorption of nutrients in the body will also be greatly reduced, resulting in weakness, decreased resistance, and susceptibility to infection.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Therefore, in summer, which is the season when people are prone to physical dysfunction, it is especially necessary to nourish the spleen and stomach through a proper diet. Choosing the right ingredients can not only help improve the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, but also enhance the body's overall endurance and immunity. For this reason, I recommend four ideal ingredients for summer, which can really significantly improve spleen and stomach health after trying.

1. Beef (stir-fried beef)

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Not only is beef delicious, it's also a great choice for summer season. It is rich in high-quality protein and essential amino acids, which can enhance the body's repair function, especially in the case of indigestion that is prone to occur in summer, and the nutrients of beef can effectively support spleen and stomach health. In addition, beef is rich in iron, which helps to improve the tiredness common in summer and gives you more energy.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Moreover, beef's multiple B vitamins can boost appetite and help maintain energy metabolism, which is especially important in hot weather. Coupled with some light cooking methods, such as beef stew or beef broth, it can not only provide enough liquid, but also make the stomach feel comfortable and nourish the spleen and stomach.

2. Yam (Stir-fried beef with yam)

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Yam is an ideal health ingredient in summer, and its mild texture and sweet taste make many people like to use it to regulate their spleen and stomach in the hot summer. Yam is rich in starch, fiber and a variety of trace elements, which can help enhance the digestion and absorption capacity of the spleen and stomach and reduce stomach discomfort.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Eating yams can also provide a steady release of energy, preventing physical exertion during the summer. Especially for those who are prone to feeling exhausted in summer, a moderate amount of yam can not only boost the spirit, but also enhance the body's ability to regulate heat, so that you can be full of energy all summer long.

3. Abalone (Pork rib soup with lime and olive)

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Abalone is a great summer tonic because it not only contains high-quality protein, but is also rich in a variety of trace elements such as zinc, selenium and iron, which are all important nutrients to support spleen and stomach health. The meat of abalone is delicate and easy to digest, which is very suitable for summer consumption, which can help the digestive function of the spleen and stomach and reduce the burden on the digestive system.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

In addition, abalone also has a certain heat-clearing effect, which can provide a cooling sensation for the body on a hot summer day. Making abalone into a light soup or accompaniment to a meal is not only delicious, but it can also help improve the overall quality of your diet and make your summer healthier and more enjoyable.

4. Pigeon (lotus seed, yam pigeon soup)

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Pigeon meat is known as a healthy meat that is high in protein and low in fat, making it perfect for summer. Its meat is more tender than chicken and rich in phospholipids and vitamins, which are essential nutrients for the normal function of the spleen and stomach. Pigeon meat can effectively replenish the nutrients lost by the human body due to excessive sweating in summer, help restore physical strength, and improve the body's ability to resist fatigue.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

At the same time, pigeon meat is also considered a good source of immunity. In the summer, a pigeon soup or a simple pigeon stew will not only make you feel comfortable and satisfied, but also help to stabilize the spleen and stomach against the invasion of external heat, ensuring that your summer is healthy and enjoyable.

In summer, I will eat these 4 ingredients and try them for everyone, and my spleen and stomach will really get better

Through the careful selection of these four ingredients and proper cooking, we can effectively improve and strengthen the function of the spleen and stomach, so that they are full of vitality and health throughout the summer. Be mindful of your diet and your spleen and stomach will thank you! Let's take care of our spleen and stomach with the right ingredients this summer!

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